This might sound wierd: But i think i dreamt Michael's passing


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
About 10 months I was laying in bed and listening to Michael's music, erm you are not alone if I'm right and i said out loud when Michael dies and i thought what how do you know, but I had this feeling. Then about 2 months after that I had this dream and it was helicopter with a man with a sheet on his head (like the video that took mike's body) looking out the stand on the helicopter.

And last night it all clicked, and for the last few days I had this gut feeling that something with the Doctor's or something to do with the conspiracies that he's alive. I don't know why but gut feeling and I've had this a lot leading up to when I found out he had died.

Don't want people to think I'm mad just needed to get it off my mind.

R.I.P Michael, for you i feel guilty for me i wonder why
I dreamt the same thing a few days before MJ's passing as I was waking up. At the time I thought it was sooo ridiculous I dreamt something like that that I totally dismissed it. Until after MJ's death of course. I remember hearing the voice as in an announcement: "Michael Jackson is gonna die". Now I get the goosebumbs thinking about it.
I dreamt the same thing a few days before MJ's passing as I was waking up. At the time I thought it was sooo ridiculous I dreamt something like that that I totally dismissed it. Until after MJ's death of course. I remember hearing the voice as in an announcement: "Michael Jackson is gonna die". Now I get the goosebumbs thinking about it.

Yehhh, I know what you mean its awful!

but over the last few years ive had recurring dreams about he was going to do, I told my family he would like june 23th 2008 i always remember that date. And its wierd because i think were these dreams a sign or something.
It is so funny, I ran across this thread....I didn't have any dreams he was going to pass, but I had a 2 years ago, I was doing nothing, just watching tv and I got goosebumps all of a sudden (same feeling I had when my grandmother died) and for some odd reason, I thought mj will die at the age of 50... I never told anybody that until a few days ago...I kept saying to myself August is almost here and he will soon turn 51...I kept saying that to myself in hopes my premenition (sp?) would not come true....not saying that i'm pychic or anything so please don't mistake that as what I'm saying.

All this is just awful......
Well a lot of people are bound to dream about it at some point.

When you have an idol like that, or someone really close to you then them dieing is allways going to be a big moment in that area of your life.

You have Michael Jackson and hes your idol, youve allways gotta be thinking about what it would be like when he dies. At least a few times, and your thought cross over into dreams a lot of the time.

Im sure a lot of people have dreamt about it and we all know it was going to happen sooner or later, it just soo happens that it came sooner and some people had the dream quite close to it.

I could have dreamt it last week just before he died and then of course it happened.

The helicopter thing is kind of creepy though, like really creepy :\
I felt bad all day on June 25th before I even knew he died... I was depressed without knowing why....then in the evening I discovered that Michael died
I felt bad all day on June 25th before I even knew he died... I was depressed without knowing why....then in the evening I discovered that Michael died

Strawberry, I did too, I had a headache and felt on the verge of tears the whole day at work....I didn't find out he passed until 5:30pm...:(
Well a lot of people are bound to dream about it at some point.

When you have an idol like that, or someone really close to you then them dieing is allways going to be a big moment in that area of your life.

You have Michael Jackson and hes your idol, youve allways gotta be thinking about what it would be like when he dies. At least a few times, and your thought cross over into dreams a lot of the time.

Im sure a lot of people have dreamt about it and we all know it was going to happen sooner or later, it just soo happens that it came sooner and some people had the dream quite close to it.

I could have dreamt it last week just before he died and then of course it happened.

The helicopter thing is kind of creepy though, like really creepy :\

yehh the helicopter freaked me out, cos it didnt click at first when i saw the video and i was lying in bed thinking thinking and i was like omgggg i remember and it was that image and at the bottom of the screen it had "Michael Jackson dies at 50" but in my dream when i had it, i heard "how do you feel in mikes voice" and i was like wth??

flippin wierd i tell ya
Besides nightmares I had years ago about seeing that awful headline, I believe I dreamt about this "for real" twice. Unfortunately...

1) I had a dream in September 2007 that my husband and I were together in our current apartment and saw on CNN that Michael had died and I was totally devastated. (See: last Thursday. Same situation. Found out together here at home on CNN.) I was aware in the dream that it was the day before his birthday. I thought it was his 50th and the tv talked about how tragic it was that it was on the eve of his birthday. So last year I was really worried as that date approached and then relieved nothing happened. Before you say I was wrong about the date, though... umm... we had TII tickets for August 28th & 30th. And this thought, "Oh God, that's the date from that dream! Man, I hope that's just a bad coincidence..." did cross my mind after I realized which tickets we'd ended up with. And day before his birthday = a symbolic day before his rebirth (comeback)?? :cry:

2) On June 20th, just 5 days before he passed I had a dream that's posted in the 'Dreams About MJ' thread. I find many little details in it could mean something (see please for the whole thing), but the most striking was being held by Michael against his chest while he read a long contract. I could hear his heartbeat and was overwhelmed with emotion, just feeling how incredibly much I love him and how precious he is and I spoke these words directly to his heart:

"I love you so much, keep beating strong, please never stop,
I love you sooo, sooo much..."

