Thursday, June 4, 2009 News / Mentionings


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las Vegas
Not much news, just some strange stories floating usual...



The Los Angeles Times is reporting that promoters for Michael Jackson's concert run in London felt comfortable investing so much money into the venture – despite the singer's track record of breaking contracts – because the money is being backed by the value of his Neverland Ranch and related assets.

As previously reported, Jackson stands to earn $50 million for the London shows and promoters are reportedly looking to extend it to a three year tour starting in Europe, then Asia, and finally the U.S.

Meanwhile, the King of Pop greeted his fans Monday outside of the Burbank dance studio where he is rehearsing for the concerts.

"Thank you for your love and support, I want you guys to know I love you very much," he told the crowd, before adding, "I don't know how I'm going to do 50 shows. I'm not a big eater - I need to put some weight on."

Misc. MJ mentionings:

Charleston Post Courier -
It's a mix between Michael Jackson, James Brown and Bob Marley. Does that make any sense? "My sound is, I would say, it's a piece of my heritage, ...

NetApp to EMC: That Deal Is Mine

GigaOm -
Like Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson fighting over a girl, storage giant EMC and rival NetApp are vying to own Data Domain. ...

E3 09: The Beatles: Rock Band has the best intro ever

Destructoid - The Beatles: Rock Band marks the first time that Apple Corps, along with EMI Music, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Harrisongs Ltd and Startling Music Ltd has ...

The Bubble

Broward New Times -
In the last 15 years it seems we've been inundated with bubbles: the dot-com bubble, the housing bubble, the stock market bubble, Michael Jackson's chimp ...



Happy Birthday MJJC Members!




Today in

Michael Jackson History

1993 - Janet Jackson's album "Janet" was released.

i KNEW it!!! i knew MJ was payin for the whole thing.

people tellin me that others are goin on the line for him. sheesh. ever since thriller, MJ has had to finance his whole career.
yep, even videos... $7mil for the Scream video.. Like they say, if you want something done your way you must do it yourself, in this case, pay for it yourself... And I hope MJ breaks the bank doing these concerts, and future projects, and banks every single dollar, after he pays all the ppl their money, we don't want anyone coming back saying they did get paid.. i hope the media never finds out exactly how much he is going to bank after everything is said and done.. it's his check stub not ours
yep, even videos... $7mil for the Scream video.. Like they say, if you want something done your way you must do it yourself, in this case, pay for it yourself... And I hope MJ breaks the bank doing these concerts, and future projects, and banks every single dollar, after he pays all the ppl their money, we don't want anyone coming back saying they did get paid.. i hope the media never finds out exactly how much he is going to bank after everything is said and done.. it's his check stub not ours

that's the great thing about MJ. he's not the makers of coca cola or mcdonald's, or other artists. he actually believes in his craft enough to back it with money. so, as usual, he will win, financially, and people will be envious. you get out of it what you put into it. it's the old saying.
"because the money is being backed by the value of his Neverland Ranch and related assets"

Didn't expect that one.

Is it just me, or does Michael look really old in that top picture? His skin looks almost gray...
Thank you MsSnoop for the work you do! I really appreciate it. You are a part of my routine. I watch Countdown with Keith Olbermann, then the BBC News at 10 and then I'm off to check on MJ news on MJJC.
Is it just me, or does Michael look really old in that top picture? His skin looks almost gray...

that pic is from 2006 and i believe its the poor quality of the pic that makes him look that way. i have many pics of his japan trip in 2006 and he looked fabulous as always.
^^^ - well, thank you "TheChosenOne" for the compliment - it's a group effort, we try to find something interesting to post during 'non-news' dates.

Hey, Roxanne, if you've got better pictures - please post one - I find mine all over the web, so the quality is never consistant - it's whatever catches my eye

I just love how everyone knows exactly when and where these photos were taken:clapping:
Thank you for your love and support, I want you guys to know I love you very much," he told the crowd, before adding, "I don't know how I'm going to do 50 shows. I'm not a big eater - I need to put some weight on."
i dont believe the ranch talk . always trying to put stuff on mj like others dont trust him so hes having to cover things. ontop of the fake comment about always breaking contracts
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"I don't know how I'm going to do 50 shows. I'm not a big eater - I need to put some weight on."

Haha, yeah right!
"because the money is being backed by the value of his Neverland Ranch and related assets"

Didn't expect that one.

Is it just me, or does Michael look really old in that top picture? His skin looks almost gray...

he never looks old to me. i guess it is the eye of the beholder.
I don't believe anything in this article. This tour is being financed by AEG. They already stated that they spent $20 mil on it.
I don't believe anything in this article. This tour is being financed by AEG. They already stated that they spent $20 mil on it.

sure. but that doesn't mean it was their money. and if it is, if it was backed by MJ's assets, then, it might as well not be their money, anyway.

i just think people are less likely to invest in MJ, cus of what they hear...unwarranted as it is. i mean, we've seen enough examples of how easy it is for people to doubt MJ, despite his success in all aspects of his life.

i mean, it's my opinion, but i've seen a lot of evidence to back it. or i have seen a lot of perceptions to back it. and in this case, that is evidence.

a lot of people LOVE saying that 'perception is reality'. even if that is also unwarranted, they go by that.

and outside of Michael, a lot of people say they are not willing to spend a lot of their own hard earned money, investing in someone, in a recession.
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Michael Jackson has become a liability where business is concerned. He has a massively bad reputation for not honouring contracts, cancelling events, and not paying people the money they are owed, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a water-tight contract using Neverland or a portion of his share of Sony/ATV to pay for the concerts. AEG have a lot riding on this.
I don't believe anything in this article. This tour is being financed by AEG. They already stated that they spent $20 mil on it.

And you know what's really funny about these "publications (including the LA Times)," is that one minute they are reporting that MJ does not own Neverland anymore, i.e. he lost the land or he sold the land or [fill in the blank]. Now according to this latest report, not only does he still own Neverland, he is also using it to finance these shows.

They crack me up, they change their stories in accordance to a particular need. LOL!
Michael Jackson has become a liability where business is concerned. He has a massively bad reputation for not honouring contracts, cancelling events, and not paying people the money they are owed, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a water-tight contract using Neverland or a portion of his share of Sony/ATV to pay for the concerts. AEG have a lot riding on this.'s a reported reputation. not a proven one. and people believe media. and if MJ is paying then they have nothing riding on it. MJ does. and since this report got out, then i guess, aeg is off the hook.(not that anyone is ever on the hook when a massive undying, seamless, constantly renewing fanbase, massive talent, and constantly flowing big revenue is involved.)

and if MJ is such a liability, then i guess that flowing revenue didn't get the memo. neither did Sony.

it's not just about Michael. most people just don't like to give up money. Michael's willing to put money out there, invest it and spend it, but most people aren't. there was this great baseball player, recently, who was a big star for his team. he helped them win a world series. he got surgery, returned, was pithching great again, and when his team's owners found out that his coming back to the team, officially meant that they had to give him a one million dollar bonus, they cut him from the team, instead of paying out that bonus. his giving them world series victories didn't sway them, one bit. so, people don't have to have a bad rep for others not to want to spend money.
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