Tilikum the killer whale at seaworld, orlando florida


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne Australia
Tilikum was abducted from his family at the age of 2, held captive, forced to breed & perform for humans the rest of his life. Seaworld ofcourse make a lot of money from it.


Recent news of a trainer being killed by Tilikum has cause the out cry of the public to free the whale back into the wild. However we know it will be difficult for him to survive in the wild anymore. Poor Tilikum.
But Tilikum is not the only whale that is being captured and kept in captivity. Many Killer whales also share the same fate.

Here are some recent news of Tilikum. The death of the trainer is not the whale's fault, but SeaWorld. Wild animals like Killer Whales are not mean to be kept for human amusement.
Deepest sympathy to Dawn Brancheau and her family. She loves whale and would never want any harm done to the whale.


THE killer whale show at Sea World in Florida is reopening this weekend, just two days after visitors saw a trainer killed by one of the giant animals.

Trainers will not get in the water with the animals, however, until the company's indefinite "review" of the incident been completed, Sea World Parks and Entertainment President Jim Atchison said.

Tilikum - the five-tonne orca already linked to two other human deaths since 1991 - grabbed trainer Dawn Brancheau, 40, by her ponytail and dragged her into the water at the end of a show.

Mr Atchison said Tilikum, the largest killer whale in captivity, will not be punished or isolated as a result of the deadly incident.

"He will remain an active and contributing member of the team, despite what happened," he said.

"We provide the highest standard of care and no animal is ever subject to punishment in any form. Tilikum is no exception."



Here is another story of a Killer whale in captivity in Canada's Seaworld. So sad. watch the video.



Have you say about Tilikum and all the whales in cativity here.
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strange twist of fate..

gotta keep the cash registers rolling..so....occupational hazard. i guess that's what they're thinking.
Yeah, the management at Seaworld is despicable. They don't care about the lifes of the whales nor the trainers. They only care about the profit they are able to generate using those whales.
Orcas are so beautiful... I don't think I'll ever attend one of these "shows" if I want to see ocean wild life there is special cruises for that to see them in their own home.
Its very sad..
I have always wanted to go and see one of the Sea World shows. But after this I would think twice about ever going to one. Tilikum should be put back out in the wild swimming free with all of the other killer whales. Not to be always kept in some kind of a tank performing tricks for humans. If humans want to see killer whales they need to go see them in their own natural habitat. And not at Sea World being trained to do tricks for humans.
I love Orcas. Keep them in their natural habitat. Not in a small ass tank.
I went to Sea world when I was 12 and saw this show. It's amazing what they do. They're such beautiful animals. They should be in the wild though, I had no idea they went out and captured them from the wild? Is that true? Really disgusting. It's so sad to see them being kept in a tank. :(
I agree with everyone else. If I ever went to see one, it'd be in the wild, not in a tank. :(
I went to Sea world when I was 12 and saw this show. It's amazing what they do. They're such beautiful animals. They should be in the wild though, I had no idea they went out and captured them from the wild? Is that true? Really disgusting. It's so sad to see them being kept in a tank. :(
This. I sort of thought they would only keep the ones that were abandoned or wounded and when they recovered them, they got to do this type of thing because they couldn't get back into the nature again? Do they really just grab 'em out of the wild?!

Either way...it's sad that people always need to cross the boundaries of nature. It's no good to keep those animals like this, I wish people wouldn't have such a need for this kind of entertainment. Same thing for bears that are held to dance for tourists, etc. etc.
It's just awful and it makes me feel SO powerless to see these animals get hurt this way. :cry:

No wonder that things like these attacks happen, the orca wasn't 'only hungry'...it was an outcry. Poor thing.
Thoughts and Condolonces to the family
However I do not agree at all with Seaworld. Animals were not put on this earth to perform tricks for us under the guise of learning about them!
If we want to learn about them there are things called boats where we can observe from afar.
Much of me thinks that the emphasis shouldnt be learning about them but from them. We as humans fight for our own peace and freedom, lets grant animals the same thing.
I heard about this.. so sad for both the trainer and the whale. :(
Thoughts and Condolonces to the family
However I do not agree at all with Seaworld. Animals were not put on this earth to perform tricks for us under the guise of learning about them!
If we want to learn about them there are things called boats where we can observe from afar.
Much of me thinks that the emphasis shouldnt be learning about them but from them. We as humans fight for our own peace and freedom, lets grant animals the same thing.

I agree with you. Makes me so sad that humans think they have the right to do things like take animals from the wild and make them perform. It sounds ridiculous when you say it like that, and it actually happens. Why.
I heard about this the day it happened and it is very sad. However, killer whales should be in the wild and not closed in playing around with human beings. This same whale has already killed two other people prior to this woman.
So sad though. My thoughts are with her and her family.

Here's a video taken by a tourist before the attack occurs.

the whole things was wrong to begin with. You're playing with a whale with the word KILLER written in front of it.:doh:

I feel bad for the girl. But I also feel bad for the whale. They need to throw it back in the wild. It had history of attacking trainers before. I mean..."HELLO?".
If the whale already killed 3 trainers...why on earth do they keep him performing?? Put him back where he belongs, in the sea! Poor thing!
Mr Atchison said Tilikum, the largest killer whale in captivity, will not be punished or isolated as a result of the deadly incident.

This would be more than ridiculous.

Seeing this video makes me sad. On the one hand it is very sad for the trainer who lost her life while doing a job she loved so much, and I feel for the family.

But on the other hand, wild animals don't belong in artificial habitations to be abused as a money machine. Orcas are the fastest swimming sea mammals known, usually living in pods. This is not a creature you can keep in a tank. As I heard from marine researchers doing tricks means stress for those animals, the rest of their life in captivity is boredom.

