TIME......and travel - where would you go and when?


Don't know bout anybody else, but i've always been fascinated by time. I remember about a year and a half ago there was a thread about how we deal with the issue of time passing us by. I do remember the dread i was having back then at 29, i don't think it's that hard to imagine how much worse i feel now at 31.

Is there anybody else out there as apprehensive about its passing as i are? I was actually talking about this some weeks ago at work. My whole little 'reflection' stemmed from a random and silly incident. I had dropped my cell on the floor like the clumsy head that i am and i had to set its date and hour once more cause the battery and case were all over the place. And that's when it occurred to me – why can't we set 'real' time just as easily with a touch of a button?


And here is where the whole time travel thing comes along. If you could travel in time, where would you go – in what place and time? And if the time machine was a reality, would you use it? Remember them captain Picard dilemmas – if you could influence history (or in their case the fates of planets and civilizations lol) would you do it, even if for good, would you have the right to turn things in another direction? For example, if you could, would you stop Hitler's parents from meeting so he wouldn't be born, knowing the horrible impact he had on human kind?

In terms of time travel i've always found the middle ages quite fascinating a time. Of course i would have prefered to live in the conditions of the nobility cause it wasn't fun being a poor ole peasant, especially back in those days. I know that time in history has a pretty bad rap being called 'dark' and full of ignorance, but from my point of view it was also actually a time full of spirituality and depth.

Also, i've asked myself more than once if i were alive 2000 years ago while the Lord was walking the earth how would i view Him? Would i have been among the disciples or would i have shouted with the rest of the people in front of Pilate – 'free Barabbas'???

As a post-modern believer it is easy for me to claim that i woul've been on the right side, but there is a part of me which cannot help but have the doubt that i might have not been able to see the truth even if stared me in the face. I think it's a lot easier to be around now when we can't see the Lord, but believe in Him.

There are people who can't see obvious truth standing right in front of them, but those kind of parallels belongs to a less holy segment of life, but then again, maybe it's all part of the same story....

Returning to that horrible foe of mine, that time guy. Don't it seem to no one else that time really is slipping right through our fingers?


There are those who might be tempted to say that time is on our side that it is our friend, but i cannot help but feel a sense of urgency and immediacy about everything around me. It could very well be a perception issue of mine and it could very well be rooted in all my struggles and my issues with time from long ago and all the unmet expectations, prayers and needs from long ago.

I definitely know how relative time can be – for those who wait it seems endless, while for those rejoicing it is passing by to fast. One of my biggest fears is that the agony of seeing time pass by so awfully slowly while i await some sort of miracle and fundamental change in my life will be replaced at some point by a stringent need to make time stop so i can enjoy the bliss which i pray awaits me. And in an ironic twist, what was once a cause of torment – time passing by too slowly, will at that point become a desire. So, no matter from what perspective i look at it, time is and always will be a terrible enemy.

Many people say how important it is to live in the moment. Unfortunately there are so very many people caught in the traumas or the plesant memories of the past which have since been replaced by unhappiness or those living only with the hope or the vision of a brighter future. They are all wrong because they are missing out on the beauty and the relevance of the only time we have for ourselves – the sacred moment of NOW. When the moment of now is one incessant grief and yesterday's pain is continued in tomorrow's sorrow, as it can be for some of us, then it is indeed hard to escape the prison of time and feel any real hope for the future.

Dali had some really great things on this theme. I'm sure most people are familiar with this next painting. It is called the persistence of memory.


What i didn't know is the genius of surrealism also did jewelry inspired by time. I know he was quite the antreprenorial spirit and was involved in all kind of commercials, but i wasn't aware he also did this beautiful next piece called Time's eye.


When i saw the picture i was shocked because it struck me as a possible inspiration for a painting from a local artist who did this next one called 'A window in time'


I distinctly remember sending this as a greeting card (cause that's how i found it at a book fair in late autumn of 2009) to someone and after the initial shock of seeing it i also remember their promise about getting back to me about it. It was just one of many promises he did not keep. Thankfully that was one of the minor promises he didn't keep, so i guess it is an offense easy to forgive. The jury is still out though on the major ones he made....hopefully, he will indeed be a man of his word. I just have to believe that, otherwise i realy don't know what will be of me.

And btw of the hour-glass in the above painting, here is another one which mirrors my believes.


Music has also dealt with this dreadful issue in some wonderful ways. And one particular tune which is incredible is Time waits for no one from the awesome Rolling Stones.

[video=youtube;tI318VBjAmw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI318VBjAmw [/video]

U2 also have a great passage about it in City of blinding lights.

