Thriller live, not for me


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I went to see thriller live last night, i had been looking forward to it for ages as it was kinda the last big Michael event . I like all of you have been dreading the day when the buzz (probably not the right word to use) dies down and we all have to accept the reality anyway i'm going off the piont which is that i couldn't wait to see it. I didn't know what to expect as i've never been to a musical before but i thought as long as it was Michael's music i'd love it. I was wrong, after three songs i was ready to go home. It was like i was watching x factor doing a Michael Jackson tribute show, there was no story it was just a bunch of people maybe 15 at times jumping around to somebody singing Michael songs, there was nobody playing Michael and for some songs it was a woman singing lead, a lot of the songs were sang by a few different people and none of them dressed as Michael and the set never really changed except for the big screens. I went with five friends all them love Michael's music but none of them liked this show. We left during TDCAU, i couldn't last any longer i would have perfered to just watch the history DVD on a big screen or TII, i was delighted to stick on the real thing when i got back to the car. I will admit that the women and kids at it were having a great time singing and dancing so maybe it just didn't suit my age group or gender. Did any of the rest of you feel like me? the whole thing just deppressed me a little and the only good thing that i liked was seeing all the kids dressed like Michael and knowing that there is a new generation of fans coming up.
Damn I'm surprised it seems that the show has stayed the same since 4 years ago...when it came to the Dominion theatre the first's better than nothing though.
did u not know what it was like b4 u went. seems you thought it was more of a real style musical based on mjs life? tbh i wouldnt go to the show cause to me its all about seeing mj. i went to many mj days back in the day and this is basically the same thing but obviously to a higher standard.this is a nice thing for ppl who never got to see the real thing but its not something id be fussed about seeing, it would just make me even more depressed
I'm 15 and I went on the 26th July the DAY I should of seen Michael at the O2 arena. I thought the show was good, but its all a blur to me right now. My head was elsewhere. At some points I wanted to leave because I was thinking I should be seeing THE REAL THING right now :( but I stayed and thought it was okay. I don't think I'll go again though.
I'm going to see it thursday and you've put me right off now :lmao: I'll try and keep my expectations low
I'm going to see it thursday and you've put me right off now :lmao: I'll try and keep my expectations low

Sorry i don't want to ruin it for anybody, a lot of people seemed to be enjoying it, maybe it is just too soon since the 25th for me, but to be honest i don't really think many guys would be into it.
did u not know what it was like b4 u went. seems you thought it was more of a real style musical based on mjs life? tbh i wouldnt go to the show cause to me its all about seeing mj. i went to many mj days back in the day and this is basically the same thing but obviously to a higher standard.this is a nice thing for ppl who never got to see the real thing but its not something id be fussed about seeing, it would just make me even more depressed

I didn't check it on youtube or anything because i wanted to be suprised and i was but not in a good way. I prabably am like you in that i wanted something that was up to Michaels standards and obviously this is way off the mark although how could it not be.
Maybe you're right in that it's nice for people who never got to see the real thing, I never did unfortunately, but I saw the Thriller Live show last week in Holland and I actually enjoyed it very much! The whole audience was on their feet most of the time, clapping their hands or dancing in the aisles. I had to cry when they performed 'heal the world'but it was dark anyway and I rummaged in my bag looking for a hanky. The singing was really great, the dancing was on the spot and it all felt very energetic, alive and in loving memory of the true master. I know it wasn't set up as a memorial tribute but it has become such now and it was very enjoyable to me anyway!
We saw this in Germany in early October. I'd seen clips about it on tv, so had an idea of what to expect. Actually, I was afraid of them having too much of an MJ-look-alike thing going on because I wasn't prepared to deal with that. In the end, though, I thought it was entertaining. Not amazing, but fun. It felt sad at times (Dangerous, Billie Jean), thinking that this is all we'll ever have now... tribute acts :cry: And thinking we'd have been that close to MJ this past summer... But anyway, not to depress everyone, Thriller Live is just "fun with MJ music", that's how I'd describe it.
We saw this in Germany in early October. I'd seen clips about it on tv, so had an idea of what to expect. Actually, I was afraid of them having too much of an MJ-look-alike thing going on because I wasn't prepared to deal with that. In the end, though, I thought it was entertaining. Not amazing, but fun. It felt sad at times (Dangerous, Billie Jean), thinking that this is all we'll ever have now... tribute acts :cry: And thinking we'd have been that close to MJ this past summer... But anyway, not to depress everyone, Thriller Live is just "fun with MJ music", that's how I'd describe it.

