Those in Medical Field or Any Who Know About Blood Levels


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009

I got my blood work back from the doctors today and they told me my Ferritin level was 2. He said it was low. Is this something I should be worried about? Or can I kinda ignore my doctor? I told him I perpetually have anemia because I have sickle cell trait so I don't bother trying to do anything for it.

Thanks! :)
As a general rule, you should never "ignore" your doctor unless you have a sound reason for thinking he is incompetent or negligent. If you don't have confidence in his diagnosis (doctors are still only human and can make mistakes) then you should visit another one to seek a second opinion.
Do you have your results on paper? Can you talk more with your doctor? On my pages it says Ferritin is supposed to be between the range of 30-100ng/ml .. mine is listed as way under that too but 2 sounds severely bad? Would taking iron supplements help? I am not sure of the anemia type you are mentioning.
Ask your doctor what the limits are.
In Sweden it´s between 6-70 ug/L.
It can change when you change the method for the analysis and we measure it in different ways around the world.