[video=youtube;ZhCezZQqxx4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhCezZQqxx4&ob=av2n [/video]

Won't leave me as I am
But time won't take the boy out of this man

In my case it should be rephrased: time won't leave me as i am, time won't take the girl out of this woman. But maybe it's the other way around, who knows?

Michael himself has had a few songs – Remember the time, the song with the same title as the Stones, but on a narrower topic...The one song that i'd like to explore now though is Time explotion from the J5 days

[video=youtube;os76qyDr9qc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os76qyDr9qc [/video]

Tic toc tic tic toc ti

Time is going faster everyday
There's a time explosion
Gotta make the most of love today
There's a time explosion

Fast or slow, no matter how time is going, i absolutely believe it is of vital importance that we do indeed make the most of love and life TODAY cause neither hearts are unbreakable nor life on earth is forever.


Even the good book has some things about. We are instructed to count our days because they are brief.

Psalms 31 and 39 are terribly poignant from my point of view at least.

9Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am in distress.
Tears blur my eyes.
My body and soul are withering away.
10 I am dying from grief;
my years are shortened by sadness.
Sin has drained my strength;
I am wasting away from within.

Psalm 31 New Living Translation

[SUP]1[/SUP] I said, “I will watch my ways
and keep my tongue from sin;
I will put a muzzle on my mouth
while in the presence of the wicked.”
[SUP]2[/SUP] So I remained utterly silent,
not even saying anything good.
But my anguish increased;
[SUP]3[/SUP] my heart grew hot within me.
While I meditated, the fire burned;
then I spoke with my tongue:
[SUP]4[/SUP] “Show me, LORD, my life’s end
and the number of my days;
let me know how fleeting my life is.
[SUP]5[/SUP] You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Everyone is but a breath
even those who seem secure.[SUP][b][/SUP]
[SUP]6[/SUP] “Surely everyone goes around like a mere phantom;
in vain they rush about, heaping up wealth
without knowing whose it will finally be.
[SUP]7[/SUP] “But now, Lord, what do I look for?
My hope is in you.
[SUP]8[/SUP] Save me from all my transgressions;
do not make me the scorn of fools.
[SUP]9[/SUP] I was silent; I would not open my mouth,
for you are the one who has done this.
[SUP]10[/SUP] Remove your scourge from me;
I am overcome by the blow of your hand.
[SUP]11[/SUP] When you rebuke and discipline anyone for their sin,
you consume their wealth like a moth—
surely everyone is but a breath.
[SUP]12[/SUP] “Hear my prayer, LORD,
listen to my cry for help;
do not be deaf to my weeping.
I dwell with you as a foreigner,
a stranger, as all my ancestors were.
[SUP]13[/SUP] Look away from me, that I may enjoy life again
before I depart and am no more

Psalm 39
New International Version

I know that we ought to patiently wait on the Lord, but i also know Christianity is the faith of impatience in the face of injustice and evil, actions, expected results and answers to prayers. Many could be in a rush to judge me and my infamous impatience, but i may have some very valid reasons to feel the urgency that i do. But that's one thing that only.....yes, that terrible foe again, time will prove - if i am horribly right even when i don't want to.

Time waits for no one, and i'm soooo afraid it won't wait for me......
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What a GREAT topic is this :clap:

Yeah, TIME HUH... if time was my friend, I would have written tons of books but there is always that 'time frame' :ermm: and the 'body restrictions' :beee: and I'm NOT even gonna mention the 'life obligations...

Anyway, If I could 'bend' time... I would WIZZZZ back to June 25, 2009 and SAVE Michael :cry:
NO not for 'personal' gain but for his family and his children who NEED a daddy to grow up with...
I'm sure with the 'proper' care and TLC Michael would be with us NOW today :ermm:

Aside, this 'awful' date...
I would have liked to live in the 20th Century around 1969 and NO not here but in London or even California...
I love the Grease style of life... BOYS were still BOYS and Girls were still girls... I love the whole high school and prom thingy... So 'romantic' :wub: and the world wasn't so ME ME ME yet and 'less' techny... I LOVE technology but its NOT very 'romantic' right...
Well I would L.O.V.E. to go back in time to show the Catholic church that what Galileo is saying is true. That the sun does not evolve around the Earth. And show Galileo about all of what has been discovered in space since. I'm sure he would be very surprise and shock. By what I will tell and show him.

I would also would L.O.V.E. back to the times of Nostradamus see him write out his prophecies.

I also would L.O.V.E. to go back to the medieval England. I just so totally L.O.V.E. reading and hearing about the Medieval days of England. Which would explain why I just L.O.V.E. the show The Tudors. And my Sims Medieval game.