That is true enough and probably the right description but there is something very talent showish about it and also a little cheap. It was 51 euro for a ticket a bit too much for what was on show and that is probably why it was half empty.
yeah the tickets are very expensive imo. i worked at an arena yesterday and on wed the show is playing there. im surprised they are doing arenas cause i cant believe that they will sell them out.even if the tickets were really cheap. thats a heck of alot of seats to fill
That is true enough and probably the right description but there is something very talent showish about it and also a little cheap. It was 51 euro for a ticket a bit too much for what was on show and that is probably why it was half empty.
51 Euros???? Man, we had to pay something like 79 Euros here! (Which I feel was over-priced.) It was packed full in Cologne when we saw it and they extended their dates here. Guess there were a lot of Germans with an extra 80 bucks/quid per person lying around...
Well I don’t know what to say I have seen Thriller live twice and it was two different groups. My first experience was In London Lyrics Theater this year I have to say I loved it. People almost jumped out of the balcony in the theater when Billie Jean started. I was in London during MJs birthday and I think every single person who went that week was a big fan. They had Rico Baird as MJ that night. Rico has danced with Michael many times he was the guy who doubled for MJ in the You Rock My World video (don’t ask me what moment in that video because I have no idea maybe when the fire breaks out). He was also co-choreographer on that video. You have also seen him in front on Dangerous dance. I can say it was great well nothing compared to the real deal since I actually have seen MJ perform live HIStory Tour but if you want to have a great evening in London it’s a great choice. I saw the other group last month here in Sweden it’s the group that is touring in Europe. I didn’t like it as much as the one in London. The set was not that great they did not have the special effects and all the lightings. As an example Thriller had some black and white effects on a screen that this show didn’t have and the 3D part was missing when the show started. One of the best parts in London was the Earth song with the big globe they didn’t even perform that song. I can understand that you can get disappointed if you have thought about the show for a long time. I’m just thankful there is anything so people can enjoy his music. They could have done it much more professional but it’s better than nothing. For the price yes its really expensive.
Well I don’t know what to say I have seen Thriller live twice and it was two different groups. My first experience was In London Lyrics Theater this year I have to say I loved it. People almost jumped out of the balcony in the theater when Billie Jean started. I was in London during MJs birthday and I think every single person who went that week was a big fan. They had Rico Baird as MJ that night. Rico has danced with Michael many times he was the guy who doubled for MJ in the You Rock My World video (don’t ask me what moment in that video because I have no idea maybe when the fire breaks out). He was also co-choreographer on that video. You have also seen him in front on Dangerous dance. I can say it was great well nothing compared to the real deal since I actually have seen MJ perform live HIStory Tour but if you want to have a great evening in London it’s a great choice. I saw the other group last month here in Sweden it’s the group that is touring in Europe. I didn’t like it as much as the one in London. The set was not that great they did not have the special effects and all the lightings. As an example Thriller had some black and white effects on a screen that this show didn’t have and the 3D part was missing when the show started. One of the best parts in London was the Earth song with the big globe they didn’t even perform that song. I can understand that you can get disappointed if you have thought about the show for a long time. I’m just thankful there is anything so people can enjoy his music. They could have done it much more professional but it’s better than nothing. For the price yes its really expensive.

