Thriller animation im working on :)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Im currently working on an animation of the Thriller video clip, using the rotoscoping technique (like they use for some disney animations) It's going to take a very long time to complete but i think that it will be well worth the effort!
There will be 3,241 drawings to make the animation and so far I've done 32.

Ive uploaded a demo of what ive done so far to youtube so if you would like to check it out here's the link.
Nice idea, but I'd never have the patience to do that :D
I hope this will become a youtube classic when you're done with it, because it's a whoooole lot of work. They don't even draw cartoons nowdays (which is kind of sad that they don't do)
Woooow, that looks amazing...and only 2 seconds so far. 32 drawings for 2 seconds, sheesh! More power to ya though! I can't wait to see the final result. Lol, you should give yourself a goal for the whole year. So many drawings for each day. I also agree with Bruce in hopes that it becomes a Youtube classic.
thanks guys! :D
"Well they say the skys the limit,
and to me thats really true!"
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