Thriller Ranked as the #1 Halloween Song

The "Rocky Horror Picture Show" never made any sense to me, lol. I don't get why it's so popular.
Great. They say Thriller sold more than 110 copies!

:) Very Positive! thank you! :)
The "Rocky Horror Picture Show" never made any sense to me, lol. I don't get why it's so popular.

lol RHPS is a cult classic. it was one of the movies you could sing and dance along to. An Interactive movie so to speak lol.

Not Only is it Michael Jackson that makes this song. Vincent Price ALSO had a hand in making it the scariest Halloween song. The idea of Michael getting The King of Horror on his album was pure genius.
Rightly so! This song is just so much fun to dance too and the most perfect song to play at a Halloween party!
MWOOWAHAHAHA ( very scary Halloween laugh), glad to hear it! Halloween is great! And MJ is the best!
hahaha of course it's n1... I don't want to sound unthankful but Thriller is a masterpiece. I can't understand why people tend to vote for it as a HALLOWEEN song...If I hadn't listened to it and see it in that kind of chart, I'd think of it as an insignificant song...
hello, it's MJ, not a pumpkin