The 80s to the early 90s was another time I would go back to. It was really such a great time to be a MJ fan. That way I can really experience Michael mania. I was only 4 years old when it started. So I remember very little of it. But what I do remember it really was the best time to be an MJ fan.

But most of all I want to go back in time to go and save Michael and to warn him about that evil monster.
I was always fascinated by time and the idea of time travel. I've read a bunch of theories about it and I remember when I was about 12 I 'came up' with my own theory... :lol: Needles to say it was quite silly. But I have another theory about it. I'm sure it's inspired from other theories I've read about but in my mind, time isn't just this one single river flowing into one direction in which you can't travel backwards. The idea itself that once you go back in time you might 'screw up' everything with just about anything you do is kinda scary. Which is why in my mind, I imagine time itself as infinite, parallel identical rivers. Sort of like mirrors. Every river is identical and multiplied by infinity. What you see in river A is what you see in river B,C,D...Z.

Now, hypothetically speaking, by travelling in time you'd just jump to a random mirror river, in a specific time from it. Which essentially means that anything you do in that one, doesn't affect what happens in your original river. And to go back, you just apply the same logic and go to the date and time from which you initially left in any rondom river that was a mirror of the initial one. So nothing is screwed and you get to travel from river to river.

Now, I'm not a physicist or anything and while my made-up theory is probably inspired from others (though I can't point out exactly which) and as a whole it probably just pisses over the laws of physics. For the sake of my fantasy about time travel, I just think about it like that. Time travel itself is (as of right now) impossible so there's nothing wrong about making up our own theories, at least for ourselves. :D It's a very fascinating subject and there's SO many places and people which I'd want to see and visit. Not sure where to start... :lol:

I'd try to trace my whole family tree and see from where it originates and what kinda people are in it. I'd also want to visit a lot of war fields from World War II during the war itself. The ancient Egypt would be another one, and a few places from the ancient Roman Empire. And of course, the prehistoric times to see some dinosaurs... (That's the kid inside me who is speaking :D )

As for people, there are so many. Michael Jackson (to stop him from doing the Pepsi commercial where he got his hair burned), Freddie Mercury (to have a few beers with him and stop him from getting aids, and supplying him with modern day AIDS meds just in case he still gets it), Albert Einstein, Darwin, Hitler, Ion Luca Caragiale, Mihai Eminescu (to give him a shot of penicillin, since he got syphilis and died from it) , Napoleon, myself as a 5 year old (just to freak myself out a bit :lol: ), probably hang out with my dad as a treenager and a bunch of others.

As a whole, I'd probably spend a lot years saving a lot of famous people from tragic deaths and providing current meds for people who didn't have them in their era. And in that process, meeting a bunch of famous people and visiting a lot of eras.

Oh, as for music. Here's one of my favorite songs about time...

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Great thread Shhaaaby :)

I would love to go to a lot of different times and places but right now: Oxford, England year 1170/1250 just to experience the beginning of the first universities and life around there but I suppose being female is not going to help :angry: I wouldn't like to live there, just experience that time for a while because of course, I would miss the comfort of our era ;D

And of course I would have loved to experience Thriller era and all MJ concerts :(

I would go back to 1967 so I could experience 1968 and 1969.

Lol, my bf wants the same just to see Jimi Hendrix at his best and in Woodstock :)
Since time is so relative, I'd rather leave time as is and simply go off planet, period. I'd like a peaceful, non-monetary environment, though. Very Star Trek, even far, for more advanced. I wanna see what peeps really do when they don't have have the Borg mucking things up.

For some beings 'now' is already the very advanced, so I wouldn't have to mess with time itself- and yes, I'm a big believer in the Prime Directive. I also believe very much in free will and messing up decisions others are normally making from their own free will (if I weren't to interfere) is a big NO NO to me. What if mankind never experienced the horror of genocide- unless we're all perfect beings, is it possible that it served a purpose in the future? Undoing the entire past might lead to greater horror down the road? Just speculating.

T.N.A. said about time not being one river flowing in direction. That's the funny thing about time, right? If your future one day is your present- that time is definitely relative and not in a one-flow direction. We even say "re-live".
Also, considering probably parallel realities- time is so relative, it's not even funny anymore.

Time- I'd leave it all as is since way too relative.
Travel- Off the planet travel. Spaceship, please and because it has got to be so amazing to park that baby in the docking bay. I cannot fathom the glory of maneuvering such vehicle across the galaxies and universes.
I'd also like to travel in realms free of physicality without a silly mind tying me down.
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Hehe, just recently, my boyfriend and I had a little discussion about time and time travel (while watching for the "n"th time Back to the Future) and the little paradoxes that might arise from that. In a way, I feel like I'm experiencing time travel every time I fly an airplane to a destination that is an hour behind on the clock. That's a bit of a paradox in itself...although different time zones, life is flowing concomitantly, but one still has the "same" extra hour, which one can re-live.

