:hello: I came back on this thread because what I want to write today is related to this era. :smilie_bump:
Yesterday I had a great time watching on YouTube 2 videos de full concerts of a great British artist at Wembley in 1977 and at Central Park in 1980. I always loved the atmosphere of this era symbolized by the desire for freedom, peace and love, filled with hope.
And I realised that it was the first time I had watched rock concerts on You Tube. Since the appearance of YouTube on Internet , I only watched Michael’s performances. :billiejean: I have some musicians of the 70s and 80s that I really loved, but I never thought watching them on You Tube, to me they are artist to listen on CD. :listeningtomusic
And just before falling asleep, I remembered that on You Tube, in Central Park in 1980, no African-American fan was attending the concert. Even people who were walking outside Park were all ‘white’, as if at the time there were no African-American in this corner of NYC. :no:
Of course I knew that this category of music was ‘white people’ ’s and ‘black people’ had their own music. So that at Jacksons’ concerts in 70s or before, most audiences was African-Americans. :mello:
From what I've seen on You Tube yesterday, in 1980, there were still two worlds in the USA. In the world of music, we had to wait another few years for Michael Jackson to unite these two worlds into one, for the beginning of a new era. :yes:
With this thinking, I was in an emotion. :angel: Thank you Michael.