:cry: :cry: :cry:
The night before I had thought about his death and what would happen and then the next morning I woke up and it was all over the news. i felt awful.
Besides nightmares I had years ago about seeing that awful headline, I believe I dreamt about this "for real" twice. Unfortunately...

1) I had a dream in September 2007 that my husband and I were together in our current apartment and saw on CNN that Michael had died and I was totally devastated. (See: last Thursday. Same situation. Found out together here at home on CNN.) I was aware in the dream that it was the day before his birthday. I thought it was his 50th and the tv talked about how tragic it was that it was on the eve of his birthday. So last year I was really worried as that date approached and then relieved nothing happened. Before you say I was wrong about the date, though... umm... we had TII tickets for August 28th & 30th. And this thought, "Oh God, that's the date from that dream! Man, I hope that's just a bad coincidence..." did cross my mind after I realized which tickets we'd ended up with. And day before his birthday = a symbolic day before his rebirth (comeback)?? :cry:

2) On June 20th, just 5 days before he passed I had a dream that's posted in the 'Dreams About MJ' thread. I find many little details in it could mean something (see please for the whole thing), but the most striking was being held by Michael against his chest while he read a long contract. I could hear his heartbeat and was overwhelmed with emotion, just feeling how incredibly much I love him and how precious he is and I spoke these words directly to his heart:

"I love you so much, keep beating strong, please never stop,
I love you sooo, sooo much..."

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Omg, those dreams! :bugeyed:( Especially the 2nd one, I remember reading that; I wouldn't of known it could of meant something else... man, that is so sad. :cry: Awh.
I wanted to put the rest of this in a second post, about all the odd things from the last 3 months, I think mostly because I am extremely interested in the things we don't understand about consciousness and I always question if things are fated or can be changed. Do we feel when a loved one is leaving soon? Should you pay attention to 'signs'? Should you do something? Can you? Are the clues even clear enough (they often don't play out exactly as expected) to change the future? I'm sorry that what I write below may be disturbing and now quite depressing, and I certainly wouldn't have mentioned them before (except to my husband, who could verify it all), but I just have to share them now, to get them out. And there were so many...

* Final Curtain Call The finality of the statements "this is it" and "the final curtain call". I remember the first time I saw the press conference I thought, "Geez, you're not going to die or something, are you?" It always bothered me. Maybe because I'm like that... believing in signs, having precog dreams over the years. It just creeped me out from the very beginning. I thought it a very bad choice of words and prayed they weren't prophetic. I almost in some faint disturbing way expected something to happen when he was in London, sorry to say, because of these haunting words. (But not before London, geez.) But I also had this kind of shadowy impression that he would get shot in London... gulp... that some nut would do something like that. But of course I blew it all off and tried to ignore it. Most days I was just as excited about the concerts as anyone else & expecting to see them. I 90% expected to see him the end of August.

* Fear I'd Die Before Concerts In May, I was due to have knee surgery for an injury, which was cancelled at the last minute to do some scary blood test results. I'm high risk and the docs were really concerned about the anesthesia. In fact, that's why they cancelled it after the bad blood results. The surgeon said ok, but the anesthesiology department refused to do it in the end. Up til then I kept feeling like I might die from something gone wrong with the anesthesia (or end up paralyzed by a lumbar puncture gone wrong, because they were considering a spinal). So my life was all about the fear of death. I bought a book shortly before I injured my knee about experiences of the dying and I was worried this book was prophetic of my surgery outcome. Mostly, I was afraid I would die and miss the concerts! I often told my husband, "If I die before I see Michael, after waiting all these years, I am going to be sooooo pissed!!!" I figure it had been cancelled because I would've died, so I didn't even try to reschedule the surgery then. The last month was all about just not dying, I could go to London!

* Obsessed with MJ So many times, perhaps because of tax stress, the "final curtain call" and my death vibe, I really, really soaked myself with Michael since March "like there's no tomorrow"... for comfort and distraction and joy. I haven't been that obsessed since I was a kid. Downloading everything, watching him every single night, listening to him all day. I even finally began ripping my old videotapes for YouTube. Most of these rare MJ videos of mine were then uploaded on June 24th...

* Praying "Please don't take him" Since May I'd felt this intense urge to pray for Michael several times. I didn't believe the bad health rumors, so I don't think that's it. So many times I had almost religious experiences, I would say, in which I pulled all my love for him from the years into a moment, with all the gratitude and joy he's given to my life and just cried with the universe. I had prayed, "Oh God, thank you for Michael. Thank you for all these years with Michael! Please, please, please don't take him anytime soon, God. Please let us 'keep' him. Please don't take him anytime soon." I begged for this desperately and I didn't know why. (Echoed later in the way I begged his heart to keep beating in the dream from June 20th.) Had never really done that before without obvious reasons (like similar during the trial or when the '93 allegations broke). I'm not much of a pray-er usually.