Putting that aside, as we all are entitled to dream the impossible dream...I would love to go back somewhere in the 19th century Russia and maybe try and talk some sense into the decaying nobility of the time.

Another era I would love to witness would be the 1940s and '50s. That "black and white" glamour that always keeps me glued to every "old" movie.
As for people, there are so many. Michael Jackson (to stop him from doing the Pepsi commercial where he got his hair burned), Freddie Mercury (to have a few beers with him and stop him from getting aids, and supplying him with modern day AIDS meds just in case he still gets it), Albert Einstein, Darwin, Hitler, Ion Luca Caragiale, Mihai Eminescu (to give him a shot of penicillin, since he got syphilis and died from it) , Napoleon, myself as a 5 year old (just to freak myself out a bit ), probably hang out with my dad as a treenager ...
That's like the old Spock hanging out with the younger version of himself and the older one saying to the younger one "Normally I'd say to live long and prosper, but it would seem oddly selve-serving."

Mwahahah. Love the idea to freak yourself out.

"I bring you the future." :D
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Thank you very much to all of you who have answered my lil' thread and questions. Time sure is an interesting thang. It is interesting to see that most of you would go into the past. If i were actually to do some time travel myself other than the ones i mentioned, i would actually love to explore the future to see if i haven't been wasting my precious time on illusions and confusion.

Just last night i opened up that lil' book i got in Solvang last summer - Great love poems and i found very many of them which perfectly fit into this topic, or so i thought. Many of them focused on some of the things that i've already alluded to - how time affects little and unimportant things like life, love, death......easy, fluffy things, y'all dig? :lol:

Her reply
Sir Walter Raleigh (1552? - 1618)

IF all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee and be thy Love.

But Time drives flocks from field to fold;
When rivers rage and rocks grow cold;
And Philomel becometh dumb;
The rest complains of cares to come.

The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward Winter reckoning yields:
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.

Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies,
Soon break, soon wither--soon forgotten,
In folly ripe, in reason rotten.

Thy belt of straw and ivy-buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,--
All these in me no means can move
To come to thee and be thy Love.

But could youth last, and love still breed,
Had joys no date, nor age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move
To live with thee and be thy Love.

Poem which is actually a reply to The passionate shepherd to his love by Christopher Marlowe.

Sonnet 106 When in the chronicle of wasted time
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)

When in the chronicle of wasted time
I see descriptions of the fairest wights,
And beauty making beautiful old rhyme
In praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,
Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's best,
Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,
I see their antique pen would have express'd
Even such a beauty as you master now.
So all their praises are but prophecies
Of this our time, all you prefiguring
And, for they look'd but with divining eyes,
They had not skill enough your worth to sing:
For we, which now behold these present days,
Had eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.

Farewell, Ungrateful Traitor!
John Dryden (1631 - 1700)

Farewell, ungrateful traitor!
Farewell, my perjur'd swain!
Let never injur'd woman
Believe a man again.
The pleasure of possessing
Surpasses all expressing,
But 'tis too short a blessing,
And love too long a pain

'Tis easy to deceive us
In pity of your pain,
But when we love, you leave us
To rail at you in vain.
Before we have descried it,
There is no joy beside it,
But she that once has tried it
Will never love again.

The passion you pretended
Was only to obtain,
But once the charm is ended,
The charmer you disdain.
Your love by ours we measure
Till we have lost our treasure,
But dying is a pleasure
When living is a pain

Their loves by ours they measure, but that's another story lol.

To One In Paradise
Edgar Allan Poe (1809 - 1849)

Thou wast all that to me, love,
For which my soul did pine-
A green isle in the sea, love,
A fountain and a shrine,
All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers,
And all the flowers were mine.

Ah, dream too bright to last!
Ah, starry Hope! that didst arise
But to be overcast!
A voice from out the Future cries,
"On! on!"- but o'er the Past

(Dim gulf!) my spirit hovering lies
Mute, motionless, aghast!

For, alas! alas! me
The light of Life is o'er!
"No more- no more- no more-"
(Such language holds the solemn sea
To the sands upon the shore)
Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree
Or the stricken eagle soar!

And all my days are trances,
And all my nightly dreams

Are where thy grey eye glances,
And where thy footstep gleams-
In what ethereal dances,
By what eternal streams.

