This video is so awesome .

haha yeah he makes me smile :D I wish I knew him personally, he's soooooooo cool :D
"I love to tour" :lol: classic.
That one remains a classic, but also to see how much fun he had in the most simple things. Like having super soaker fights and getting thrown into the pool. Awesome stuff.
These videos also show that next to the immense pain he must have had because of so many horrible things in his life...he had plenty of happy times too.

I wish everybody could see this, the haters who doubt him. They would see
how he was simply a man in a child's body. He's exactly like the children around him. He was also damn funny too. Just watch it...even though we all know will make you laugh and cheer you up.

MANNNN I needed to see this! Thank you so much for sharing the link with us. I LOVE THIS!
Oh wait i meant....Child in a man's body..a big kid :)
So that kid was Bret barnes? for a minute i thought it was that a-hole Chandler.