Thomas Mesereau got his own Youtube channel

Nice channel, but how do we know if it's really him or not?

btw, that's a well good pic at 3:35, can anyone post it here or PM it to me please?
Thanks Staffordshire Bullterrier for the videos.
T-Mez is an awesome human being.

I suppose it's him, I don't see why not. *shrug*

And yes...Michael looks dam good.
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Not only did he do something VERY VERY good by helping out MJ so well, so damn well. But also next to that he does great things for charity and people who need it, great person.
He is great, but was he with Michael after the trial when Michael would have liked to. He wasn't a friend really. It's different. There are people who know what is it like being a true friend with Michael Jackson.
He is great, but was he with Michael after the trial when Michael would have liked to. He wasn't a friend really. It's different. There are people who know what is it like being a true friend with Michael Jackson.

He was a friend in the sense that he was much more than just a lawyer. Michael was confessing in him, ringing him up in the middle of the night, when Mez got unwell at the end of the trial, Michael was ringing him to see how he was doing, he was more concerned about Mez getting well than himself (angel) - it was more than just 'business'. And Mez is deffo a friend in the sense that he remained loyal to Michael even after the paycheques stopped coming. I personally believe that they were much closer than anyone knows, simply because Mez knew what a private person Michael was and he's always done his utmost to respect that. He's very reluctant to talk to the press about their relations - and good for him.

:mez: :wub:
He is great, but was he with Michael after the trial when Michael would have liked to. He wasn't a friend really. It's different. There are people who know what is it like being a true friend with Michael Jackson.

of course they stayed friends. and it was michael who ended the professional relationship with him, which was just a formal act, because michael was so long in bahrain and ireland so that they simply disbanded due to geographical reasons, obviously. when they tried to make a story out of if in the media, mesereau reacted correctly and stated that this was just something on the paper and that he's still there for him.

mesereau is a defense attorney with a full schedule, and michael was uhm "just michael", meaning almost no time either, so i guess they might not have had much opportunities to meet since MJ came back to the US. that's the thing when you're a) in different areas of profession b) very busy with life ... generally speaking, as celebrity it is hard to gain friends but i guess you can relate to someone, who always stands up for you, wishes you well and defends you in the media even after 4 years after the trial, as a friend.