Come Not, When I Am Dead
Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809 - 1892)

Come not, when I am dead,
To drop thy foolish tears upon my grave,
To trample round my fallen head,
And vex the unhappy dust thou wouldst not save.
There let the wind sweep and the plover cry;
But thou, go by.
Child, if it were thine error or thy crime
I care no longer, being all unblest:
Wed whom thou wilt, but I am sick of Time,
And I desire to rest.
Pass on, weak heart, and leave me where I lie:
Go by, go by.

Surprised by joy - impatient as the wind
William Wordsworth (1770 - 1850)

Surprised by joy – impatient as the wind
I turned to share the transport – Oh! With whom
But thee, long buried in the silent tomb,
That spot which no vicissitude can find?
Love, faithful love, recalled thee to my mind –
But how could I forget thee? - Through what power,
Even for the least division of an hour,
Have I been so beguiled as to be blind
To my most grievous loss? – That thought's return
Was the worse pang that sorrow ever bore,
Save one, one only, when I stood forlorn,
Knowing my heart's best treasure was no more;
That neither present time nor years unborn
Could to my sight that heavenly face restore.

Sonnet IX: If This Be Love
Samuel Daniel (1562? - 1619)

If this be love, to draw a weary breath,
Paint on floods, till the shore, cry to th'air,
With downward looks still reading on the earth,
The sad memorials of my love's despair.
If this be love, to war against my soul,
Lie down to wail, rise up to sigh and grieve me,
The never-resting stone of care to roll,
Still to complain my griefs, and none relieve me.
If this be love, to clothe me with dark thoughts,
Haunting untrodden paths to wail apart,
My pleasures horror, music tragic notes,
Tears in my eyes, and sorrow at my heart.
If this be love, to live a living death,
O then love I and draw this weary breath.

Sonnet 116: Let me not to the marriage of true minds
William Shakespeare

Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Considering some of the theories out there about good ole' Shakes not being the true author of 'his' work, then we might all be in trouble and no human being has known that crazy little thing that Freddie sang about :p

The definition of Love
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)

MY Love is of a birth as rare
As 'tis, for object, strange and high ;
It was begotten by Despair,
Upon Impossibility.

Magnanimous Despair alone
Could show me so divine a thing,
Where feeble Hope could ne'er have flown,
But vainly flapped its tinsel wing.

And yet I quickly might arrive
Where my extended soul is fixed ;
But Fate does iron wedges drive,
And always crowds itself betwixt.

For Fate with jealous eye does see
Two perfect Love[r]s, nor lets them close ;
Their union would her ruin be,
And her tyrannic power depose.

And therefore her Decrees of Steel
Us as the distant poles have placed,
(Though Love's whole world on us doth wheel),
Not by themselves to be embraced,

Unless the giddy Heaven fall,
And Earth some new Convulsion tear.
And, us to join, the world should all
Be cramp'd into a Planisphere.

As lines, so Loves oblique, may well
Themselves in every Angle greet :
But ours, so truly Parallel,
Though infinite, can never meet.

Therefore the Love which us doth bind,
But Fate so enviously debars,
Is the Conjunction of the Mind,
And Opposition of the Stars.

Btw of stars and planets, there are all kinds of interesting astronomical phenomena going on this year - matter of fact there is one happening right now about Mars being closest to the earth in a couple of years - so who knows, maybe the stars are getting all in line...and maybe lines so parallel can bend a bit so they can meet :p silly little rhyme on me part, y'all don't mind me

To His Coy Mistress
Andrew Marvell

Had we but world enough, and time,
This coyness, Lady, were no crime

We would sit down and think which way
To walk and pass our long love's day.
Thou by the Indian Ganges' side
Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide
Of Humber would complain. I would
Love you ten years before the Flood,
And you should, if you please, refuse
Till the conversion of the Jews.
My vegetable love should grow
Vaster than empires, and more slow;
An hundred years should go to praise
Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze;
Two hundred to adore each breast,
But thirty thousand to the rest;
An age at least to every part,
And the last age should show your heart.
For, Lady, you deserve this state,
Nor would I love at lower rate.

But at my back I always hear
Time's wingèd chariot hurrying near;
And yonder all before us lie
Deserts of vast eternity.

Thy beauty shall no more be found,
Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound
My echoing song: then worms shall try
That long preserved virginity,
And your quaint honour turn to dust,
And into ashes all my lust:
The grave's a fine and private place,
But none, I think, do there embrace. :lol:

Now therefore, while the youthful hue
Sits on thy skin like morning dew,
And while thy willing soul transpires
At every pore with instant fires,
Now let us sport us while we may,
And now, like amorous birds of prey,
Rather at once our time devour
Than languish in his slow-chapt power.
Let us roll all our strength and all
Our sweetness up into one ball,
And tear our pleasures with rough strife
Through the iron gates of life:
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.

