Tiger Woods Exclusive First Interview with ESPN & The Golf Channel (Updated)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tiger Woods exclusive first interview with ESPN since all that has transpired since november.

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Re: Tiger Woods Exclusive First Interview with ESPN

People should really learn to forgive and forget.
what really pisses me off, and what people who don't agree with those of us who are pissed off, baffle me with, is, that these interviewers give the impression that they are holy. that they act like they are speaking from behind a pulpit. they used to call it a mistake. now they call it a transgression. they have a problem with religion, till this comes up, and now they act like they wrote the book on religion. they have all committed those transgressions, themselves. so they need to stop acting like Tiger is revolutionary. he was remorseful, and it seems like he has to apologize over and over again, to people who are far from being in a position to throw stones.

get back to being interested in a sport they weren't really interested in, until Tiger came along.
I think golf fans will be respectable to Tiger when he returns. Golf isn't like soccer with the jeering and all that. Tiger is the world's greatest golfer and that's really all that should matter on the course.
Meh, the media are the ones highlighting his infidelity. If they didn't make such a massive deal out of it, the ones who look up to him as a role model wouldn't have to see him that way.
Meh, the media are the ones highlighting his infidelity. If they didn't make such a massive deal out of it, the ones who look up to him as a role model wouldn't have to see him that way.

Hmm, I disagree. It's Tiger's bed so he has to lie in it (NO PUN INTENDED). It's not the media's fault that Tiger built himself up to be the ultimate family man when he wasn't.
Hmm, I disagree. It's Tiger's bed so he has to lie in it (NO PUN INTENDED). It's not the media's fault that Tiger built himself up to be the ultimate family man when he wasn't.
I know, but if the media don't want role models like him to be setting a bad example, they shouldn't report about it so much. Of course it doesn't work like that because they need to make money, and stories like these make a lot of money.
I know, but if the media don't want role models like him to be setting a bad example, they shouldn't report about it so much. Of course it doesn't work like that because they need to make money, and stories like these make a lot of money.

BAWKSEY! :mello:
