This Year Michael will be 51


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
ooh my god MJ will be 51in aug ooh my lord :scratch:

doesn't mean that MJ is old but in are hearts he is young forever :wub:

and he can still dance as no one can't believe it:yes:
but i never saw him on stange before so:no:

oooh will he is still :D king of pop forever :D
You're only as old as you feel and Michael signed up for 50 concerts so he must be feeling pretty young.
omg Michael Jackson!! your so -like- OLD!!

but is'nt it ok to be "old" or "older". or at least "not young anymore"?
we all get there. can't do a damn thing about it!

and Michael is looking like a 40 year old, so I think he's doing great!
i have a hard time looking at him and seeing 51. if we all woke up one day and didn't have clocks, i'd think he'd fit amongst a lineup of 17 year olds, or thereabouts, lookswise.

so i think a state of mind is a powerful thing.
Nearly 51 years old and still couldn't be sexier from head to toe....Oh Michael Jacksonnnnn >"
Wow I remember it was like yesterday when it was his birthday.
Wow 51 hey!

mike keeps looking better & better the older he gets :)
When my mom asked how old he was and I said "50," she said "I can't see him as that! I see him as a child. He's only like, 25!"
i agree with u and no offence to anyone but after 50 u get to have fun in life i mean come on while ur really young u studdy ur ass off then u work ur ass of but after 50 its the best time to start having fun. AND NO 51 IS NOT OLD. :)

Heyyy!!!! One minute here!! I'm gonna be 51!! I don't consider myself "old" at all...!!
i agree with u and no offence to anyone but after 50 u get to have fun in life i mean come on while ur really young u studdy ur ass off then u work ur ass of but after 50 its the best time to start having fun. AND NO 51 IS NOT OLD. :)

Are you kidding? I am almost 51 and STILL working and studying my ass off!! Remember, I am in Nursing School. Hey, life doesn't end after 30. Believe me. But, there is a good side. At least the older you get, the less self-conscious you get. I could care less what people think of me now.

But heck, I am still 18 in my mind. In my mind's eye, I am still trying to wangle a date to the senior (and I do not mean "senior citizen" here) prom.
:scare: Michael 51? You must be kiddin, seriously. I mean, I won't even believe if you tell me he is 40 :nono:

The most, Michael is 35 to me :wub:

Thanks for making this thread.
It's such a heart warming thread :)

He dosn't look older then 35 MAX:agree:
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wow serious ur a tough lady to be honest at 51 i dont wanna do any of this things lmfao i am a lazy ass and i am 31 turning 32 in sep.

Are you kidding? I am almost 51 and STILL working and studying my ass off!! Remember, I am in Nursing School. Hey, life doesn't end after 30. Believe me. But, there is a good side. At least the older you get, the less self-conscious you get. I could care less what people think of me now.

But heck, I am still 18 in my mind. In my mind's eye, I am still trying to wangle a date to the senior (and I do not mean "senior citizen" here) prom.
The answer is simple: Michael is like the wine, as older, the better it is. :D

but when he was young he was a rosé wine :yes::giggle:

(ok I'm being silly.. but still!..)

He's getting pretty cute in his "old" age.:D
cute and handsome.. but he was always cute and handsome! :yes:

Heyyy!!!! One minute here!! I'm gonna be 51!! I don't consider myself "old" at all...!!
now why did I quote that.. I think I forgot.. ;)
no really.. I don't think 51 is old.. old is when your hair turns white and you can't remember you name! :p

i have a hard time looking at him and seeing 51. if we all woke up one day and didn't have clocks, i'd think he'd fit amongst a lineup of 17 year olds, or thereabouts, lookswise.

so i think a state of mind is a powerful thing.

17!?? no I don't see him as that young! I could see him as 40sumthin.
He doesent have that "naive" (not negative) look in his eyes nomore, that people below/in the twenties have.

Also theres something that I always notice about people - how they walk!
And look how Michael is walking a little more slowly now, than how he did back in the bad era for example.
It's very handsom when men start to walk a little more slowly with age. Like an old matriarch :p
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:scare: Michael 51? You must be kiddin, seriously. I mean, I won't even believe if you tell me he is 40 :nono:

:toofunny: :scare::toofunny: one thing that i didn't belivev it too that MJ is 51 this year :yes: :dropdead:

The most, Michael is 35 to me :wub:

:agree::flowers: :wub:

Thanks for making this thread.
It's such a heart warming thread :)

your walcome thesmellofcoffee :flowers:
He's getting pretty cute in his "old" age.:D
In any age, Michael will always be beautiful. ;)

Hey, I know it has nothing to do, but I remember something now... Here in Brazil we have a sugar-cane brandy (cachaça) called "51"! lol! :)

Do it with the famous "caipirinha" here in Brazil that goes to "51", sugar and lemon. lol! And all the foreigners coming to Brazil love this drink. Brazil was only a curiosity...:D

Heyyy!!!! One minute here!! I'm gonna be 51!! I don't consider myself "old" at all...!!
Really? It seems that you will make 51 years of age. You seem to be younger. Hummmm give us 45 years to you... Hey, no one is old, only our body that ages, but we remain forever young! What is inside of us and more important and bigger than it is on the outside! ;)
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It's hard to believe, still, lol. I was watching Victory Tour footage/documentaries last night and remembering that time period. I was just 12 then. And now.. I'm going to see MJ's first concert that he performs as a 51 YEAR OLD (Aug 30), lol. Wow. Crazy to think of how we're all getting up there in age. I remember being a kid and wondering about what all would come in the future for Michael (uh, I wish I could go back in time & warn him about a few things, ahem!) and it was almost impossible to imagine what he might look like at .... 50! (And 50 is way old when you're 12 ;)) On the televison there were always celebrities of the previous generations and my parents would comment, sometimes with shock, at how old-looking so many of them had become. It was nearly impossible to comprehend that someday MJ would be looking older as well (or that I myself would get old and fat, ugh, lol).

And now... here we all are ;) And MJ is still gorgeous. Not 25 anymore, but still gorgeous :wub:

Are you kidding? I am almost 51 and STILL working and studying my ass off!! Remember, I am in Nursing School. Hey, life doesn't end after 30. Believe me. But, there is a good side. At least the older you get, the less self-conscious you get. I could care less what people think of me now. .
Ha, that's the kind of thing I was going to say about having fun. My mom just turned 59. She's got health probs, no insurance, no savings left, working her ass off as best she can. I'll ask her how "fun" her 50's have been...
51 ?? ..... 50 concerts ?? :scratch:

Will Michael perform a secret concert during the year ?? :shifty:

MJ is an artist and a creative person and that explains one of reasons why he stays young. I think many artists do and should stay young in terms of being flexible and open to new ideas.

Looks-wise, you look younger than others of the same age if you work out for a long time. MJ has been dancing all his life and that's why he looks young and fit:)
arhhh I'm 22 so 51 is scarey old to me but Michael looks 38, seriously. Oh and I'd still sleep with him, his damm sexy for 50! ;)