This very much reminds me of Red-blooded American Boy from Kevin Montgomery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7RgZzPB3ew

While your laugh is still easy and your heart is still light
Why don't you dance with this red-blooded American boy tonight
'Cause your life is just a breath and tonight is just the dance

To the Virgins. To Make Much of Time

by Robert Herrick (1591 - 1674)

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he's a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he's to setting.

That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.

Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may, go marry
For having lost but once your prime,
You may for ever tarry.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.

I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Give All To Love
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)

Give all to love;
Obey thy heart;
Friends, kindred, days,
Estate, good fame,
Plans, credit, and the muse;
Nothing refuse.

'Tis a brave master,
Let it have scope,
Follow it utterly,
Hope beyond hope;
High and more high,
It dives into noon,
With wing unspent,
Untold intent;
But 'tis a god,
Knows its own path,
And the outlets of the sky.
'Tis not for the mean,
It requireth courage stout,
Souls above doubt,
Valor unbending;
Such 'twill reward,
They shall return
More than they were,
And ever ascending.

Leave all for love;—
Yet, hear me, yet,
One word more thy heart behoved,
One pulse more of firm endeavor,
Keep thee to-day,
To-morrow, for ever,

Free as an Arab
Of thy beloved.
Cling with life to the maid;
But when the surprise,
Vague shadow of surmise,
Flits across her bosom young
Of a joy apart from thee,
Free be she, fancy-free,
Do not thou detain a hem,
Nor the palest rose she flung
From her summer diadem.

Though thou loved her as thyself,
As a self of purer clay,
Tho' her parting dims the day,
Stealing grace from all alive,
Heartily know,
When half-gods go,
The gods arrive.

Robert Browning (1812 - 1889)

So, the year's done with!
(Love me forever!)
All March begun with,
April's endeavour;
May-wreaths that bound me
June must sever;
Now snow fall around me,
Quenching June's fever -
(Love me forver!)

It is more than fascinating to see how accurate such things can be so many centuries later. I guess it's quite simple really - the struggles of life and love have been the same since the dawn of creation and will continue to reverberate throughout the ages until the end of that cold foe of mine called.....time.

Leaving the poetry aside...just today i had a very interesting incident related to this issue of time and life. I would call it highly ironic, but it would only be highly inappropriate. I was calling my eldest cousin who turned 38 today (he also introduced me to Michael's music and attended one of his concerts) to wish him Happy Birthday when he told me he was attending a girl's funeral helping out her father. Obviously the conversation stopped there. God rest that girl's soul and bring solace to her family.

Leaving such terrible things aside (cause life needs to move on, no matter what) here's another question for you smart folks to ponder on


Many of the above poems fit into the carpe diem (seize the moment) motif, but considering my shoe fetish i remember being bemused when i saw many years ago someone on the subway carrying a bag sayin' Scarpe diem lol.

Y'all take care and make the most of the time and opportunities you have. I must be on me way very, very soon, but i will make a short appearance in a month's time for a very special occasion :) and maybe an edit here and there - i still need to add some artwork and you can't rush inspiration lol.

And T.N.A., before i go, this one's for you


It's on a wall close to where i work. I love House as well :D Hugh Laurie and all the cast are awesome and so are the writers of the series. They kill me with that medical jargon (y'all realize they could be talkin' mumbo jumbo and we ignurrants watchin' wouldn't know, invent substances and diseases cause we wouldn't make the difference lol) the detective work, the moral dilemmas they present and of course.....House's huge, unmistakable and wonderful dose of sarcasm. Best TV show in many, many years.

And now, in a back from the future moment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDVhSP5sUoY i'm makin' a lil' demo of how it is possible to travel back in time right here on this board :cheeky:

@ T.N.A. - thanks for the vids. I absolutely agree with ya. House rules and Hugh is amazing and indeed his accent as well; unfortunately for me i don't get to see it as much as in past years; heck, i don't see any tv these days and for good reason, but there is someone over here in me country who loves House to bits, a very smart man with lots of that House humor to go along with his attitude :)

And TNA - your username makes me think of training needs assessment; bet it's not what u had in mind though when u chose it though :p
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I'd go back in time to June 24, 2009 and kidnap Michael+kids so 6.25.2009 could never happen. Also, kidnap Flanny. And kidnap the Sandy Claws. >D

Now, for time-traveling that does not involve kidnapping... Hmmmm. Hard-pressed. Reckon I'd go back to a certain date and stop a certain something from occurring. Also, go back to the 18th century and rescue all the Marquis de Sade's work.

