Tiger Woods apology fail to exceed more live viewer than MJ's funeral


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Jul 25, 2011
Tiger's online buzz falls short of expectationsBy John D. Sutter and Brandon Griggs, CNN
February 20, 2010 1:49 p.m. EST
Some Web commenters found Tiger Woods' apology to be sincere, while others mocked the world's most famous golfer.STORY HIGHLIGHTS
NEW: Online viewership of Tiger Woods' apology fell far short of expectations

Some 680,000 people watched event on Ustream; 4 million-plus watched Michael Jackson memorial

Some found Woods' apology to be sincere; others mocked the golfer

Nearly 94,000 tweets were posted about Woods during the 11 a.m. ET hour, fewer than for other recent news events
(CNN) -- Live online video streams of Tiger Woods' public apology caused a stir on the Internet on Friday, but online viewership fell far short of expectations.

Before the press briefing at 11 a.m. ET, some online writers had speculated that Woods' talk would break records for video watched live online.

The thinking was that, with many people stuck in front of computers at office jobs, the Web would be a more convenient way to watch the speech than TV.

But initial reports from sites like Ustream, which publishes live video streams, and Trendrr, which tracks online buzz, show Woods' apology for his marital indiscretions did not get as much attention from Internet audiences as President Obama's inauguration, Michael Jackson's funeral or even the red carpet preview for the Twilight movie sequel "New Moon."

More than 680,000 people watched the 15-minute event on Ustream, according to that site's spokeswoman, Shari Foldes, who said viewership would have been higher had Woods' statement not been so brief. By comparison, 4.6 million Ustream viewers watched last summer's live memorial service for pop star Michael Jackson, which lasted about an hour and a half.

Tech blog: Obama, MJ, 'Twilight' top Tiger's Ustream audience

More than 1,000 Twitter posts per minute contained the word "Tiger" during the speech, according to the Web site Trendrr. In total, nearly 94,000 tweets were posted about Tiger Woods during the 11 a.m. ET hour, according to data from a Trendrr spokesman.

Video: Tiger roars on Web

Video: Tiger Woods' full apology

Video: Tiger: 'I have let you down'
Tiger Woods
Celebrity Scandals
But that pales in comparison to some other online news events Trendrr has watched. When rapper Kanye West stole the microphone from singer Taylor Swift at the Video Music Awards in September 2009, Twitter users posted 293,024 times on the subject in one hour, Trendrr spokesman Chris Thonis wrote in an e-mail to CNN. In July, when President Obama met with Russian leaders, the rate of Twitter posts on that subject was 175,000 per hour, he said.

"It will be hard to determine total daily Twitter numbers until the end of the day, but by looking at the hourly data you can see that buzz around Tiger is not nearly as heavy as some other events last year," Thonis wrote on Friday afternoon.

Woods' 15-minute apology was broadcast live on sites like CNN.com, YouTube, Hulu and Ustream. No Internet-wide numbers for Woods' speech were immediately available.

Watch some early estimates of the numbers

Obama's inauguration holds the apparent record for live online video views. Some 7.7 million people watched that event live on the Internet in January 2009, according to Akamai, which handles Web services for several major companies.

Live video on the Web poses a number of technical challenges, as it eats up monster amounts of Internet bandwidth. Only in recent years has live online video consumption started to take off.

Tiger Woods: 'I am so sorry'

Online reaction to Woods' speech was mixed.

Some people found Woods' apology to be sincere, while others mocked the world's most famous golfer.

On microblogs like Twitter, comments about Woods were mostly neutral; positive and negative reactions to his speech balanced each other out with a 1 to 1 ratio, according to socialmention.com, a Web site that tracks online opinion. Blogs responded more positively to Woods' statements, at least immediately after the speech, the site said.

Some online pundits were indifferent, mocking Woods' demeanor during the talk or making fun of the news media for putting so much significance on the story.

