This poem says it all.



"I mourned you as if I knew you, because, somehow, you were able to get deep inside my soul and touch me with the essence of who you were, forging a connection that I’ve felt for as long as I can remember.

I watched you dance, and it was as if I was watching the very music itself, dancing across the stage, the very emotions we all feel, coming alive as pure physical and visual energy.

Your dance was spiritual and yet, you were able, somehow, to marry the essence of spirituality, with the sensual and physical. To express with physical movement, the intensely spiritual. Raw emotion. Organic movement. God-given natural ability to emote pure energy and emotion that just came spilling out of you with such precision and beauty. So natural and powerful it could not be contained.

It wouldn’t be until later years that I would discover so much more about your soul, your poetry, your philanthropy and your faith, but all along, they were there, and though I did not know of them in physical form at that time, they were evident in your actions, in your essence, in your dance.

Your music was not only the soundtrack of my life and everyone else’s who was privileged enough to share this planet with you at the same time, but it was also the soundtrack of our conscience, of our planet. The soundtrack of the divine. The soundtrack of the collective human experience.

You touched us with every fiber of your being and you gave us everything you had, holding back nothing. We felt that embrace and it has never left us and never will.

You endured deep physical and emotional pain, more than many of us could bear. You came through many trials of fire and though scarred, your bright light and the faith that illuminated it, was still there. Your kindness, humbleness and desire to care for and love others and heal the planet, never waned.

The physical loafers you had become so well-known for wearing until they wore out, were symbolic in so many ways. By giving us all you had and enduring so much, the dancing shoes that not only adorned your feet, but the dance you held in your soul, had become frayed. Your physical dance did not suffer, but the hurt and despair you held inside, matched the tattered soles of your beloved loafers. You had given your all and it was time for a new pair of shoes.

Michael, thank you for all that you gave us. Thank you for reminding us to love, to take care of one another, to care. Thank you for sharing with us your incredible talent as well as your incredible soul. The world has never seen the likes of one such as you, and I am sad to say, I’m not sure we ever will again. Michael, thank you, for the dance.

See you on the other side in loafers that will never wear out."

Deborah L. Kunesh


This is pretty much how I feel about Michael.
How great it is to know that there are more out there who still cares and who will always care. I'm glad I have this place and I'm glad we're so many who will work hard to keep his memory alive.
Thank you Indra for posting this beautiful poem! :flowers:
It put words to so many of my own thoughts and feelings about Michael.
Thank you Indra for posting this beautiful poem! :flowers:
It put words to so many of my own thoughts and feelings about Michael.

Exactly. Very moving poem. I love it.
Isn't amazing to realize in how many ways this extraordinary man has touched our hearts and our souls. I am truly a different person now and I wouldn't want it any other way, even though last year was pure torture from sadness and grief. When Michael died it really felt like a part of me died too. I had a hole in my soul. But now slowly but surely I am entering a new phase, exploring life and its meanings and rethinking all my values if they still hold truth or need to be tossed aside for new, better ones with greater love, empathy and understanding. It is never too late to change.There so much richness in his poems and his music, that it makes my heart happy and makes me want to share this happiness with others! What a wonderful gift is that! In that sense we, as Michael Jackson fans, are blessed!

Looking forward to the MLP tonight!

beautifully written. it expresses a lot of what i feel about him too. thanks for posting this...
Thanks Indra! That was so beautiful and touching. Lovely. :wub::angel: And I'm looking forward to explore that site.
This is pretty much how I feel about Michael.
How great it is to know that there are more out there who still cares and who will always care. I'm glad I have this place and I'm glad we're so many who will work hard to keep his memory alive.

My thanks to Deborah and you. She expressed how I feel about MJ and you did about this community.