Everyone's gonna be all pretentious and do some historically significant thing, so I really don't want to. Ooooh, I also want to go back in time and change legislation so that the drinking age in the US can be 18. Also, usher in the metric system as revenge for making it 21 in the first place (that's like, Amerika's worst nightmare).

Enjoy your centimeters, a--holes.
And T.N.A., before i go, this one's for you



It's on a wall close to where i work. I love House as well :D Hugh Laurie and all the cast are awesome and so are the writers of the series. They kill me with that medical jargon (y'all realize they could be talkin' mumbo jumbo and we ignurrants watchin' wouldn't know, invent substances and diseases cause we wouldn't make the difference lol) the detective work, the moral dilemmas they present and of course.....House's huge, unmistakable and wonderful dose of sarcasm. Best TV show in many, many years.

Yes indeed. It's probably one of the best shows of the 21st century, in my opinion. They nail all the medical stuff and the various other story lines are awesome. And of course, House is a GREAT character, the best character on TV for 8 years now. Hugh Laurie is a genius, an amazing actor and an incredibly talented musician. I love hearing him play the piano on House. Also, when I first saw him on House I seriously though he was American. :lol: His american accent is SPOT ON! Never in a million years would I have though he was British.

And here's a little something from me too.

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wth :lol:

I figured that's worse revenge than going back in time and making it so that Russia completely nukes the place. That's letting them go easy, I think. They actually have to live with this one...and everyone knows Americans and math don't mix. They've resisted the metric system for ages now--this will be the biggest blow to their national pride since George W. Bush.

Oh, I also want to hang out with Sigmund Freud. :3
I figured that's worse revenge than going back in time and making it so that Russia completely nukes the place. That's letting them go easy, I think. They actually have to live with this one...and everyone knows Americans and math don't mix. They've resisted the metric system for ages now--this will be the biggest blow to their national pride since George W. Bush.

Oh, I also want to hang out with Sigmund Freud. :3

That was funny :D
In my case I'd like to hang Sigmund Freud, lol kidding :D

But I would like to be his elementary teacher to make him loooooovee and praise the scientific method since his tender years :p
I was always fascinated by time and the idea of time travel. I've read a bunch of theories about it and I remember when I was about 12 I 'came up' with my own theory... :lol: Needles to say it was quite silly. But I have another theory about it. I'm sure it's inspired from other theories I've read about but in my mind, time isn't just this one single river flowing into one direction in which you can't travel backwards. The idea itself that once you go back in time you might 'screw up' everything with just about anything you do is kinda scary. Which is why in my mind, I imagine time itself as infinite, parallel identical rivers. Sort of like mirrors. Every river is identical and multiplied by infinity. What you see in river A is what you see in river B,C,D...Z.

Now, hypothetically speaking, by travelling in time you'd just jump to a random mirror river, in a specific time from it. Which essentially means that anything you do in that one, doesn't affect what happens in your original river. And to go back, you just apply the same logic and go to the date and time from which you initially left in any rondom river that was a mirror of the initial one. So nothing is screwed and you get to travel from river to river.

Now, I'm not a physicist or anything and while my made-up theory is probably inspired from others (though I can't point out exactly which) and as a whole it probably just pisses over the laws of physics.

Actually this is hypothesis exists in physics and is one possible explanation of reality! It's called the multiverse interpretation of quantum physics. Where does it meet with the concept of time travel?

There is nothing in physics that prohibits time travel, so in principle it's possible. Whether it will ever be possible in practice, that's another question. (Small time travels are already possible, for example at very high speeds - say at speeds spaceships go - there occur very small jumps to the future, but they are so small that they are virtually unnoticable for the crew of a spaceship. Also travel to the future is less problematic - you "only" have to travel fast enough (close to the speed of light) - than travel to the past. The latter is a bit more complicated but theoretically possible too.

In philosophy/physics there are paradoxes in connection with time travel. A typical one is the so called grandfather paradox: if I go back in time and kill my own grandfather as a baby, then I will never exist, thus I cannot go back in time and kill him. This leads to a paradox which lead some philosophists to the conclusion that travel to the past is probably not possible (though the laws of physics say it is). However there are solutions to these paradoxes. One is the multiverse interpretation of quantum physics. In short this says that we live in a multiverse that consists of an infinate number of universes, many similar to hours. Whenever a "decision is made" on a quantum level, the universe we are in multiplies into several ones, each universe representing an alternative history of events. For example in this universe I write this comment, however in some others I decided not to. In yet others I decided only to write one sentence etc. According to this interpretation the concept of time is like the one you have described with the infinite number of rivers. And when we travel back in time, we do not change the history of the universe where we started from, but we jump to another universe with a different history.

