Thriller Live-MJJC Viewing Your thoughts


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Manchester, UK
Hi all

New to this board been lurking for a while but now decided it was time to join.

Anyway for obvious reasons this is a difficult time for us all, we alll cope in our own way and mine has been to see Thriller Live. I have seen it now 5 times since Michaels death both in Manchester & Birmingham and for those who haven't seen it it is a great show. Obviously not as good as what could of been been but unfortunately the best alternative we are going to see now.
Which got me thinking having seen in 5 times how good the show is depends on the crowd . How good would it be to have it full of MJJC members who would be on their feet clapping and dancing to every song.
So hypothetically at this stage who would be interested in a private viewing of the show solely for MJJC members. I know the Lyric theatre in London holds around 970 people they currently have shows every night apart from Monday so any show would have to be either a Monday night or a weekday afternoon.
There is of course no guarantee the theatre would agree to this and of course it would depend on numbers and ticket prices which I would assume be the normal theatre rate. I just think it would be brilliant to have a night where we could all get together and party and I can't think of a better place.
I am happy to try and sort and of course it would be subject to permission from the owners of this forum.
However as performers love to perform to an audience and lets face it you won't get a more dedicated crowd than us and the theatre would get their money I would hope it wouldn't be a problem to get the theatre on board ( fingers crossed ) so it is all down to us. If you are seriously up for it let us know and if there is enough interest I will make enquiries.
As I say at this stage it is only a possibility and nothing may come of it but hopefully it willl generate enough interest.
I am notifying the owners of this site now as to my plan and hopefully they will have no objections so if interested post here and if worst comes to worst and there is only a few of us we could maybe make a group booking for a pre arranged show.
I seen it in Glasgow last Friday for the first time. I thought it was awesome, I really did. The performers, the band, everything. The venue was packed too, and the atmosphere was obviously very special, I think the cast felt that, Glasgow always gives the best reception to live shows in the UK but this was something else.

No one could hold the tears back at Music and Me or I'll be There, that little kid who does the early MJ stuff is brilliant.

I'm in the process of trying to get Thriller Live into Dublin Olympia for a run of shows now, I'm sure it wont take much persuading.