Throwaway line about MJ in Keith Olbermann's special comment tonight


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
I did a quick search and didn't see this yet.

I found this jarring in Keith Olbermann's comment.

Addressing Sarah Palin:

And incidentally, Madam, you have forfeited your right to be taken seriously the next time you claim offense at somebody mentioning your children. You have just exploited your youngest child, dangled him in front of a mindless mob as surely as if you were Michael Jackson. You have used this innocent infant as an excuse to pander to the worst and least of us in this nation. You have used him to create the false image of 'death panels.'


The subject came up in the discussion on Keith's Daily Kos blog:
I don't understand :scratch: What did Sarah Palin do?

She referred to Obama making 'death panels' and said they would that her elderly parents and her baby with down syndrome aren't worth living.

Why he mentioned Michael and Blanket, I don't know.
What a douche. I used to like his program a lot, but nahhh... Too far. Respect the dead, eh?
Keith never had any respect for Michael.
I haven't watched his show lately.
I guess what got me into him was how he railed against Bush. It was so refreshing to hear it said live on air.

That time has passed & while how I like his beef with that idiot Bill O'Reilly, he's off the mark on some issues like Michael & that turns me off of him. Plus he spends too much time on minor personas who don't really matter.

I did like his dramatic tone when he reads those special comments though. And some of those comments he hit dead on with what matters.
John Lucas
Never heard of him.

People need to get over that. 'Dangling' makes it sound like he was holding him by his little finger. We know he was holding him strongly. It was like 2 seconds of his life which he regretted afterwards. Everyone makes mistakes.
I thought it was a really cheap shot.

As soon as I heard "exploited your youngest child, dangled him in front of a mindless mob" I had a bad feeling he was going to allude to MJ.

I was glad to see that someone spoke up on the thread at DKos. I have an account there but basically just lurk, and by the time I read that thread the conversation had moved on. I used to read nothing but political sites but have been so focused on the MJ news lately that I've sort of lost touch.