Thriller #1 ALBUM on Itunes


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Oh my goodness...

because of a special DEAL, you can buy the original Thriller on ITunes for just $5. This includes the video as well. And as a result, it's the #1 selling album on iTunes.
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5$ ??¿¿¿?? DamN that's cheap!

Thriller back where it belongs @ #1!
$5.00 must be the Halloween SPECIAL price. LOL!

Don't matter, number 1 is always good. Especially when you are talking about a 25 year old album, that dang near everybody already owns.

Michael Jackson will ALWAYS be unstoppable. As Rasta would say: LOVE IT!
Thanks for posting.

This shows that MJ will always be popular.
Simply amazing...

Wow! Read the reviews. There's plenty of them too. And soo many are giving their praise. Only maybe 5 reviews that are horrible out of 58 four and five star reviews.

This was a great deal for iTunes users, and they are taking notice.
That is amazing. iTunes is the number one retailer of music in the U.S... so Thriller is the number one selling album on the number one music retailer currently.
really a great deal from iTunes for the halloween week and people are buying for this sweet deal.

Not only that but looking at the top 100 album at the Pop category, you will see 6 MJ albums in the top 100. Well done Michael, your music really lives on this day !
wow thats really great , didnt saw that coming at all !

its at #77 overhere and still has its original price, bummeeeer :p
but we dont celebrate halloween overhere, so i still think #77 is quite a good place :)

It's not even top100 on UK itunes.
of course he's number one, in USA and canada.

i've uploaded a proper screenshot of it (since i was a little bit annoyed that no one else could do one of the whole charts :)), see it here:

Michael is NO DOUBT happy about that, if he has stopped long enough to take notice amongst his busy schedule. He has, after all, always wanted to be number 1. And the fact it is number 1 here in U.S. should make it more pleasing and ENCOURAGING since things were going awry there for awhile for him here. Way to go, Michael!!! :)
Both number one in US and Canada!!!

Great news. Apple should give Michael some sort an award or major PR promotion because his Thriller video has got to be the most download video on iTunes of all time as it's hasn't been out of the top 10 since it's iTunes release 3 or 4 years ago and it often No.1 or in the top 5.