* No Plane Tickets My husband kept insisting on putting off the purchase of plane tickets. He didn't know why. He just kept feeling like we wouldn't actually be going to London. So we never bought plane ticks or booked a hotel.

* Unseen Message on Documentary DVD We recorded a message for Larry Nimmer's documentary and I felt so happy thinking that Michael would see it. I'd never had that opportunity before. Michael was going to see our video! Oh!!! And now I can look at the fact he never saw it like this: In 1995 I finally got around to writing an important letter to an author who was really important to me, because I desperately needed to know how to interpret something in one of her books. I mailed the letter and a week later my sister said, "Oh, Did you hear? Linda Goodman died a couple of weeks ago." Ugh, too late. She was gone. And for years my mother had tapes of John Denver's aunt and uncle singing at a church musical with my grandparents and she was always going send them to him. (We're John Denver fans, ok?) Knowing him, he would have loved to hear these tapes. I kept bothering her every week in late 1997 suddenly, "send him the tapes! you never know when something will happen!" And then he died that October 12th. Tapes unheard.

* Shakesperean Premonition June 24th On the night of June 24th I watched the O2 press conference again before bed and I had this horrible feeling come over me looking at Michael, like a premonition. The only thing that flooded through my head was a Shakespeare quote from Romeo & Juliet, but I couldn't remember it and mixed up parts. It's the part that begins with, "Oh God, I have an ill-divining soul..." (Juliet 'seeing' him dead in their near future). It creeped me out totally and gave me chills. And then I promptly blew it off as being tired. I just ignored it. It wasn't so strong that I couldn't ignore it. But it definitely happened. My God. :cry:

P.S. I don't think I'm some kind of great psychic or something. My whole family tends to have weird experiences, so I try to pay attention. I think many, many people do, just usually don't talk about them openly. But I'm always questioning it all. Like what if he was still ok right now? Could I have still had those experiences with nothing happening? Could it all be a series of coincidences, like the mind trying to connect things that otherwise would have meant nothing? That I'll probably never know.
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Omg, those dreams! :bugeyed:( Especially the 2nd one, I remember reading that; I wouldn't of known it could of meant something else... man, that is so sad. :cry: Awh.
You and me both. The dream was odd, the way we were watching news footage and scenes from his life and he wanted me to tell him my emotions, how I'd felt at each of the moments. And then the men sitting on the couch, feeling suspicious of them, and that heart thing. I mean, it seemed to mean something at the time, but what? It left me feeling good in one way, like I'd been blessed with some moment of being a sort of "angel" of comfort for Michael in the past, but disturbed because the whole dream had this eery feeling. It clicked for me a few hours after the news... "omg, that dream..."

And then it leaves me with all these pointless questions like... could we have done anything? If we'd all prayed at that point? But what about dreams so far in advance (like mine in 2007 or praisemichael's 10-month-ago dream, or ennacent's one from 2 years ago)? I'm leaning toward the answer of fate. It's one thing to dream about someone you love dying, but to get things like the helicopter and the heartbeat...all coincidence? And then there's that "Serbian witch" who predicted back in the mid-90's that the "King of Hearts will fall" in "two-zero-zero-nine". God, what do we think?:(
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Wow! so it looks like I wasn't the only one. Three days before MJ's death I was reading Tupac's book ' A rose that grew from concrete' which is filled with all of his poetry ( such a great interesting read, I recommend it seriously) and I came to the last poem titled " In the event of my demise" underneath it states ' dedicated to those curious', I kid you not after I read that poem, MJ ran across my mind and my heart sanked, I felt and strangely enough knew that his time was coming but I didn't think it would come so sudden, then when I gotten the news of his passing, I couldn't shed a tear, it was shocking, I was shocked but I couldn't shed a tear. I cried when I saw Janet, I cried when Jamie and ne-yo did the tribute, it seems as though although I was aware of what was going on? I also felt a sense of relief to know that he's in a much better place therefore I couldn't cry, yet still with all the memorabilia? I had to put it away in my closet cause it's personal and I don't want to face it at this point. I can take watching what they flash on the news but as far as my collection goes? it's painful, I cherish the memories. When he's finally laid to rest, I can relax and be able to bring it back out, as of now, it's no question.

Here is the poem Tupac had written in the prediction of his death:

"In the event of my demise"

In the event of my demise
When my heart can beat no more
I hope I die for a principle
or a belief that I had lived for
I will die before my tim
because I feel the shadow's depth
so much I wanted to accomplish
before I reached my death
I have come to grips with the possiblity
and wiped the last tear from my eyes
I loved all who were positive
In the event of my demise!
Over the past few months I had been praying for Michael to have a long life, but I didn't know why. A few hours before he died I was listening to a gospel radio station. They went to commercial and all of a sudden PYT started playing and then cut off before he started singing the 1st verse. I was confused but didn't think much of it until I heard he had died.