This May Clear The Confusion

Hey guys,
I was going to post this in another thread, but I wanted to make sure everyone knows it there. I've just been on and found a useful document that gives a brief outline as to what each new featurette consists of:

I can imagine there may be a lot of disappointed people out there :yes:

Thank you very much!
It is just as I expected - nothing interesting about Michael as specials...! :(
No problem,

I wonder what will happen to all the other rehearsal footage they have...

Anyway, looks like Sony are doing with the DVD what they did with the soundtrack...

No problem,

I wonder what will happen to all the other rehearsal footage they have...

Anyway, looks like Sony are doing with the DVD what they did with the soundtrack...


..or maybe they are not of quality to be released. I am sure people would throw a fuss if the release materials weren't up to par.

People like to complain to darn much. Unless there is a gun pointed at you, I don't see how Sony is screwing you over. You are free to buy the product...OR NOT!

Darn, I hate having to defend sony.
Maybe they are planning on any other footage being show as part of specials on MTV or VH1 over the next few years.

Its quite smart if you think about it.
..or maybe they are not of quality to be released. I am sure people would throw a fuss if the release materials weren't up to par.

People like to complain to darn much. Unless there is a gun pointed at you, I don't see how Sony is screwing you over. You are free to buy the product...OR NOT!

Most of the footage in the movie [from someone who has filmed concerts/events in the past] isn't nowhere near good enough quality,its almost like the film crews had very little/no experience in camera work at all. And which professionals use SD camcorders these days? They put the crappest cameras in the best views [ie.front of the stage] and the best cameras on the floor looking up,or miles away at the other side of the arena :doh: People say "oh well the footage was never intended to be made into a movie...." but that shouldnt have given the camera crew slack,they should have still treat it like any other professional event and given it 110% like what MLK 3rd was saying at the memorial;
If you cannot be the sun, just be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or you fail, you got to be the best at what you are. Michael Jackson was truly the best of what he was.In life if it falls…to be a street sweeper you must sweep streets so well. In fact you must sweep streets like Beethoven composed music. Sweep streets he said like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets like Raphael painted pictures. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of the heavens and earths would have to pause and say here lived the great street sweeper that did his house well.
Memefan said:
People like to complain to darn much...You are free to buy the product...OR NOT!
We do indeed :cheeky: But i think lots of us feel let down. This is it would have been our one and only chance to see Michael,yet we end up having to see a cutdown version,badly filmed and edited, in a cinema. The movie didn't show what it set out to..we didn't get to see Michael planning and perfecting his vision,nor did we get a feel for what his vision was,they diddnt even include the ending in it for gods sake!

This from day one has been all about the money for them. If the estate wanted the world to experience "this is it" they wouldn't have put a time limit on it. I truly beleive that Kenny could have shown us what everyone had created if he was given the time and resources,[it would have helped if the source material was better,but he did a good job with what he had,bless him].

In a sense,the fans are been screwed over,because most feel obliged to buy into it,because it will be the last thing Michael worked on. Kenny said to expect 3-4 hours of additional footage,and now the dvds say 60 minutes? And to be fair,although the dancers,musicians ect were all part of the team,we dont want to listen to them. We know they had the time of their lives and they are fortunate they got to experience it. We want Michael. We want to see what he had planned,we want to see him laughing,smiling,having the time of his life doing what he loved. Yet all we seem to get is the teams commentary over videos we allready have. They have 100 hours of footage and they recycle the same bits over and over....

Sorry for the long rant,in a bit of a bad mood lol :)
Maybe they are planning on any other footage being show as part of specials on MTV or VH1 over the next few years.

Its quite smart if you think about it.

Who knows...
Could be possible...

Exclusive to the Blu‐ray edition of MICHAEL JACKSON’S THIS IS IT are even more must‐have bonus features Jackson fans will love, including the BD‐Live™ enabled movieIQ, which lets viewers add their favourite songs from the film to an emailable “This is It” playlist. With movieIQ, viewers can also access live trivia information about the movie’s cast, crew, music and production – all while watching the movie! Also included is a Photo Gallery with 75 insider photos from the rehearsals as well as an
additional featurette “Dancing Machine”
in which Choreographer Travis Payne discusses collaborating with dancing legend Michael Jackson on the choreography for his This Is It tour.

The Blu‐ray release also includes an exclusive 24 page photo booklet which is a unique archive of photographs taken during the final rehearsals.

... so... I think I want the BR.... anybody has any of those highlighted?

