Thriller Jacket From Amsterdam 96


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey i have 2 question about the Thriller jacket that Michael wears on the History tour in Amsterdam. What Colours are on the jacket and the jacket does not even look like all the other ones he has worn. I mean the back of the jacket does not have the v desgin on the back of the jacket.
i know what you're talkin about. i had pics but idk where they are lol..i THINK its an orange type color with some greens in it(i cant remember exactly..and its alot longer in length than the others...very cool jacket
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I dont know that....:scratch:

Would be great if somebody could post Pics!!!;D
you can download it ;)
in the download section
or you can watch a stream of it at or on youtube ... lots of places have it available for fans :)
he wore 2 different ones at amsterdam, a green, red, black & white one and just a red, Black & white one ;)
thanx 4 the video info but he wants pics lol and i cant even find the youtube link
my question is on bucharest 96 he uses a red jacket?? for thriller??
He should really use the red jacket all the time. It's more iconic
I think he uses the white one 4 people who cant see lol. He also wore an orange kinda 1 in aukland