Time Line: Only Factual Information


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To keep sane and to stay grounded in this mess, I would love put this all of the factual information into a time line of events (as of 09-08-01), to provide everyone a chance to make their own conclusions based on facts alone. Please update, fix and add to the list as facts come out. Just please only include factual sources, NOT tabloid stories. I have chosen to not provide my personal view of what happened as to not influence any conclusion. I would love to hear yours.

Time line of Events known regarding Michael Jackson’s death:

  1. Dr. Murray says he comes across Michael Jackson, whose breathing is slow and says that Michael Jackson still had a light pulse so he started CPR on Michael Jackson.
  2. Dr. Murray says he frantically performs CPR on Michael Jackson in Michael Jackson’s bed, because Michael Jackson has at this point gone into full cardiac arrest.
  3. Dr. Murray say that while he did have a cell phone on him at the time, he couldn’t use it to call 911 because he didn't know the address of his current residence.
  4. After ~20 minutes with no progress, Dr. Murray leaves Michael Jackson alone while Michael Jackson is not breathing and has no heartbeat in order to run downstairs to call for Prince and frantically tells Michael Jackson’s bodyguard to call for medical help, explaining Michael Jackson is having a urgent and serious medical emergency.
  5. Paramedics arrive in 4 minutes and after ~40 minutes of performing CPR and utilizing a defibrillator more than 3 times. They want to pronounce Michael Jackson dead at this time, but under the insistence of Dr. Murray, take Michael Jackson to the hospital, where he is claimed DOA. Dr. Murray rides along with Michael Jackson in the ambulance.
  6. The police confiscate bags of items from Michael Jackson’s house and confiscate Dr. Murray’s car, saying that they are looking for anything that might help them figure out why Michael Jackson died. They make it clear that Dr. Murray is not under investigation because the case was one of determining the reason for death, and was not a criminal case.
  7. After hours of police questioning, Dr. Murray’s attorney states that he did not administer or provide Michael Jackson with Demerol or Morphine. Dr. Murray had already hired an attorney at this time, which is normal, and the attorney says only that his client did not administer Demerol or Morphine to Michael Jackson.
  8. The LA Coroner’s respond to media inquiries and state that Dr. Murray is not a suspect of any crime because Michael Jackson’s death is being treated as any other. They announce that toxicology reports would be forthcoming and that it would take at least 2 -3 weeks for an autopsy to be released. Later on, a death certificate is issued with the “reason for death” marked “unknown at this time”.
  9. Dr. Murray’s attorney is contacted by media sources to ask questions about Dr. Murray. Hours later, a new attorney for the attorney of Dr. Murray rebuts any statements made by lawyer #1 earlier that day due to the fact that the attorney had just woken from a nap and wasn’t clearheaded.
  10. Dr. Murray, his attorney, and his attorney’s attorney are not heard from again.
  11. It is announced by California Attorney General, Jerry Brown, that his office is now involved in the investigation of Michael Jackson‘s death along with the LAPD and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).
  12. Dr. Klein, Michael Jackson’s dermatologist, is interviewed and records are requested of which he says he has provided. Later, the DEA, along with the LAPD serve a search warrant on Dr. Klein and remove additional items.
  13. Dr. Murray is nowhere to be found. He moves back to Texas. Prior to his arrival in Texas, Dr. Murray calls his two assistants, who are sisters, and they then go to Dr. Murray’s storage unit at separate times to remove unspecified items.
  14. The DEA, Attorney General raid Dr. Murray’s office and remove boxes and files from the premises.
  15. The Coroner’s Office states the toxicology tests are in. They are not released. They say the final autopsy will be delayed by ~2 more weeks.
  16. The DEA, AG, and DEA announce that they have begun researching the many prescriptions prescribed to a variety of pseudonyms used to prescribe medication to Michael Jackson Jackson, stating that there were so many that the process would be time consuming and difficult to investigate, yet with use of a national database would be able to obtain information on what drugs were prescribed by which Dr. Murray’s to Michael Jackson at any time.
  17. After a media frenzy regarding the drug Propofol, found in Michael Jackson’s home, news is revealed that Teva Pharmaceuticals had recently recalled 18,000 bottles of Propofol that were tainted with bacteria that was the cause of illness and death.
  18. Teva Pharmaceuticals announces that it will no longer produce the drug Propofol without citing a reason as to why this is being done.
  19. The police announce that they have once again interviewed Dr. Murray, citing no specific reason as to why this was needed, but also saying that he was not a suspect of any crime.
  20. A spokesperson for the LAPD, AG, and DEA, while providing an update on the investigation of Michael Jackson’s death, mistakenly let’s the information that the investigation has now turned into a case of manslaughter.
  21. The LAPD, AG, and DEA do not refute the case being one of manslaughter and it becomes clearer with the following events that the investigation is now one of a criminal manner.
  22. The LAPD, AG, and DEA begin descending upon the offices of three additional physicians that had or were currently treating Michael Jackson.
  23. Five weeks after Michael Jackson’s death, the LA Coroner’s office states that the autopsy is not being released and will not be released for at least two more weeks.
Please discuss.
This proves nothing. That's why the investigation is on going. The PROSECUTORS, DEA, LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENTS, CORONER, and THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL are waiting to get all the facts in before they can make a conclusion and a decision on how and why Michael Jackson died.

And what you posted is not totally FACTUAL. You are only going by what has been reported in the media. Remember you are dealing with leaks and partial information from various reports that have not been deemed to be final, not from the official authorities themselves. We must wait for a full fledged new conference from all the entities above that are involved before we have some insite to what happen to Michael.
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