This qoute needs it's own thread..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
- Martin Luther King JR

it pretty perfect right now..
People who are true to Michael are keeping quiet..
His family.

People who just wanted a 'piece' of Michael are running their mouths...
You all know who I'm talking about here...
huh? im confused. you mean the people who have kept silent are his real friends?

EDIT: thought so.
Here's a great one that I think really describes Michael.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ MLK Jr.

I'm so thankful that he when he went away, it was at a time when he was doing what he loved, creating, rather than during his trials and tribulations.
...Would you care to elaborate?

I look at it like, right now a whole lot of people are talking shit and some get affected by it... but when all is said and done it will never weight more than the emptiness and sorrow of not having Michael around.
Here's a great one that I think really describes Michael.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ MLK Jr.

I'm so thankful that he when he went away, it was at a time when he was doing what he loved, creating, rather than during his trials and tribulations.

I like that qoute, it really shows what a strong ass man Michael was!

I'll drink to that!
Whar about this one:

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.

Michael Jackson
What about this quote:

"I like trees because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things..." - Willa Cather (American writer)

Do you think Michael has heard this quote before/knows of the writer?
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
- Martin Luther King JR

it pretty perfect right now..

Maybe i am wrong but i think you are misunderstanding the quote. Does it not mean that when bad things are said about you and your friends do not speak up in your favour it is this silence that you will remember.
Maybe i am wrong but i think you are misunderstanding the quote. Does it not mean that when bad things are said about you and your friends do not speak up in your favour it is this silence that you will remember.

I'm not referring to me, i'm referring to michael and he cant speak up anymore, but if i was famous and i died, i wouldnt want my best friends running thier mouths off on tv, michael was obviously a private man, he liked his privacy.. his true friends seem to be respecting that
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
- Martin Luther King JR

it pretty perfect right now..

Oh man, this is so true!:clapping:

If we take a look back on the people who have been on TV incessantly yapping about Mike, this quote is proven to be true. For example, why be on TV yapping about MJ's kids thoughts, their actions etc. when they know damn well that MJ would be furious about his kids being exposed like that!
I'm not referring to me, i'm referring to michael and he cant speak up anymore, but if i was famous and i died, i wouldnt want my best friends running thier mouths off on tv, michael was obviously a private man, he liked his privacy.. his true friends seem to be respecting that

I know your not refering to yourself but what the quote actually means is that Michaels so called friends should have spoke out when everyone was against him like during the trial or even now when there is so many lies told about him.
I know your not refering to yourself but what the quote actually means is that Michaels so called friends should have spoke out when everyone was against him like during the trial or even now when there is so many lies told about him.

im not talking about the trial, im talking about now.. his death, we cant keep going back to the trial.. the past is the past.. the trial is in the past, where it belongs.
im not talking about the trial, im talking about now.. his death, we cant keep going back to the trial.. the past is the past.. the trial is in the past, where it belongs.

I said "or even now", i'm not looking for an arguement i just think you all have the meaning of the quote wrong, anyway i understand what your trying to say and i agree with you.
oh yeah. ...but this could go either way too:
meaning his real friends aren't out there running their mouth and-in a way- hurting more than helping
Those who he thought were his friends didn't speak up or have his back when he needed it