I reckon i must have seen the B team then because there was definately no 3D, i knew there were two groups but i thought it was the exact same show but to be honest i think even if i seen the A team i still wouldn't be entertained.
im going to see it tomorrow in cardiff.
I have seen it before about 3 years ago in a smaller place but i just looked it up on youtube and it looks totally different from when i seen it. There was a story to it and a narrator, shaheen (from the memorial) was little michael and e'casanova was there also.

They should have stuck with that setup.
im going to see it tomorrow in cardiff.
I have seen it before about 3 years ago in a smaller place but i just looked it up on youtube and it looks totally different from when i seen it. There was a story to it and a narrator, shaheen (from the memorial) was little michael and e'casanova was there also.

They should have stuck with that setup.

That sounds good alright, i would have like if they had a little acting in it like maybe starting in the small house in gary and joe and kathrine talking about how tough times are and then the spotlight shining on little Michael in the corner who starts singing ben.
I have seen the show 4 times. I went to it in the Dominion Theatre in 2006 or so and then I went again in January, August (London)and November (Dublin) of this year. The first time I seen it the show was ok but in January I seen a major improvement and I loved the singers. Then in August a must better show was on they had some excellent singers in the show. I remember one guy Ben Foster (who was in the Rock With You Show previously) and he was amazing singing Beat it etc. This show in Dublin had different singers althought they still had similar dsncers and also Denise Patterson was there again (she was in the January show). She was amazing I remember her form the 5 Star days. I thought it was good but not great but I did enjoy myself and was standing up and clapping for most of it. TDCAU is a new track they put into the show which I thought was excellent most people were standing and clapping to that one :D.

Also I remember the first show i went to in 2006 fans were saying there should be some dialogue but I think the producers know that the music is important and that is why they push it more so. But there was some dialogue a guy saying how much Michael sold and how his career went from the Jackson 5 up to adulthood.

I think the show is done very tasteful and its also from a fans perspective as its a fan Adrian Grant who came up with the idea he used to have MJ days and this is an idea of what those events were like. I love when they bigged it up saying how amazing Michael was and how much he achieved which I think is what most people forget.
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I saw it Saturday too, with a friend who was a fan of MJ's music. We both loved it, I was up most of the night dancing. The female singer from Five Star Denise Person was amazing.

It was just a tribute to MJ and thought they done him proud. Lot of people were up dancing etc, of all ages. To see people loving MJ's music was enough for me.

Sure the price may have been high, but Adrian Grant was over it remember.

I had a run in before the show with a street trader by shouting out "get your wa**o Ja@%$ t-shirts here." I told him "genuine fans won't buy anything from you calling him that, He was christened Michael." To which I was told to f off. I just had to say something to him.
I would like to see it but it isn't here in Australia yet I am glad though I think it might be to soon for me.

I saw it Saturday too, with a friend who was a fan of MJ's music. We both loved it, I was up most of the night dancing. The female singer from Five Star Denise Person was amazing.

It was just a tribute to MJ and thought they done him proud. Lot of people were up dancing etc, of all ages. To see people loving MJ's music was enough for me.

Sure the price may have been high, but Adrian Grant was over it remember.

I had a run in before the show with a street trader by shouting out "get your wa**o Ja@%$ t-shirts here." I told him "genuine fans won't buy anything from you calling him that, He was christened Michael." To which I was told to f off. I just had to say something to him.

Fair play to ya i seen those guys trying to sell the fake t-shirts didn't hear them shout that though so maybe you put an end to it, i did say there seemed to be plenty enjoying the show but it was mostly women, i was out the back for a couple of songs while my mates got ready to go and i seen a guy in full billie jean outfit and he appeared to be leaving too. Maybe it's just not a mans thing.
I had a run in before the show with a street trader by shouting out "get your wa**o Ja@%$ t-shirts here." I told him "genuine fans won't buy anything from you calling him that, He was christened Michael." To which I was told to f off. I just had to say something to him.
like the retard would sell anything saying that
I saw this way back when it first opened in a local theatre years ago. We really enjoyed it - we were all up dancing.

