THIS IT IS - Rehearsal (pictures form TMZ) !!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
here is the pictures:

Some man wrote:

"...I hate to say this because Michael was the greatest! He looks exhausted and even though he's smiling , he looks peaked. Something about him doesn't look right. His eyes are puffy and he looks fatigued. May he finally get the peace he was seeking. The world will miss him. God Bless you MJ!"

I think he have right,but maybe Im wrong? Anyway Im so sad about this what happen!

Well , I think we should just wait for the footage and see.
I dont know, maybe 50 concerts would have been too much for him. He would have loose more weight every week. But maybe he was in top mode, i dont know. He looks good to me. Almost like early 90's :(
no,for me he looks strange! this eyes and smile,not like before but dosnt matter now.
yes,maybe Im looking some know...everything because I still can't belive,sorry..:(
Okay, it was a huge mistake to look at those photos. I feel sick. This just makes the whole This is it-tour even more real. And by that, the non-existance of it.
Jeez that hurts. Michael, we want you back
nothing, and that's what I hate. yeah ofcourse it's great that they're showing the pictures. It just hurts so much. It was just a week ago, and he looks so great...
OMG this almost made me cry... He looks so happy doing his thing.. And it's good to see him smile that way.... To think of what could have been..
he looks so happy and so alive..
The first moment i looked at these pix i was calm, but the next moment i started to cry again... :cry:
I started crying again! He looked so happy! so beautiful!
While I think 50 shows was a bit much I don't see fatigue here personally. These are STILL images. I mean if it was a video I could see how someone would be able to say "he looks fatigued" but for a image...I just don't get it or see it.

But man! I must say looking at these pics broke my heart all over again! He looks like he was having so much fun and the set (from what you can see) looked amazing! Now all we can do is imagine and wonder "what if" and its so upsetting.
Michael looks amazing, can't beleave he is not with us anymore :(

Can't wait to see this footage, hope they will release it in High Definition - thay have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is our KING!

Looking at this pictures make me soooo sad, that we can't change anything or help him, it makes me sick :(

He will be always in our hearts. I love you Michael!

I saw this picture earlier today and didn't realize it was taken last week... I thought it was an old picture from the 90s. He looks so good here. :(
thank you for shareing...Michael looks so good, thanks...but i cant stop crying again..
He looks amazing! Look at that red and black outfit in the new one! That's what the new MJ era would have looked like maybe. I don't think he looks sick at all. He looks full of energy.