This World Deserves This...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
I can just imagine Mother Mary shedding tears looking down at the way her beloved child was being made to function and walk and talk and even breathe in pain because of all these ridiculous tragedies in his life. And I can so imagine her other son...God...going, "FINE MOTHER!!! We'll see who they ridicule when he's up here with you. Are you sure this is the time though?"
And Mother Mary going, through tears, "I need to cleanse his spirit from those lies...from that pain...I can't watch him go on like this. He has done his part while still it's time for his art to dazzle those blind eyes...let him come to me, son. Let me hold him."

As a former catholic, I understand what you are saying.

To be honest with you, I feel that God called Michael home. Just like Stevie Wonder said. It is just that the suddenness of his death struck us all. We just weren't ready for it. But I do believe that Michael was ready for it. I don't believe that God caught him off guard. I believe he loved his children and his family and his fans. I believe he wanted to tour for his fans. But I also believe that he was tired of being ridiculed and ostracized and hated on by the media and their cohorts. I also believe that he had given us enough of his life....he had done it all. There was nothing left for him to do. And God took him. Yes, he could have given us more of himself. But God had other plans.
As a Christian I totally understand what you're saying.

This is how Michael brought people together. Fans understand each other.

You know, the media was making a big deal out of Michael's religion and fussing about what religion will be showcased at the memorial. But I like the way they had all of those symbols from the different religions flashing on the screen at the end of the memorial. This was a testament to the unifying force that Michael was. He may have had strong chrisitian beliefs (which was shown throughout the memorial), but he embraced people of all religious backgrounds. Michael felt that no matter what our beliefs were, we should be able to find some common ground as human beings and come together for the good. Sort of like Obama, you know.

Before Obama, there was Michael. I'm just sayin!
I have no religon...and I am angry with "GOD"

but I love Mother Mary VERY dearly...

that is why I believe this....

and thank for the compliment dangerous2000watts and AllTheLovelyFlowers