Thanks ,but this info. says released FEB. 22nd Is this not for USA,which is released today..
I'm almost 100% sure that unreleased good quality footage exists but you know how $ony works, experts in disappoint us with their shitty 'just put 1 inedit song' minds
I'm almost 100% sure that unreleased good quality footage exists but you know how $ony works, experts in disappoint us with their shitty 'just put 1 inedit song' minds

I think we can expect a Conmemorative TII, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th TII Celebration packages, MJ's Day special TII package, VIP TII package, Unreleased TII, etc. etc etc.

They have been doing this for years with MJ music. I doubt they had spent all those millions just to cherish MJ' memories... :ermm:
Most of the footage in the movie [from someone who has filmed concerts/events in the past] isn't nowhere near good enough quality,its almost like the film crews had very little/no experience in camera work at all. And which professionals use SD camcorders these days? They put the crappest cameras in the best views [ie.front of the stage] and the best cameras on the floor looking up,or miles away at the other side of the arena :doh: People say "oh well the footage was never intended to be made into a movie...." but that shouldnt have given the camera crew slack,they should have still treat it like any other professional event and given it 110% like what MLK 3rd was saying at the memorial;

We do indeed :cheeky: But i think lots of us feel let down. This is it would have been our one and only chance to see Michael,yet we end up having to see a cutdown version,badly filmed and edited, in a cinema. The movie didn't show what it set out to..we didn't get to see Michael planning and perfecting his vision,nor did we get a feel for what his vision was,they diddnt even include the ending in it for gods sake!

This from day one has been all about the money for them. If the estate wanted the world to experience "this is it" they wouldn't have put a time limit on it. I truly beleive that Kenny could have shown us what everyone had created if he was given the time and resources,[it would have helped if the source material was better,but he did a good job with what he had,bless him].

In a sense,the fans are been screwed over,because most feel obliged to buy into it,because it will be the last thing Michael worked on. Kenny said to expect 3-4 hours of additional footage,and now the dvds say 60 minutes? And to be fair,although the dancers,musicians ect were all part of the team,we dont want to listen to them. We know they had the time of their lives and they are fortunate they got to experience it. We want Michael. We want to see what he had planned,we want to see him laughing,smiling,having the time of his life doing what he loved. Yet all we seem to get is the teams commentary over videos we allready have. They have 100 hours of footage and they recycle the same bits over and over....

Sorry for the long rant,in a bit of a bad mood lol :)

Yet industry professionals are nominating it for awards. The movie itself had an 81% average on Go figure! Where did these people get their diploma...? Bad mood is hardly an excuse....

'This is it': Irvine's Digital Cut president receives ACE nomination
Brandon Key of Tustin is nominated for editing the Michael Jackson documentary film.
Published: January 21, 2010 09:44 AM

American Cinema Editors (ACE), the entertainment industry’s leading organization of motion picture editors, nominated Tustin’s Brandon Key, president and founder of Irvine-based Digital Cut Inc. for an ACE Eddie Award. The announcement was made Jan. 12. Key received the nomination Best Edited Documentary for his work on the Michael Jackson documentary, “This is It.”

The nomination for the 60th annual ACE Eddie Awards is shared by co-editors Tim Patterson, Don Brochu and Kevin Stitt. Winners will be announced by ACE on Feb. 14.

Not long after the world learned of Jackson’s death, Key, a long-time fan of the pop singer, received a call from Patterson, a friend and collaborator of 15 years, to help piece together hours of raw rehearsal footage for the international tour Jackson was in the process of staging.

Key is president and founder of Digital Cut Inc., a six-year-old, full-service post-production facility specializing in commercial, industrial and documentary productions for broadcast, Internet and live events.

Roger Ebert: one of the most respected critic:

The footage was "captured by a few cameras," an opening screen tells us, but they were professional high-def cameras and the sound track is full-range stereo. The result is one of the most revealing music documentaries I've seen.
Yet industry professionals are nominating it for awards. The movie itself had an 81% average on Go figure! Where did these people get their diploma...? Bad mood is hardly an excuse....

Im sorry,but critics are not Industry Professionals. Camerawork is media 101,and placing the cameras is just common sense,they placed their best cameras in the worst spots,the best view of the stage is in the center,yet they have a sd camera there :*****: and they place the cameras with the best quality on the floor looking up? :*****: Where did they get their diploma? In some scenes you can see they had the cameras hooked up to the screen,tell me,if you were creating the greatest show on earth,your masterpiece,would you use outdated technology,and place it badly. To get any kind of quality on a screen that size,you'd need at least a semi pro camcorder [most of which can be up-scaled to HD] or since they are now getting smaller and less expensive,a HD camcorder.

