Thriller commercials and advertisments (please, help me :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ukraine (Europe, guys :D)
Hi, I will post message from my friend - she has problems with login in on this forum. If I posted it in the wrong board, sorry, just move it.. It is a specific request, I would like more people to see it! I hope somebody will help :) Thanx!

"Guys, hello! Could you help me please? If anybody ever had some magazines with print commercials of Thriller album or seen video commercials (if it was) could you please tell me about it? I write diploma about success of the Thriller album, but here in Russia I can't find anything that could confirm the presence of any advertising.
If you as fans saved some magazines or newspapers, maybe you could scan it and upload it here or send via e-mail?? I'll be really thankful!!!!
PS. I don't mean pepsi commercials, cause it's not about the album but about Pepsi))))
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Hey, this is me!)) Yes, I'm really looking for some Thriller album commercials (print, audio, video)... maybe you have it? Or you don't have it but you've seen/heard it in 80s ?? Pleeeeeaaase.....