However, I have to say the performances now do not sound like the polished West End performances I think people expect when they pay these prices - I have listened to several fans and non fans reports of the show in recent months and it has put me off going back - they were all disappointed at the price the paid and the performances they witnessed. One of them commented that for a West End show she would have expected much more in the way of professionalism from the cast and that her big turn off was seeing an overweight "michael"! lol

I hate that as I want anything with Michael's name on it to be a success!!!

Its interesting to hear your views though. good topic for discussion!
I saw this shortly after Michael passed away. I got sad even before the show, cause of the floral tributes piled outside the theatre. It really hit me when I saw that. The show was good, but not brilliant. It was very lively show and the cast put in a lot of effort to get the audience involved and have a good time. It must be hard for them in the aftermath of his passing.

But like other posters have said, it was an enormous anti-climax and quite depressing knowing that 'this is it' (no pun intended). Knowing I had front row seats to see Michael, and now I was watching this feeble compensation show :(
I had a run in before the show with a street trader by shouting out "get your wa**o Ja@%$ t-shirts here." I told him "genuine fans won't buy anything from you calling him that, He was christened Michael." To which I was told to f off. I just had to say something to him.
Well, good for you :clapping:

This reminded me a bit of a tribute show/concert that's being advertised a lot here in German newspapers. It's a live show with impersonators that's touring here next year from America, I think. In the US the show (or similar show?) had a totally normal and acceptable name, but here in Germany it's going to be called... wait for it... "J****!". That's the name of an MJ tribute show. WTF were they thinking?? Why not just add "W****" at the beginning and call it good :doh: ? I couldn't believe it. I refuse to go, just based on the name. Some tribute!

But like other posters have said, it was an enormous anti-climax and quite depressing knowing that 'this is it' (no pun intended). Knowing I had front row seats to see Michael, and now I was watching this feeble compensation show :(
Man do I understand this. That's how I felt afterwards as well. We were pretty close in front of the stage for Thriller Live and we realized we would have been that close to Michael at the O2 :( And that for the rest of our lives we'll have to settle for stuff like this... Not that Thriller Live is bad, it's just not Michael. And no one will ever come close. Not just from an entertainment value perspective, but from a personal one as well. I would've paid to sit in an arena and listen to Michael read children's stories or something. We love him, not just him performing. And all that just cannot be transferred to someone else.
Thriller Live has never appealed to me, I don't like MJ impersonators and I don't like hearing other artists cover Michael's songs. Having seen Michael live on the Bad, Dangerous and HIStory Tours I have experienced the real thing, why would I or anyone who saw Michael live in concert want to go and see a bunch of impersonators thinking they are Michael and his brothers.

If you never got to see Michael live in concert, you won't experience anything better than watching and DVD's, videos, YouTube footage or rare downloads you may have. Because televsion and cinema are the best thing to experiencing and re-living see Michael live and performing. Even something like the Official Michael Jackson Exhibition is a real experience of Michael, because all the clothes etc were part of Michael and who he was, Thriller Live is not part Michael.

The buzz around Michael Jackson will never where off for me. The further we move from the day he died, the sadder I feel about him no longer being in our world. But there will be so many exciting things to come from Michael's estate to compensate him no longer being with us to keep his legacy alive, because his energy will live on forever. And I never stop being amazed by what Michael did and from who was in his lifetime.
I went there last september and I enjoyed it more then I thought. But I knew what to expect somehow as I knew it would just be the songs and not a real story line. The only turn off was that I'll be there was done by the girl which made it a bit like Mariah's version and some songs where to agressive (Dirty Diana) to my liking but all in all it was fun to me. Ofcourse it's not even close to the real deal, nothing can beat Michael, but it was ok.

I do understand why people don't like it though coz I had my doubts about that too before I went there.