This Proves Michael Is A Real Daddy, Though We Already Knew That =]

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Not sure if this is where this feel free to move if I am in the wrong spot!

Anyways, I was just on a different thread, and I was reading about someone questioning the paternity of Michael's children (surprise) and whenever I see someone questioning it...I always think of this.

My cousin Amy had a baby girl, and the baby girl's father wanted nothing to do with her. Amy found a man who would love and support her, and Jaylynn (her baby) no matter what...and she wrote the most touching excerpt of what a Daddy truly is. I took her words and put my own spin on them...I think you will all appreciate this. I know I do.

"A Daddy is not born the day a child is a born.

A Daddy is born the day he holds his baby in his arms, sings to it, cradles it to sleep, wakes in the middle of the night with it to feed and change it and loves it unconditionally all the rest of its life.

A Daddy is born the day that he picks his baby up and cuddles it after it's first word, and when he holds it's hand during it's first step.

A Daddy is born the day that he walks his baby through the doors of Pre-School, and then applauds as his baby walks down the steps after receiving a diploma.

A Daddy is born the day that he drives his baby to college, tells them goodbye, and that he could never imagine a moment in his life where he is more proud than he is then.

A Daddy is born the day he walks his baby down the aisle, or watches his baby receive the most beautiful bride imaginable.

A Daddy is born every minute, of every day that he spends loving, respecting, adoring, raising, and teaching his baby.

A Daddy is not born when the sperm meets the egg, when the fetus is growing, or when the baby is brought in to the world.

A Daddy is born when his baby looks him in the eye and says "I love you Daddy," and they both know that neither of them will ever say "I love you" to anyone else and mean it in the way they say it to each other.

A Daddy is only born once he proves to the world that he can be and is indeed a Daddy. "

This just screams out to me, and just shows me that Michael Jackson WAS a Daddy to Prince, Paris and Blanket. Who cares what science says, if science says that are not 'his'. Anyone who thinks that MJ was not a Daddy is a flat out fool, because Love makes you a Daddy, not Genetics. =]
beautiful....and it is true

paris has said it to the world...and whether the haters admit ot or not i'm sure its a BIG slap on their faces
"Love makes you a Daddy, not Genetics."

That says it all. Nice post and I agree with it 100%.
OMG, that made me cry. :( Beautiful, thanks for posting.
Thanks for sharing! It's so touching. Michael is a great father. Paris, Prince & blanket made a little appearance on TV, they looked quiet and polite. Although I never meet them in person, I think they are polite, caring and sweet, just like his daddy.^^
That was a beautiful passage and so true. I know all too well that whether or not someone shares the same DNA as you has no bearing on their competency as a parent. I'm so sick of all the speculation about whether those children are biologically related to MJ or not. Who CARES. He was their father because he raised them, took care of them and loved them. Paris's speech should have put that question to bed.
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