Those eyes in the banner gives me courage


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
Thought this would be a cool title :wild:
I :wub: the NEW banner... It's like Michael peeking over your screen "AH, there you are finally" Heehee :cheeky:

No, seriously, I know I don't post a lot here... I wish I could... but I have this 'horrible' invalidity that I can only type with one finger... Okay, two if I wanna suffer terrible pains :doh:
I'm the one with the titanium friend in my spine and the 'naughty' right hand that doesn't wanna listen anymore :scratch:
I'm so 'dreading' to go back to the hospital :no: for more tests and pfff.... Okay, they 'fixed' my neck... They fixed my 'nerve' in my hand but still I can't use my hand without the 'excrutinating' pain :no: They didn't find the problem last year... Are they gonna find it now????

I've been good for about a couple of months or so... even planning to get a part time job and I was over the moon with it and now I'm back in the abyss :wacko:
I 'hurted' my hand again by simple 'cutting' an apple... Stupid hand stupid apple :doh:

I'm not giving up though... I just need to accept the sit and move on and still dare to dream and adjust my life and... You know...

Sowwy, didn't wanted to 'spew' all that negative thinking here in a new thread but I just have to get it out of my system...

I :wub: this forum... I :wub: this community... its my HOME... My strength...

Thanks for reading this ramble... :scratch:

Maybe, there are other fans here with 'fysical' probs??? How do you take it on a daily base???

Good and bad moments hey :tease:
I hope everything is gonna be OK.

I am glad you like the new banner, which was designed by me. :)
I agree. Both the banner and your sig are beautiful. ^_^