Those Who Venemously Accuse of (youknowwhat) Michael most don't give S*%t about children themselves.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Has anyone noticed the most evil of Michael's critics don't exactly seem nurturing or child loving themselves? Think about it, his actual accusers/framers, evil lawyers, pundits, and politicians (Sneddon, Peter King, Gloria Allred, Nancy Disgrace, Bas%#t, Maureen Orth,)They're all versions of The Mayor in Ghosts. These are all people I wouldn't leave my children with for an hour just watching them. As a kid I would take one look at any of them and could tell how evil they are. It's the same in real life that his most vicious accusers really couldn't care less about children in terms of seeing their value in learning how to love and be innocent. They have this lifeless bloodless shark persona that any child would back away from like the most evil teachers we all had in school who you know hate their job and you wonder why they teach children. Has anyone else noticed this?
Well, what I've noticed is that those who are most convinced of MJ's guilt are also the most uneducated about the case. Their whole argument centres on: if he paid he must've done it. No matter how many arguments you put forward, no matter how obvious the evidence is, they keep coming back to this. It's so frustrating. I remember a while ago I was arguing with some other people on another (non- MJ related) forum and fortunately most of them were on my side, but there were 2 guys (1 was a troll who gets banned over and over again) who had the most ridiculous claims like "my personal observations tell me MJ was gay" and "I once spoke to a local police officer who said that MJ looked just like a typical pedophile" and stuff :lol: I find it hard to take them seriously, but nowadays I just brush it off and stop 'debating' with them cause it's useless anyway. I can understand why people think MJ is "strange", it's what they've been fed by the media for the last 20 years and since they're not fans, they don't take the effort to do a little research and find out the real reason behind a lot of his "eccentricities". And because the media have so successfully created this "***** *****" caricature, the idea of him being a child molestor becomes more probable to people. However, I've noticed that more and more people are beginning to see the truth. Like Michael said: the truth always prevails :) I want to believe that in a few decades, this whole 'child molestor' stigma will be nothing more than a sidenote, and the fact that he was ACQUITTED of those charges will outweigh the fact that he was accused. I recently watched a documentary about Tupac and it contained footage of the 1990s, at that time he was accused of rape, accomplice in murder, dealing drugs, etc. Nowadays many people refer to him as the "King of Rap" and a very intelligent person (which he indeed was). Before Elvis died, many people ridiculed him and considered him a fat, washed-up junkie. Now he is the "King". And to go a little further back in history, Van Gogh was considered an insane lunatic who could barely sell his paintings and he eventually killed himself from misery. Now he is called a genius. Same with many other individuals who have left a mark in the artistic field. Hopefully the same will happen with Michael :)
Has anyone noticed the most evil of Michael's critics don't exactly seem nurturing or child loving themselves? Think about it, his actual accusers/framers, evil lawyers, pundits, and politicians (Sneddon, Peter King, Gloria Allred, Nancy Disgrace, Bas%#t, Maureen Orth,)They're all versions of The Mayor in Ghosts. These are all people I wouldn't leave my children with for an hour just watching them. As a kid I would take one look at any of them and could tell how evil they are. It's the same in real life that his most vicious accusers really couldn't care less about children in terms of seeing their value in learning how to love and be innocent. They have this lifeless bloodless shark persona that any child would back away from like the most evil teachers we all had in school who you know hate their job and you wonder why they teach children. Has anyone else noticed this?

yes. totally agree. many of them abuse children, kill children, are for laws that allow children to die or be killed, are slow in laws to protect children from kidnappers..kidnap children, themselves, etc.
These people wanted Michael to be guilty. So that means that they wanted those kids to be molested by Michael and then they call Michael the sick and twisted one. Any normal human being would be happy to learn that Michael was innocent because then that would mean that no kids have been hurt
I don't know how he made it through with so many wicked wicked people slandering him.
I have no patience with ppl that still think he is guilty. I just want to throw them against the wall.
Those sort of people just like to cloud the fact that they have done so many bad things in their life............

Its like me saying that, "I beat/raped/killed someone but it isn't as bad as W***** J***** who did *******************!!!!"