"This is hilarious. ESPN is building this Tiger Woods statement up like it's the State of the Union address," wrote Twitter user @jasoncercone.

On Facebook, a user named Jordan wrote: "Yeah, he is a celebrity but the rumors and carrying one mistake in his life is just rediculous (sic). Move on to something else to talk about and make jokes about."

Others wrote that Woods' presentation on Friday seemed stiff.

"Tiger Woods needs a teleprompter. At least he did not write notes on his hand!" wrote Twitter user @igobydoc, an apparent reference to a recent speech by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Twitter user @Mike_White_ wrote: "Tiger Woods needs to apologize for that outfit he has on right now."

"I thought somebody died or something! Michael Jackson's family was more lively at his funeral than this pitiful press conference. Am I the only one LOL at this?" wrote a Facebook user named Tamera.

Some microbloggers jumped to Woods' defense:

Fellow pro golfer John Daly, who has had his own troubles off the course, posted this on Twitter after Woods finished speaking: "THE BIGGEST "MAJOR" TIGER IS GOING TO WIN NOW---IS GOING TO KEEP HIS FAMILY & I HOPE HE SUCCEEDS! I WISH HIM ALL THE BEST! JD."

Earlier, however, Daly posted, "Tiger--where is your wedding ring? Most Important I would think ..."

Submissions to CNN.com's iReport were almost universally supportive of Woods.

iReporter Melissa Fazli of Yorba Linda, California, had a camera rolling as Woods spoke and shared some of her reactions.

"It's great to know he's going to work on things with [wife] Elin," Fazli said. "Nike is the big answer. It's business, people. ... He employs a lot of people, so if he doesn't get his credibility back, a lot of people are gonna be out of work."

iReporter Hao Li, a Californian studying abroad in London, England, thinks those who are angry with the golfer may be hypocrites.

"Have you gone out and apologized to your loved ones? Have you gone on TV and apologized to the world? Do you have the courage? Because if you don't, then I don't think that gives you the right to sit on the pedestal of righteousness," he said.


Did not know where to place this just found that the media's comparison was ridiculous.
i just feel like espn led usa is the biggest hypocrite. if i were to wake up, for the first time, this morning, i would think that tiger was the first person ever to commit adultery, and everybody else in the usa are a bunch of self righteous virgins.

there is no way adultery is a good thing. but the reaction made me think everybody else is speaking from behind an unwarranted bully preacher's pulpit of hypocrisy.

there were exceptions, like John Daly, but for the most part, ..whoa...

especially most of the espn sports network, who is full of guys, who are..well...guys.

on another note...the obsession with what people are twittering...sounds rather..creepy...lol..

lol...how many twitters were there? i saw it on msn....they said..enough to fill the King James Bible..

i'm just sayin...i hardly use twitter, so..i guess it's culture shock for me to read this...lol.

oh oh..somns happening...gotta run to twitter.

so many media sources..they're everywhere...like cockroaches..and u can't kill em..lol

ahhh the message board doesn't count. it's in a sedentary place..lol
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I really hope that was just an estimate of how many ppl or lack of, watched ; and not what they were aiming for.
I didn't even bother watching what Tiger had to say. Only because I had absolutely no interest in hearing what he had to say. He is a cheater and I hate men who cheat. Plus he didn't sound very sincere to me. He sounded like a robot making that speech. From the little bit I had heard. His wife is absolutely insane to want to stay marry to guy like him. At least my mother had enough brains to leave her cheating husband (My father) for good.
Why would they even be comparing those two things?

First of all, nobody really cares about the Tiger Woods saga, aside from the media. Most folks realize that is a private matter between Tiger and his wife.

He don't have to apologize to me, I ain't his wife and could careless what he does with his private life.

Is the world really supposed to stop, because Tiger Woods wants to apologize for messing around on his wife. He ain't the first one and he won't be the last one. I mean, really!
I knew the conference was happening and knew that ESPN would carry it. Not sure why I didn't realize every channel (slight exaggeration) would carry it live.
I am not sure where our priorities are in this country (MEDIA) anymore.