This is it as a movie isn't too bad to watch if you're an MJ fan,or a music lover in general. In media,we have a little saying "films can get away with been badly filmed if they have a good story line" This is one of those films. Critics rave about it because its something different [believe me,we had a long discussion about this in our media class] Its nice to watch what Michael had planned,and the cutting between different rehersals is very un-kosher but it works,what you are seeing in this film [the things that drop your jaw,like the thriller spider] are what makes it brilliant,not the way it was filmed,that's terrible lol.

With the right L.O.V.E and care,the filmmakers could have fixed the footage,up scaled it and had it colour corrected to HD standards. But that would take time and cost them money,This is it was all about money for them,thats why they rushed it out while everyone was still in MJ mania,everyone wanted to see Michaels last rehearsals. Fans wanted to see what they would have been getting at the 02,many people who saw it had questions they wanted answering,some even saw it just to see if they thought MJ was healty enough to do it. It gives us some sort of comfort,thats all really. Its comforting to see that someone we loved enjoyed his last days,doing something he loved,thats why its special to us.
I'm almost 100% sure that unreleased good quality footage exists but you know how $ony works, experts in disappoint us with their shitty 'just put 1 inedit song' minds

I think we can expect a Conmemorative TII, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th TII Celebration packages, MJ's Day special TII package, VIP TII package, Unreleased TII, etc. etc etc.

They have been doing this for years with MJ music. I doubt they had spent all those millions just to cherish MJ' memories... :ermm:

I agree, there's probably still lots of good quality footage that isn't released...yet. But even if the quality of some material wasn't so good, it wouldn't be a problem to release it as extra material on the DVD. That is, if they wanted to. DVD extras often contain stuff that isn't so brilliant (quality-wise or in other ways), but fans are still happy to see it.
I think most of us would love to see every bit of material there is... If Michael can be recognised the quality would be good enough :cheeky: And of course Sony is well aware of that. So they have an easy way to keep the cash coming in. Great! :thumbdown:
Hay guys
Ok reading stuff here should i just buy the blu ray or should i buy the blu ray and the normal this is it,i am really confussed,or should i just get all 3 of em including the blu ray,this is it special were u get postcards and the stealbook case,i really dont know what to get :scratch:? hope someone can help me xoxo
Who is selling this steel bookcase for the DVD. I have been hearing people talk about this, but it is not on the MJ website bookstore. Where did you guys see this item, that is, what store is selling this in the US?
Most of the footage in the movie [from someone who has filmed concerts/events in the past] isn't nowhere near good enough quality,its almost like the film crews had very little/no experience in camera work at all. And which professionals use SD camcorders these days? They put the crappest cameras in the best views [ie.front of the stage] and the best cameras on the floor looking up,or miles away at the other side of the arena :doh: People say "oh well the footage was never intended to be made into a movie...." but that shouldnt have given the camera crew slack,they should have still treat it like any other professional event and given it 110% like what MLK 3rd was saying at the memorial;

We do indeed :cheeky: But i think lots of us feel let down. This is it would have been our one and only chance to see Michael,yet we end up having to see a cutdown version,badly filmed and edited, in a cinema. The movie didn't show what it set out to..we didn't get to see Michael planning and perfecting his vision,nor did we get a feel for what his vision was,they diddnt even include the ending in it for gods sake!

This from day one has been all about the money for them. If the estate wanted the world to experience "this is it" they wouldn't have put a time limit on it. I truly beleive that Kenny could have shown us what everyone had created if he was given the time and resources,[it would have helped if the source material was better,but he did a good job with what he had,bless him].

In a sense,the fans are been screwed over,because most feel obliged to buy into it,because it will be the last thing Michael worked on. Kenny said to expect 3-4 hours of additional footage,and now the dvds say 60 minutes? And to be fair,although the dancers,musicians ect were all part of the team,we dont want to listen to them. We know they had the time of their lives and they are fortunate they got to experience it. We want Michael. We want to see what he had planned,we want to see him laughing,smiling,having the time of his life doing what he loved. Yet all we seem to get is the teams commentary over videos we allready have. They have 100 hours of footage and they recycle the same bits over and over....

Sorry for the long rant,in a bit of a bad mood lol :)

Totally agree with you. I got the Walmart 2 DVD Collector yesterday and all I got was a Ortega overload.

I was hoping for at least one song in one outfit just to see something different. Or more Micheal just sitting around or chatting with the dancers. All the extras have already been posted on youtube.

The only one new to me was the ending with the plane taking off over the crowd.

This concert would've been so awesome it hurts. It made me feel so sad all over again. :-(