TII CD question..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I thought this would have been asked multiple times already but if it has I can't find it when I search.

On the back of the This Is It CD it randomly says..

'Always great to sing with my brothers'

Why does it say that?

For a second I thought it was a reference to the This Is It song.. as I heard the Jackson's recorded backing vocals on that song. Did Michael record a new version of that song with his brothers and thats what it refers to?

There were some photos of Michael at a recording studio back in april/may/june... ? It was the day Prince and Paris were seen without masks, Michael had a long black coat with his curly hair tied back, black umbrella and with Kenny Ortega.

If this question is already asked, sorrrrrrrry, please direct me to the thread.
There were some photos of Michael at a recording studio back in april/may/june... ? It was the day Prince and Paris were seen without masks, Michael had a long black coat with his curly hair tied back, black umbrella and with Kenny Ortega.
that was a film studio. it was when he ws doing the smooth crim video for the show.it was in may
are you sure it says: "Always great to sing with my brotherS" ? on my CD is: "brother".
Yes, they recorded backing vocals. I didn't hear about any new version of TII.

So if it was written by Michael's brothers, it should be: "Always great to sing with our brother". so this is from one person.
idk, it sounds a little bit strange to me
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