Its really absurd for them to say "oh, this many people stopped in their tracks and watched it"???? How could we not? It was on every channel? The media shouldn't spin this by deferring their obsession with Tigers sex life, not the average person.

Kinda like the aftermath of June 25th every news outlet aired MJ stories everyday.... then some (media) complained about the coverage MJ was receiving. As if the public had a gun at their head saying we wanted 24/7 coverage.


i just feel like espn led usa is the biggest hypocrite. if i were to wake up, for the first time, this morning, i would think that tiger was the first person ever to commit adultery, and everybody else in the usa are a bunch of self righteous virgins.

there is no way adultery is a good thing. but the reaction made me think everybody else is speaking from behind an unwarranted bully preacher's pulpit of hypocrisy.

there were exceptions, like John Daly, but for the most part, ..whoa...

especially most of the espn sports network, who is full of guys, who are..well...guys.

on another note...the obsession with what people are twittering...sounds rather..creepy...lol..

lol...how many twitters were there? i saw it on msn....they said..enough to fill the King James Bible..

i'm just sayin...i hardly use twitter, so..i guess it's culture shock for me to read this...lol.

oh oh..somns happening...gotta run to twitter.

so many media sources..they're everywhere...like cockroaches..and u can't kill em..lol

ahhh the message board doesn't count. it's in a sedentary place..lol
Tiger Woods..hmm...IMHO...He doesn't owe me the average person and apology...he owes his family and all of the young children that he was suppose to be a positive role model too an apology.....what he did didn't affect my life one way or the other.....I just wish his wife would open her eyes and not stick around and let ish like this happen again to her......Tiger's whole problem is he GOT CAUGHT....he would still be doing it today had he not. Will he do it in the future... after all this rehab stuff...who knows...my guess is yes...if he can get away with it ..he will.....This is just my opinion,

EDIT......The truth be told....I couldn't be bothered watching Tigers speech importance anyway........Michael had far more importance to me..to the world.
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why even compare him and mj in the article? very opposite things. why not compare it to one of the live statements from the many politicians who cheat.

oh wait, but tiger is a celebrity, his not running the country and we don't need to dissect his morals. he has talent and he made something of himself. i would hate to see his golf career go down over something thats private. No ones perfect, many people cheat. he did not commit murder. how would anyone feel losing your career over personal relationships. many people shouldn't get marriage, granted, and its nice for once people are not glamorizing cheating in hollywood, and that yes there are diseases, but its our old fashioned 'moral society' that says get married, then have kids. and then wonder why so many people cheat!!! well life is not that perfect, and this doesnt take the love away that he has with his kids either, neither would divorce. i think he shouldn't have disappeared for a bit, he should have kept on doing what he was doing professionally wise. why does the media make it seem you must disappear and then apologize in public? what is that about. its none of our damn bees wax. he shouldnt apologize to us. are we his wife? stop the ''he was perfect tiger woods nothing bad on his record crap'' and realize hes human. making him have to feel to go in front of the camera. omg! we are weird.
LoL... stupid.

I don't see why Woods had to apologise to us about his private life anyway. The only people he needs to apologise to is his wife and family.

I think it was also stupid to sack John Terry from England football captain because he cheated on his wife. That was sooo strange to me.
Not sure if this was about my post.

My intention wasn't to compare Tiger to MJ at all:doh: Sorry.