Here is a Wikipedia article about the Multiverse - or Many Worlds - Interpretation, explaining it better than I did: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Many-worlds_interpretation

Many-worlds implies that all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual "world" (or "universe").

Prior to many-worlds, reality had always been viewed as a single unfolding history. Many-worlds, however, views reality as a many-branched tree, wherein every possible quantum outcome is realised.[SUP][10][/SUP] Many-worlds claims to reconcile the observation of non-deterministic events, such as the random radioactive decay, with the fully deterministic equations of quantum physics.

[h=3]Time travel[/h] The many-worlds interpretation could be one possible way to resolve the paradoxes [SUP][84][/SUP] that one would expect to arise if time travel turns out to be permitted by physics (permitting closed timelike curves and thus violating causality). Entering the past would itself be a quantum event causing branching, and therefore the timeline accessed by the time traveller simply would be another timeline of many. In that sense, it would make the Novikov self-consistency principle unnecessary.

According to this interpretation every possible outcome of history (also on an individual level) DID actually happen somewhere in the multiverse. There are universes where Michael still lives, where he has never been accused etc. Everything that could have happened DID actually happen!

And as for songs about time. Two I have in mind are:

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^^Great post. I knew I read about such a theory, I just couldn't put my hand on it and name it.
After i've proven to y'all how u can actually travel in time right here cause of my little edit occasioned by T.N.A. and our fascination with the doc who performs autopsies on alive people LOL....i can move on to some pictures i wanted to share. I gotta give credit where due and say that most of them i've found on a great pinterest page http://pinterest.com/awitcraft/ :)

But before i do that i gotta thank respect77 for that brilliant post and the awesome music provided. Time waits for no one is one of my favorite Jacksons song, quite possibly THE favorite and Sign o' the times is a complete masterpiece, i've always loved it; was shocked i had forgotten about it in the context of the talk here.









We must live each day like it's the last, right? Can't remember exactly who the guy was who sang that one was? Could it be this 1 featured in this commercial here which we viewed courtesy of Pace? :cheeky:


Can't believe i missed it before.

Yeah Mike sure, bring the future with a wacked out machine that looks straight outta mid 90s lol. I mean look at him, just look at him - so serious and stuff while that thang looks soooo ancient by today's standards. Put an Ipad next it or smth and that big box will evaporate outta shame, kinda like Mike did in the commercial. The spot itself is kinda cool and Michael doesn't look half bad in it, but still - that thingie....

Coming back to the pics and that line from Jam.....here is the perfect song for that message - gotta live like we're dying

And many of us waste our life away by being online and forgetting that real life most of the time begins where the computer/phone screens end.


So, get off Facebook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UouP8cRYZ8 cause don't nobody have 10356578 'friends'

OR stop the addiction to computer games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcA0y5Vj_88&feature=related cause real princes and princesses live not in virtual castles and ish, but in flats near you and the fake monsters in the game might be getting at your extremely real brain. The editing of the vid is too quick though cause it doesn't allow the viewer time to read all the important messages.

And now a little prophecy from my crystal ball....


Thankfully it's not the same the Keane guys see through cause then we would all be in trouble, startin' with urs truly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKrFfp67NDQ

And i will now, more or less graciously, make my exit and live you with another question for the ages


I kinda have ideas about that but they are far from certainties; if real change, hopefully for the better, will actually take place that would be quite the improvement because that sayin' 'the more things change, the more they stay the same' couldn't be more true.

A few weeks ago i was thinking how similar things felt to four years ago, although there are other dimensions now. Back in the spring of 2008, same as now, in 2012 i was being disillusioned with several aspects of my life, i was missing Michael terribly (at that point we hadn't heard from him for quite some time and there wasn't any Hold my hand yet) and was absorbed by the U.S. Presidential election rooting for President Obama.

In many respects, things are the same, but now the feeling of missing Michael is much deeper for obvious reasons.

And btw of Mike, how was that line from the movie - we got four years to get it right? Sounds about right if you ask me lol.

The truth is i ain't got no crystal ball, so i don't know what the future really holds, but this much i do know.


This quote from Diana Scharf Hunt is one of my newest, most favorite sayings and i think it is full of truth and wisdom. If we don't put deadlines to our dreams, then we run the risk of wasting our lives away chasing illusions.
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I would go back to the time when Google wasn't found yet, so I could be its founder! :))