Or a much easier way of explaining it is when George Bush calls Saddam Hussain a Tyrant but it was Bush who killed so many more innocents in Iraq then what Saddam did!!!!!!!!
I just think it's ironic that those who seem to hate him most are people who aren't that good with children or don't seem to really care for them. I mean do any of these people come off as those who are loving, warm, playful or any of the things kids would love anyway? I agree with 144000 saying that they even enact laws that cripple child care and education. I've noticed even those who don't like Michael much, if they actually love children, they either at least believe he is innocent and if not they are easier to talk to and I've even converted a couple to believe his innocence, but they seem to genuinely love children too so they're somewhat salvageable. Those who hate him with a tuned out listening to the facts seem to not care much for children anyway. Both these infamous hogs and everyday people who have a flippant attitude towards kids. I had an acquaintance who always talked smack about Michael when he came up when he wasn't that happy himself. He says he loves kids but says he sees nothing special about them, that they're just as self centered, cruel, and messed up as adults. He's not the only one with an attitude like that either. Take a look around sometime at people like this. The more a person hates Michael the less caring for children they really seem to be.
I so totally agree with you guys. Some of those people that you mention reminds me of my kindergarten teacher. My kindergarten teacher was always a real nasty bitch to me and the rest of the kids in my class. She was the kind of person that shouldn't even been teaching or even be around kids that young. OMG she used to yell and punish us over the most littlest thing that we did. When we were only 4 or 5 years old what did we know at that age. Omg did I hated her so much back then even now I still hate that horrible lady.
Has anyone noticed the most evil of Michael's critics don't exactly seem nurturing or child loving themselves? Think about it, his actual accusers/framers, evil lawyers, pundits, and politicians (Sneddon, Peter King, Gloria Allred, Nancy Disgrace, Bas%#t, Maureen Orth,)They're all versions of The Mayor in Ghosts. These are all people I wouldn't leave my children with for an hour just watching them. As a kid I would take one look at any of them and could tell how evil they are. It's the same in real life that his most vicious accusers really couldn't care less about children in terms of seeing their value in learning how to love and be innocent. They have this lifeless bloodless shark persona that any child would back away from like the most evil teachers we all had in school who you know hate their job and you wonder why they teach children. Has anyone else noticed this?

So true.

Diane Dimond: "I know there was alleged to have been some drawings of nude boys in Michael Jackson`s hand, but I`ll tell you what, I never saw them. That would be a good story. I`d like to be able to tell you that, but that just didn`t happen.

There was artwork of Michael`s of young boys, but beautiful profiles. He`s quite an artist, but I didn`t see anything where I looked at it and I said, "Oh, that`s illegal."

So Dimond, cares so much about children, that she would have LOVED to find something among Michael's stuff that would suggest he had done something illegal with children. Just because it would be "a good story".
Has anyone noticed the most evil of Michael's critics don't exactly seem nurturing or child loving themselves? Think about it, his actual accusers/framers, evil lawyers, pundits, and politicians (Sneddon, Peter King, Gloria Allred, Nancy Disgrace, Bas%#t, Maureen Orth,)They're all versions of The Mayor in Ghosts. These are all people I wouldn't leave my children with for an hour just watching them. As a kid I would take one look at any of them and could tell how evil they are. It's the same in real life that his most vicious accusers really couldn't care less about children in terms of seeing their value in learning how to love and be innocent. They have this lifeless bloodless shark persona that any child would back away from like the most evil teachers we all had in school who you know hate their job and you wonder why they teach children. Has anyone else noticed this?

Great post.

I never will, ever will, be able to see the logic of bringing down a loving icon from his podium that he stood on wanting to look after us all. His heart was pure, even at his lowest point.

Jealous. Money hungry. Racist people.

This world is soo beautiful when love is shown, people cry there hearts out with happiness. But there are people that want to disrupt it all. I will never understand it.
These people wanted Michael to be guilty. So that means that they wanted those kids to be molested by Michael and then they call Michael the sick and twisted one. Any normal human being would be happy to learn that Michael was innocent because then that would mean that no kids have been hurt

Totally! :agree:
Well, what I've noticed is that those who are most convinced of MJ's guilt are also the most uneducated about the case. Their whole argument centres on: if he paid he must've done it. No matter how many arguments you put forward, no matter how obvious the evidence is, they keep coming back to this. It's so frustrating.

I agree, I get so sick and tired of people throwing this line at me whenever the discussion of MJ comes up. If people actually bothered to research instead of just believing whatever tabloid papers print then they would actually be able to form their own opinions instead of just believing tabloids. As you say it's highly frustrating. The reason he paid was because as he put it in his own words, too many people had been hurt and it was time to put a stop to it.
Most of those people are in it for the "attack", and they like that they can do it under the guise of caring for children. Obviously, there are much better ways to help children, and I'd guess they're not not investing much time/money to actually help anyone.
People like Diane Dimond don't care about children! You never hear them saying or doing anything for children unless MJs name can be thrown in there some way! But, MJ has done more for children then all of them put together! Yet, he was portrayed as the bad guy! o_O What the F*ck is wrong with this world?