This Reminds Me of...

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This reminds me of a law they changed in efforts of trying to prosecute Michael in 93... What is wrong with the gov. in the world? They should uphold the laws already in place and create laws then pursue action not attempt to change them as it pleasers whomever and attack someone unjustlyy. It sickens me!

I wont express my personal feelings beyond that on this matter but my heart says this effects us all. Everyone please follow the link, sign and share!!!!!
Wow that is a lot of signatures already and growing by the second. (Almost 680.000 already)
I think that the way some governments are treading the whole Wikileaks thing can in the longterm affect us, the general public. (Just like the text for the petition explains)
They shouldn't be able to get away with it but sadly they more than likely will because people in power are too afraid to speak up it seems or lose their power I think.

Still good to see that there are people out there paying attention and speaking up by putting their signature down. (eventhough I don't know if it will help)