This may help you cope-REJOICE In Peace sweet Angel of Light!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
dear mods, please let this post stay here as well. Thankyou so, so much.

Dearest Michael,

My eternal inspiration, my spiritual guru, my angel of Light, messenger of God, my bridge to the other world-the world of Light, my love, my all, on behalf of the most beautiful, loving, dedicated, loyal, spiritually aware fan family on the planet, I thank you from all of my heart and soul for being the Light that you 'are', for bringing us back to the light of our own beings, for bringing to us the Light of God! Thankyou forever for your extraordinary creative talents, for your outstanding accomplishments, for your unmatched humanitarian work and generosity! You have inspired and continue to inspire the greatest number of people in the world! Decades ago, when I became a Michael Jackson 'devotee' for life, little did I know that my life would be transformed for ever. As a fan, the past 16 years have been the hardest in every sense-mentally, emotionally, spiritually and even physically, as I have ceaselessly fought the lies of the media, the naysayers and detractors because I have known that you are a blessing to the world in infinite ways and it was my duty to stand by, support and speak out for the most glorious, beautiful, magical gift from God to my being and to the world! For the past 16 years, and especially after 1999 I gave up my prospective career as a flourishing engineer to seek, find, be one with God, to do the best to make this world a better place, to devote my life and talent to protect the environment, help the less fortunate, heal the world all inspired by you. I put my life, my relationship with my family memebers on the line by devoting my whole life to supporting you and all that you stand for.Though life has been hard and they can't understand how/why anyone could so completely live for someone else they have never ever met personally, my family too deeply loves and respects you. I've been walking the spiritual path since and have been praying for 'hours and hours' ceaselessly since 2003 for you to be blessed in every way, for your fanbase to grow and for the whole world, for the critics and the world media to love, honour, admire you now and forvever more! There's so much I wish to say, but I need a little while to get myself back together. Now that you've gone to be with the Lord and his angels, the media has been hailing you as the King of POp, a true icon, an institution by himself, etc., There are still heartbreaking lies and speculations, and though I've cried floods of tears with pain, heartache, anguish for all those years that you were mistreated by the media, now I'm beginning to feel sorry and sad not for you or us but for those sorry souls who are too small to understand your greatness. But I also KNOW THAT YOU SHALL BE GLORIFIED FOREVER!
I also know that you are in a good place now my darling! This world never deserved you, it never deserved your goodness, your light, your beauty, your purity, your innocence, but I'm grateful to God that He sent you on planet Earth to bless us all, to help us wake up spiritually and to be one with the Ultimate Truth-God forever:flowers:!

I dedicated my life to you the day I became your admirer for life years ago, and as soon as my sojourn here on planet earth is complete and I've done the best I can to make this world a better place,to evolve spiritually and establish in the heart of every being on planet earth absolute love, respect, appreciation for you, I will run up to the heavens to be with you and sit by the side of our loving God thanking him for blessing us through and as Michael Jackson :flowers:!

And I also know that the angels of God will be the loving parents of the three beautiful children who have the most loving, caring, protective family of aunts, uncles, friends in the world to love and bless them always :flowers:
Thankyou Michael, forever, for everything...May you rejoice forever wherever you are and may your fan base continue to grow-proudly loving, honouring, admiring you forever:flowers:!!!

Eternal love, respect, blessings to you my darling...

on behalf of all admirers of the one and only King of Pop, Rock, Soul, Entertainment and the King of our hearts forever:flowers:
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And yes my sweet one, I will always refer to you in the 'present' tense...its the world that is dead-to goodness, to light, to peace, to harmony, to innocence.
You are immortal, eternal, forever...always at the pinnacle of glory, always in our hearts :)
HE IS HERE..BELIEVE IT.KNOW IT. And stay together as a community healing the world. Introduce him to the coming generations while he smiles at us and let him know we're doing a good job. He is here
