This Old News?? : Jackson Approached Madonna About Song...

The "In The Closet" thing. Old news if that's it. Madonna had some risque Ideas for the song and Mike didn't want it, if I can recall correctly.
Re: This Old News??

Jackson rejected Madonna song
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Jackson rejected Madonna song © WENN​
2009-09-21 15:05:02 - Michael Jackson approached good friend Madonna to write a [COLOR=#0000cc !important][COLOR=#0000cc !important]song[/COLOR][/COLOR] for him - but rejected a track the Material Girl penned because it was too "provocative".

Michael Jackson approached good friend Madonna to write a song for him - but rejected a track the Material Girl penned because it was too "provocative".
The King Of Pop became friends with the singer in the early 1990s, and the pair often accompanied each other to events.
Jackson was keen to work professionally with his pal, but turned down a track she offered him because of its raunchy lyrics.
Madonna admits she was shocked by the rejection - because the Thriller hitmaker knew provocative songs were her signature sound.
She says, "We spent time together and became friends. It just never happened. I wrote words and presented them to him, but he didn't want to go there.
"He didn't want to be provocative. I said, 'Well, why come to me?' It's like asking Quentin Tarantino to not put any violence in his [COLOR=#0000cc !important][COLOR=#0000cc !important]films[/COLOR][/COLOR]. I felt he was too shy."

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Madonna wanted Mike and herself to crossdress in a video, and since the song was called "In The Closet" Madonna wrote some lyrics with this theme. There's a video interview with Madonna about this in one of the threads here.
very old news... the media must be running dry on stuff to write about lately.
From what I heard (dunno how true it is), Madonna called "In The Closet" a piece of shit, which is why they never did the track together in the 1st place.

Her loss, that was one of the best songs/videos he's ever done
From what I heard (dunno how true it is), Madonna called "In The Closet" a piece of shit, which is why they never did the track together in the 1st place.

Her loss, that was one of the best songs/videos he's ever done

Really? where'd you hear that? :scratch: I heard it was the other way around, that mj didn't like anything madonna brought to the table and that's why it didn't work.
Madonna said herself he kept rejecting her ideas.
As a huge Madonna fan, I have never heard her call anything MJ related a piece of shit.
Re: Extremely Old News

And Michael made the right decision in cutting her from that song altogether. He ended up using the voice of real royalty: Princess Stephanie Ranier of Monaco.
the more I think about it- it just wouldn't sit well with me. I love old controversial Madonna, don't get me wrong. But ... It is Michael Jackson. I think it would've been, 'disrespectful' on her part. No?
Really? where'd you hear that? :scratch: I heard it was the other way around, that mj didn't like anything madonna brought to the table and that's why it didn't work.
Madonna said herself he kept rejecting her ideas.

Been there...lived that. She didn't say it was a bad song at all. She sang the lyrics later replaced with those of Princess Stephanie for the album and then with those of Naomi Campbell for the video. There is, for sure, the original recording with Madonna's vocals. If you listen to Princess Stephanie, you can tell she is imitating the original vocals from Madonna. She is close to perfect in her imitation of Madonna's voice at the time.