(BTW, I think we all know the sad life of the killer whale Keiko of Free Willy ...)
This is a very sad event...i feel bad for the girl who lost her life and her family......I feel terrible for the poor whale....this animal NEVER should of been taken out of he ocean...that is its home....that is like taking us off the land and telling us to live in the sea....its just despicable...IMHO,,,this is not a small fish that can adapt to a fish bowl..this is a HUGE animal that belongs in the HUGE ocean...being free....Seaworld and any other establishment that takes animals out of their natural surroundings should be ashamed of themselves.
(BTW, I think we all know the sad life of the killer whale Keiko of Free Willy ...)

Yeah, I cried when I read that Keiko died. Thanks for reminding me that beautiful whale.
Love listening to Will you be There at the end of the movie!

Here is the touching and sad story of Keiko. He was set free to the wild and manage to live up to almost 5 years! The realease was almost successful and Keiko got the taste of living in the wild finally. Free Willy dreams came true!

Tilikum was captured in 1982, taken from his mother when he was only 2/3 years old, calves normally stay with their mother till at least 10 years old.
Hes had a miserable life making money for Seaworld for nearly 30 years, surely now its time to set him free?
Its morally wrong & totally unjustifiable that such a complex, intelligent & sociable animal was wrenched from his mother & family at 2 years old to live in solitary confinement purely for our entertainment
Even if he cannot be fully free in the wild, there are 'sea enclosures' spanning thousands of miles of the coasts of Brazil & Argentina specifically for Orcas they were in captivity. Tily could meet other Orcas & swim in sea water (not the chlorine water of Seaworld that makes his eyes sting) and explore & dive & have fun .. And live out his last days in peace

Anyone that feels strongly about this please take a few mins to sign one (or all!) of the many 'Free Tilikum' petitions online- if we unite maybe we can make a change :flowers:

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Yeah, the management at Seaworld is despicable. They don't care about the lifes of the whales nor the trainers. They only care about the profit they are able to generate using those whales.

exactly, have you seen the documentary the cove? anyone who hasn't should watch it, it will open your eyes, its a cruel and graphic documentary of what they do with the whales,dolphins they don't keep for companies like seaworld....
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I'm sorry for the trainer, but I'm also glad the whale was not killed.

However, this proves that such a beautiful creature does NOT belong in a tank. That poor thing needs to be set free.
This is such a sad story. It's been said here that the trainer would have admitted that she made a fatal mistake, and it's just sad, I guess she was having a happy time and let herself be vulnerable to the natural instincts of the beautiful creature.

I agree that whales should NOT be taken from the wild for human enjoyment and entertainment. Sadly though, he probably would not survive in the wild after such a time in captivity. So I do wonder what is the best outcome for the whale in this case? We'd all wish him to be free but if he wouldn't survive.. and there's probably not another captive environment that would be any better. :(

I hope no more trainers make any mistakes from this and I guess the worldwide publicity on the story will remind them all to be very careful.

Sad. Humans have A LOT to be sorry for in this world.
To be honest I never knew about killer whales being at Seaworld until I heard about this incident. As everyone said, things are bound to go wrong if such a huge animal is kept locked up in a small space. Imagine if we had to live in a tiny house for the rest of our lives, unable to go outside and explore.

And they're KILLER whales. Why do the trainers have to get in the pool with them in the first place? Can't they perform the tricks from outside the pool?

And its great that "free willy" got a chance to be free before he died!
If people would stop capturing them and make them perform, this stuff would not be happening.

What happened was not the whales fault. He did not ask to be captured, bought and sent to Sea World.

To me, this is animal cruelty!
This is such a sad story. It's been said here that the trainer would have admitted that she made a fatal mistake, and it's just sad, I guess she was having a happy time and let herself be vulnerable to the natural instincts of the beautiful creature.

I agree that whales should NOT be taken from the wild for human enjoyment and entertainment. Sadly though, he probably would not survive in the wild after such a time in captivity. So I do wonder what is the best outcome for the whale in this case? We'd all wish him to be free but if he wouldn't survive.. and there's probably not another captive environment that would be any better. :(

I hope no more trainers make any mistakes from this and I guess the worldwide publicity on the story will remind them all to be very careful.

Sad. Humans have A LOT to be sorry for in this world.

As I said in my previous post- there are huge 'sea pens' which are large expanses of sea that are enclosed- these are designed for captive Orcas to retire in- and provide a 'half way house' between captivity and freedom. The Orcas are tagged & monitored to check they are eating properly etc but they get the benefit of far more space, freedom & interaction with other ex captive Orcas, so they have a much more happy, free & natural life than being stuck in a tank in Seaworld :better:

Keiko (star of Free Willy) spent a very happy few years in a sea pen, check out the story here- http://www.keiko.com/history.html
This is Keiko in his sea pen- looks better than Seaworld!!!

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As I said in my previous post- there are huge 'sea pens' which are large expanses of sea that are enclosed- these are designed for captive Orcas to retire in- and provide a 'half way house' between captivity and freedom. The Orcas are tagged & monitored to check they are eating properly etc but they get the benefit of far more space, freedom & interaction with other ex captive Orcas, so they have a much more happy, free & natural life than being stuck in a tank in Seaworld :better:

Sorry I missed reading that. This sounds like a perfect alternative to the current environment.
How can we get it to happen. I wonder if there's a petition already started. They must have a very long life range? He's been stuck in seaworld for far too long already.

I know the trainers must love them, but really, they are only supporting operations like seaworld working for them.