This may be touchy - religious question


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ok, this question is by no means to offend anyone! Being quite ignorant of some religions I wanted to ask this question to those who are very devout in faith.

I have a very devout catholic friend, and she once told me, that because I did not practice her faith, she believed I would not see Heaven. We were having a religious conversation, she wasn't trying to offend me.
When she stated she believed Michael was in Heaven, I asked her the same. Michael was not Catholic, do you still believe he saw God? To which she replied Yes.

Now I am happy (although confused) that she doesn't believe otherwise!

To those whom believe salvation comes to those who follow your faith only, how does this pertain to Michael? I was confused when she said that she believes Michael went to heaven, even when he wasn't catholic, yet she told me I wasn't going to be saved because I was a unitarian!
I know my answer isn't really going to match up with your question but here's what I think....Focus on LOVE (which is the major commonality of all religions and faiths) and don't sweat the small stuff (which is everything else).

Make of it that you will. :)
well i don't believe in heaven... i just can't imagine people sitting on clouds up there. to me, science discredits all ideas about god, heaven and creation. however i think people are entitled to their beliefs, whether i believe them or not and hat your friend says is a little strange as i am sure you are a good person just like michael was. i know i don't know you, but you are a fan of michael's so you must be! hehe :p michael was a wonderful, loving, caring person so he will be rewarded somehow (i believe in karma)
Salvation comes from beliefand following and giving your heart and life to Jesus Christ only,,,,it is stated so in the Bible
Michael did believe in God and he had alot of love in him but and no one else knows if he committied hislife to Jesus,,only God knows
what is a unatarian?
Ok, this question is by no means to offend anyone! Being quite ignorant of some religions I wanted to ask this question to those who are very devout in faith.

I have a very devout catholic friend, and she once told me, that because I did not practice her faith, she believed I would not see Heaven. We were having a religious conversation, she wasn't trying to offend me.
When she stated she believed Michael was in Heaven, I asked her the same. Michael was not Catholic, do you still believe he saw God? To which she replied Yes.

Now I am happy (although confused) that she doesn't believe otherwise!

To those whom believe salvation comes to those who follow your faith only, how does this pertain to Michael? I was confused when she said that she believes Michael went to heaven, even when he wasn't catholic, yet she told me I wasn't going to be saved because I was a unitarian!

I don't really like the "you have to follow this religion in order to go to heaven" staments some people make.
I don't think it matters which religion you follow, what matters is what's inside you,
your intetions, your beliefes and your morals... y'know?
right, does not matter the religion just how u live for Jesus is what counts,,,
Ok, this question is by no means to offend anyone! Being quite ignorant of some religions I wanted to ask this question to those who are very devout in faith.

I have a very devout catholic friend, and she once told me, that because I did not practice her faith, she believed I would not see Heaven. We were having a religious conversation, she wasn't trying to offend me.
When she stated she believed Michael was in Heaven, I asked her the same. Michael was not Catholic, do you still believe he saw God? To which she replied Yes.

Now I am happy (although confused) that she doesn't believe otherwise!

To those whom believe salvation comes to those who follow your faith only, how does this pertain to Michael? I was confused when she said that she believes Michael went to heaven, even when he wasn't catholic, yet she told me I wasn't going to be saved because I was a unitarian!

With no respect to your friend...I was born and raised a strict Irish Catholic...and I was NEVER taught if someone was not Catholic they would not go to Heaven. Surly I have no idea where THAT came from.

If you is a great website (one of my favorites) that shares knowledge about MANY religious history and their teachings...

Hope this helps...

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
In Islam one CANNOT pass judgement whether or not someone is worthy to go to heaven or hell. Even if it's a strict religion we honor all religions and we do believe in jesus and the bible. Is MJ in heaven? Is he in hell? We cannot answer this question, nor should we even ask it in the first place. All we can do now is send our prayers to god and hope MJ is in a better place.
I really don´t get why people care about such religious stuff if they don´t have any religion or have faith.

It depens on which religion and faith you have.

If you are just an atheist so you dont have to think in anything of this and thats all.

Ok, this question is by no means to offend anyone! Being quite ignorant of some religions I wanted to ask this question to those who are very devout in faith.

I have a very devout catholic friend, and she once told me, that because I did not practice her faith, she believed I would not see Heaven. We were having a religious conversation, she wasn't trying to offend me.
When she stated she believed Michael was in Heaven, I asked her the same. Michael was not Catholic, do you still believe he saw God? To which she replied Yes.

Now I am happy (although confused) that she doesn't believe otherwise!

To those whom believe salvation comes to those who follow your faith only, how does this pertain to Michael? I was confused when she said that she believes Michael went to heaven, even when he wasn't catholic, yet she told me I wasn't going to be saved because I was a unitarian!

God exist for many other religions, and heaven too.

If people is not Catholic, and if people have no faith then they should not care about heaven and hell. They should not care at all about going to heaven or going to hell.

If you care, then it means that you somehow believe. And thats a contradiction XD

I really don´t know what religion had Michael Jackson, he was Jehová Withnessess, and let me say they are waaay more conservative than us (My aunt if Jehova Withnesses so...) So, it that case he believed in heaven so he can be in heaven :)