I was merely trying to point out the Media obsession, their behavior, hypocrisies.

why even compare him and mj in the article? very opposite things. why not compare it to one of the live statements from the many politicians who cheat.

oh wait, but tiger is a celebrity, his not running the country and we don't need to dissect his morals. he has talent and he made something of himself. i would hate to see his golf career go down over something thats private. No ones perfect, many people cheat. he did not commit murder. how would anyone feel losing your career over personal relationships. many people shouldn't get marriage, granted, and its nice for once people are not glamorizing cheating in hollywood, and that yes there are diseases, but its our old fashioned 'moral society' that says get married, then have kids. and then wonder why so many people cheat!!! well life is not that perfect, and this doesnt take the love away that he has with his kids either, neither would divorce. i think he shouldn't have disappeared for a bit, he should have kept on doing what he was doing professionally wise. why does the media make it seem you must disappear and then apologize in public? what is that about. its none of our damn bees wax. he shouldnt apologize to us. are we his wife? stop the ''he was perfect tiger woods nothing bad on his record crap'' and realize hes human. making him have to feel to go in front of the camera. omg! we are weird.

It seems like this is the reaction of most people. We all know we have our own flaws and shortcomings ( I know I do), so sitting here bashing and kicking a person while he/she is down doesn't make us feel better.
First, they (whoever this apply's to) wanted an Apology, he has given it, now the apology isn't good enough. There's a no win situation.

lets not even get started on politicians. :agree:
Tiger should be left alone.

He's a golfer, thats what he does, end of.

His personal life should not come into play at all, and anyway whats it got to do with anybody else what he gets up to, its his life. The only person who should be concerned and who he should be apologising to is his wife/girlfriend. I'm not saying what he done was right, but its his choice.

Musicians get up to worse on tour, you dont hear them making public apologies do you?
2 things regarding tiger woods. A. You guys do realize he cheated NOT murdered his wife right? Cus it'd be hard to tell with the way some of you have been lashing out at him like they got deeper issues with him. And B. Are you seriously more pissed off at a famous golfer than a doctor who administered powerful drugs to MJ which ultimately led to his untimely passing? Are you for real?!?! So think some of you need to take your anger down a notch and let tiger do what needs to be done the first thing is heading back to rehab like he said. I truly do hope he gets the help he needs so we can be done with this already.
Kinda like the aftermath of June 25th every news outlet aired MJ stories everyday.... then some (media) complained about the coverage MJ was receiving. As if the public had a gun at their head saying we wanted 24/7 coverage.



That was friken stupid of the media to complain about that. They have the power to stop running stories. They have the power to not put a story on if they did'nt want to. I hated when they did that. They are hypocrites.

And Tiger did'nt need to apoligize to me, I think his wife and family are the only folks that he owes apoligys on, not the public.

"I thought somebody died or something! Michael Jackson's family was more lively at his funeral than this pitiful press conference. Am I the only one LOL at this?" wrote a Facebook user named Tamera

:no: :no:
That was friken stupid of the media to complain about that. They have the power to stop running stories. They have the power to not put a story on if they did'nt want to. I hated when they did that. They are hypocrites.

And Tiger did'nt need to apoligize to me, I think his wife and family are the only folks that he owes apoligys on, not the public.

:no: :no:

what bothers me about the media is that they act like they don't have control. they say, they don't have control. that's why it's hard to not look at them with a cynical eye. of course they know they have the power..so, for them to say otherwise, makes it easy to see them as illegitimate. if they're willing to lie in your face..that closes the deal.
Why would they even be comparing those two things?

First of all, nobody really cares about the Tiger Woods saga, aside from the media. Most folks realize that is a private matter between Tiger and his wife.

He don't have to apologize to me, I ain't his wife and could careless what he does with his private life.

Is the world really supposed to stop, because Tiger Woods wants to apologize for messing around on his wife. He ain't the first one and he won't be the last one. I mean, really!
For real.

THe media once again proved they are beyond stupid, no surprises there.
Honestly, I don't give a damn about Tiger Woods and his little sex affairs. That's his private life and there are probably thousands of men (and women) out there having affairs and cheating on their spouses. More media bullcrap as usual. He doesn't have to apologize to the public for his private life. He has to apologize to his wife, children and family for causing them so much pain and trouble with this sh!t. Who can honestly say they actually cared about this? It's just sensationalism from the media. That's his private life, let him handle that mess privately.

He golfs. I mean really...let him be.