Thought i would share this..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I love this post, thought i would share it with everyone. How true it is!!

"Also... if there actually is something about Michael Jacksons fame that reflects the shallowness of the modern world, it's in how misunderstood he was.

And the reason he was so misunderstood was by the media. Who instead of conscentraiting on Jackson's humanitarian work, focused on the way he looked instead. With all he had accomplished in his art and charity work, Jackson's fame could have been turned into quite the inspirational tale for many people (especiall considering he was also battleing vitilgo and lupus sense the 80's).

He was one of those rare human beings that actually tried to make a difference and lived life as a good person. And we tore him down for it, believing that it was to srange to be true. "How could anyone be that kind?" we'd think, and come to the conclusion that they couldn't be, and that he must have evil motives behind it all.

He had a fame built on misunderstanding. But if he hadn't been so misunderstood... I don't think the fame would've stuck. Because honestly, who thinks being a giving person and singing about helping people is cool? Unfortunately, no one in this world. But as long as he sounded cool and looked like he floated while dancing, who really cared what he sang about?

... you're right about the world being shallow. But the real problem is the worlds ignorance."
I honestly believe this world wasn't ready for Michael. With all the awful things happening in the world Michael and his message is thought by the majority to be 'weird' and the media spend more time taking pot shots at him, always trying to bring him down. Michael talked about love, helping people, giving and sharing in his music and the world didn't understand.

I love this post, thought i would share it with everyone. How true it is!!

"Also... if there actually is something about Michael Jacksons fame that reflects the shallowness of the modern world, it's in how misunderstood he was.

And the reason he was so misunderstood was by the media. Who instead of conscentraiting on Jackson's humanitarian work, focused on the way he looked instead. With all he had accomplished in his art and charity work, Jackson's fame could have been turned into quite the inspirational tale for many people (especiall considering he was also battleing vitilgo and lupus sense the 80's).

He was one of those rare human beings that actually tried to make a difference and lived life as a good person. And we tore him down for it, believing that it was to srange to be true. "How could anyone be that kind?" we'd think, and come to the conclusion that they couldn't be, and that he must have evil motives behind it all.

He had a fame built on misunderstanding. But if he hadn't been so misunderstood... I don't think the fame would've stuck. Because honestly, who thinks being a giving person and singing about helping people is cool? Unfortunately, no one in this world. But as long as he sounded cool and looked like he floated while dancing, who really cared what he sang about?

... you're right about the world being shallow. But the real problem is the worlds ignorance."

I can not but agree with you. I was thinking what to say but I guess you said it all...The sad truth is that the entertainment industry in the western world revolves around Hollywood. If Hollywood thinks its cool, then its cool. Take this Haiti as an example...I am sure Haiti thanks for the aid it is receiving and which they are totally entitled to. People should help. But what I feel is a bit annoying is that all these stars and broadcasting companies are now suddenly showing down their "saint like" interest to our throats in helping others in need...when in was them who lynched MJ and one of the reasons was because he was just too good of a human being... I say, what a way to glorify yourself.

MJ helped people.He did not talk about it in the media...he did not have to. He wanted to help. If these stars in Hollywood really wanted to help, they could have done it without the media.

But I suppose, if you break the unwritten rules in Hollywood, then you get beaten like MJ did...

Proper playground bullying.

I love this post, thought i would share it with everyone. How true it is!!

"Also... if there actually is something about Michael Jacksons fame that reflects the shallowness of the modern world, it's in how misunderstood he was.

And the reason he was so misunderstood was by the media. Who instead of conscentraiting on Jackson's humanitarian work, focused on the way he looked instead. With all he had accomplished in his art and charity work, Jackson's fame could have been turned into quite the inspirational tale for many people (especiall considering he was also battleing vitilgo and lupus sense the 80's).

He was one of those rare human beings that actually tried to make a difference and lived life as a good person. And we tore him down for it, believing that it was to srange to be true. "How could anyone be that kind?" we'd think, and come to the conclusion that they couldn't be, and that he must have evil motives behind it all.

He had a fame built on misunderstanding. But if he hadn't been so misunderstood... I don't think the fame would've stuck. Because honestly, who thinks being a giving person and singing about helping people is cool? Unfortunately, no one in this world. But as long as he sounded cool and looked like he floated while dancing, who really cared what he sang about?

... you're right about the world being shallow. But the real problem is the worlds ignorance."
That was beautiful and so spot on.

I think it's ok for celebs to use their fame for something like haiti. Everybody's heard about it so people will know that it's for good cause. I loved it though how Michael did most of his charity work out of publics eye. He knew it was simply the right thing to do and that somebody had to do it.
In some cases though I think it's good if a celebrity uses his/her fame to make people more aware of things that are wrong in this world. There are many that the mainstream media ignores.
I honestly believe this world wasn't ready for Michael. With all the awful things happening in the world Michael and his message is thought by the majority to be 'weird' and the media spend more time taking pot shots at him, always trying to bring him down. Michael talked about love, helping people, giving and sharing in his music and the world didn't understand.
I agree soooo much
This is sad =( he did his best, but no one ever thanked him for anything he did, i believe he made a huge change!