This was IT!


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
We did not hear so very much about this tour before Michael passed away. Michael did not say so much about it, but as the concert dates came closer and closer we could feel the tension increase. When the concert was 2 weeks away the storm was coming. Kenny updated on twitter what was happening, new single maybe would came out. It was hard to believe that this time it really was it. This time nothing could stop us. This was indeed IT!

Many people said he was too week and he would not make 50 concerts, im sorry they got
right. Not that I think that MJ was week, it was not his fault he died. But the truth is that he didn't make it, and the media had right. for once. That's sad.

How do you think this concert would be reported out in the media? Maybe they would still bash him, but he could have prove them wrong and make a great comeback. I wish we atleast could have seen some concerts, just to shut them up.
How do you think this concert would be reported out in the media? Maybe they would still bash him, but he could have prove them wrong and make a great comeback. I wish we atleast could have seen some concerts, just to shut them up.

Good question. I think it depends if he was singing most of the songs live or not.

He got away with it on history but I think the media would´ve critize him big this time if he was miming 80% of the concert. So there you go my opinion.
Why aren't anyone talking about how the concert shoudl have been? maybe that will be out in september when TII is releaed.
Well considering the phenomenal 3-D intro with the combination of Ghosts/Thriller and the zombies popping out of the movie screens (brilliant!) - and then Michael...

Michael proved that he could just stand up on stage in a stance and not move an inch and still the crowd goes bezerk.

Michael would've became that possessed spirit man-child and handed us a historic, awe-inspiring performance - like he always does!
you underestimate the stress the media and everyone around Michael put on him. with a little bit of support he would've been just fine! but people only respected him once he was dead when he was alive he was no good, no matter how hard he tried
I used to imagine the headlines being something like



stuff like that.. the way they mess around with it.. but we'll never know
I think the shows would have been great. I must admit I was scared when he named the tour this is it and said the final curtain call. I knew he maybe was talking about this being the last time he tour (as he had done for many years in the past) but to see it happen just take my breath. But in the end, MJ did not die from NOTHING else. Not from being "weak", not from not being able to do the tour, etc. THis had to do with a doctor who did not know what he was doing and over medicated Michael. NOTHING ELSE.
From the beginning they tried planting that these shows were a flop. Like when Kenny insisted on a 3 day delay. It had nothing to do with MJ's health. But of course, that's what the media said. As if a 3 day delay on a show two months away was going to cure his supposed skin cancer.
i was really upset when ifound out after the rehersal michael said to frank " i cannot wait we are going to do all 50 shows im so excited i wont be able to sleep"

i lvoe the fact mj was ready to do all 50 shows and prove everyone wrong
What the media thought``The media?? Please I could give a rats ass about the people who destroyed him.
Michael has been always the greatest entertainer of all time and he always will be... whatever they say. who really cares about them or what they say?! I clearly do not!
:( I miss him so much... my biggest dream was too see him live and nothing can make up for my washed out dream -.-' :( I wish I would wake up and it be the 25th June and this had been a nightmare... Come on and wake me up, mum!!
I was always certain, that's why this is a burden, coz' I know THIS IS IT was bound to blow people's mind. and in the process shut the haters up. but then again after the tragedy happened the thought that crossed my mind was 'we didn't deserve this come back because Mike has nothing to prove he is the best there is and probably will ever be".

prove me wrong the numbers don't lie.

but if the TII happened man Mike's just gonna get bigger and bigger. New era *sigh* this is so sad. twas so close in my lifetime. my taste of michaelmania. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

well at least I got a party in heaven to look forward to. lol
You know when he died, I was sad he hadn't got the chance to prove them all wrong but then watching his video I looked at it and just said 'Michael you didn't have to prove anything to anyone bless you'
This Is It cost more money to make than any other show in history. It was also dubbed to be "the show to end all shows."

It was going to have a pole dancing aerialist, a flaming bed, 300,000 crystals and more for Christ's sake!

This WAS going to be the show to end all shows.
I always said right from when he announced the shows that it didn't matter how fantastic the show was, the media would find something that wasn't quite right in their eyes.
Whether it be his singing or "he doesn't dance like he used to" There would of been something no matter how small, is what they would of concentrated on.
Poor Michael :( In a way I glad that he hasn't got to put up with that anymore.You can understand the pressure he was under.All the negative comments mattered deep down to him :cry:

I would of been happy just to of been in the same room as him and for him to just sit or stand singing for the show.I just wanted to hear his voice and be in his presence :cry:
The shows could have been the most flawless and groundbreaking piece of stagework ever seen and the media would still find a reason to pan it or make it 'weird' somehow.