“Thriller” Resurrected! John Landis Collaborating With Michael Jackson’s Estate!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
According to Bloody-Disgusting.com and Hollywood Reporter.com, Landis is now in business with the Estate..

"While most of you were packing up for the holiday weekend, some monster entertainment news broke over at The Hollywood Reporter. The site reported that the estate of Michael Jackson has put the finishing touches on a deal with director John Landis and producer George Folsey Jr. that resolves litigation concerning net profits on the late singer’s “Thriller” video as well as a fight over a previously planned musical theater production of the hit song/video.

On Friday, the estate released a statement to THR indicating that the settlement had become firm: “The Estate of Michael Jackson, John Landis and George Folsey Jr. have reached an amicable settlement of the actions that were pending in the Los Angeles Superior Court relating to the legendary short motion picture Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and the documentary “The Making of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.”" The settlement terms are confidential.”

Being that “Thriller” is my all-time favorite music video, and maybe even earliest horror inspiration, after reading this news I was completely scaled in goosebumps. I immediately obsessed over one thought: “Does this mean we’ll finally get a proper “Thriller” release?“

The answer? Read on for the scoop… "

Source: http://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3...ng-with-michael-jacksons-estate/#more-3189569 -- If you're not to keen on graphic horror, I would suggest NOT to go to Bloody-Disgusting.com..

If this means we'll get Thriller on Blu Ray, they've got my support!!!!
I'm not sure what exactly this means, but as a horror movie fan/collector, anything thriller video related is probably good news for me :)
The OP didn't post the full article!!
Here's the second part...

Upon reading the big news I immediately contacted Mr. Landis, who has always been gracious and forthcoming with Bloody Disgusting. He reveals exclusively to Bloody that he’ll now be working directly with Jackson’s estate on future “Thriller” releases!! Blu-ray anyone?!

“The Estate of Michael Jackson has been dealing with all of Michael’s debts and legal obligations and our complaint has finally been addressed,” Landis stated. “So now all is good and there will be exciting things happening with Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” that I will be doing in collaboration with the Estate in the future.“

While I’m out of my mind excited, Landis does imply it’s not going to happen immediately: “Right now all of their [the Jackson Estate] energy and focus is on promoting and celebrating the 25th anniversary of the “Bad” album and I am looking forward to Spike Lee’s documentary that just premiered at the Venice Film Festival about the making of “Bad.”

“Michael Jackson was a brilliant performer and extraordinary star and I feel lucky to have worked with him,” he added. “And I am excited about working with his Estate to celebrate his life and art in the days to come.”

This is major news as Landis reveals that, after all of these years, there will finally be some serious attention given to the greatest video of all time on the greatest album of all time. I expect big things!

I always wonder, and hope that our younger readers love “Thriller” as much as I do. The video was revolutionary, and featured the great Vincent Price. It was the first time a song had been converted into a short film. In the 13-minute-and-43-second “Thriller,” released on December 2, 1983, a night at the movies turns into a nightmare when Michael and his date are attacked by a hoard of bloody-thirsty zombies – only “Thriller” can save them now.

“Thriller” is the best-selling album of all time, and it is estimated to have sold from between 65 to 110 million copies worldwide.
Crazy thanks for the second part, because I was thinking that the article did not say anything. OK so rather than fight, they decided to do something with thriller. In that way Landis will be able to make some money, which will more than cover what he said he was owed. The estate makes some money too, so everyone is happy including us because we get some more Michael stuff. The end.
Let's see....
Well, that's one way John Landis can get what he claims he is owed by Michael.

And he is so right about at least one thing:
“Michael Jackson was a brilliant performer and extraordinary star and I feel lucky to have worked with him,” he added.
The Making Of Thriller Bluray Gimme Gimme
Thriller was shot on 35mm panavision and framed into 1:85 widescreen editing, so I hope producers will process into a beautiful 4K scan HD so we will able to explore and enjoy the movie in its full theatrical sight. No excuses guys ;-)
Great news if that means Thriller on Blu-ray? But, poor MJ he wanted to do a musical on Thriller from what I recall and other things I'm sure but, now it will be done through someone else vision. See ish like that pisses me off! So I'm excited and not to thrilled all at the same time. And attention back on Thriller...again? When I was gettin use to MJ other works like BAD gettin it's do proper FINALLY?! Hmmm Well... I truly hope MJ 90's work will one day get this much love as well as Invincible? We shall see. =/
Well, that's one way John Landis can get what he claims he is owed by Michael

I think this is the reason why john landis is doing this and altough as much as i do love thiller i really really hope something will be done for dangerous
Awesome! I am expecting a Bluray with the short film and making of, as well as the release of the album in true surround, which was done by engineer Mick Guzauski. That mix is unreleased till this day.

Would be great if this finally can see the light of day!
CrazyVegasMJ;3700664 said:
“Thriller” is the best-selling album of all time, and it is estimated to have sold from between 65 to 110 million copies worldwide.

Estimated? There is a big differencce between 65 and 110. I wonder whar the real number is.
Estimated? There is a big differencce between 65 and 110. I wonder whar the real number is.

I think we all do actually. :) I hope SONY would soon re-cerfiticate (or what it is called) all MJ' albums.