TII dvd released today but who know about it


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is it DVD has been released in Ireland today with absolutely no advertising, i only knew it was being released because of one of the supermarkets had an add in it last week but i haven't seen any other advertising, i went into HMV today thinking it wouldn't be out there until Monday but there it was on the shelf, no posters or anything to let customers know it has been released just the DVD .
the official release isnt till monday, so maybe they will do some advertising then
This is it DVD has been released in Ireland today with absolutely no advertising, i only knew it was being released because of one of the supermarkets had an add in it last week but i haven't seen any other advertising, i went into HMV today thinking it wouldn't be out there until Monday but there it was on the shelf, no posters or anything to let customers know it has been released just the DVD .

Yip.Me too.I saw the add in that leaflet.Other than that,theres been no adds on TV or any promotional posters in HMV or anywhere else.It's very low key indeed.
Yip.Me too.I saw the add in that leaflet.Other than that,theres been no adds on TV or any promotional posters in HMV or anywhere else.It's very low key indeed.

Yeah i thought maybe lidl were the only ones with it out today but i decided to check HMV first because i wanted the double DVD special edition. They have TII t-shirts too which are coll but still i'm surprised at the lack of advertising.
My local had a big stand full of DVDs I called before work... by lunchtime it was sold out, excellent lol
Dunnes Stores today had a big stand with the two DVD versions. I went to HMV in Grafton Street to get the Blu-Ray, can I just say I'm so happy with it! The menus are amazing the Billie Jean background sequence is awesome! MJ in HD = HEEHEE OWWWW!
The blu-ray and the dvd have been announced, then reviewed discussed and praised on many blu-ray/dvd review sites and forums.
It was number one in the first week of release in US with 1.2 mio copies sold and nr.2 in the second week.

I havn't seen Tv commrecials, beside for TII cd runing till last month. It's no need for tv commercials. Won't hurt, but it will sell very well, when it's out around the world.

TV commercials are more for Big blockbusters, not for music docu/concerts.

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yeah, I do not see much advertising on TV or whatever here in Poland. However, in supermarkets it is advertised (big stands, huge posters and so on). I can see it is selling like hot cakes from day one which I'm so happy about:D
They are actually not allowed to sell them until the release date but many of them do it because nobody does anything about it.
Was in Tescos tonight and the entire shelf,bar two copies of the dvd was empty.Also The Jacksons,A Family Dynasty is out.Brilliant.They've got,Top shelf TII,2nd shelf Moonwalker & 3rd shelf The Jacksons.Fantastic.
I've also just seen an add on TV.Greatness restored. :~)
Was in Tescos tonight and the entire shelf,bar two copies of the dvd was empty.Also The Jacksons,A Family Dynasty is out.Brilliant.They've got,Top shelf TII,2nd shelf Moonwalker & 3rd shelf The Jacksons.Fantastic.
I've also just seen an add on TV.Greatness restored. :~)

Cool, okay maybe i was quick to judge, i am hearing it is in Dunnes, heatons, tesco and lidl and all of them are advertising it.
my da went to HMV to get me it, and they arent aloud to sell it up north until monday.
so i went down to xtravision to get a dvd out and i noticed this is it, i got it out to rent, i could have bought it but i have one coming in the post. so yeah i have this is it now...for 4 nights!! hehe watched it earlier...:D

but i agree, there have been no televised advertisements! :(
Saturday morning I read here that some shop where already selling TII so I went the the "free record shop" where I live.
The whole shop was covered with TII and other MJ posters, displays, all the tv's where playing the dvd and the TII soundtrack was playing.
All Michaels cd's and dvd's where displayed through the whole store, it was awesome!!!

I picked up my TII blu-ray and didn't know how fast I had to get home.
Spent the rest of the evening watching al the extra's.
Today 23.02 in the prime time, I saw for the first time tv commercial dvd/blu-ray on german tv. official release is 25.02, so it's on point.

The same was with the TII cd and the movie. Very often tv commercials in the prime time.