This is tops Saturday night's box office report

Rasta Pasta

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Milan Itlay
:) I had just gotten through reading this and here it is.. Thanks 4 posting. I've seen This Is It twice now,and bought 6 tickets altogether. I am going to go a third time.
I think that article has got the date mixed up those aren't the Saturday box office results, that was the results from yesterday. The box office results for today aren't released until tomorrow.
^^^^ Here in the USA it's still Saturday night so i'm wondering how 'they' are coming up with these numbers,it seems every web site has different figures. ???
It's still good to see MIchael at #1 either way.
^^^^ Here in the USA it's still Saturday night so i'm wondering how 'they' are coming up with these numbers,it seems every web site has different figures. ???
It's still good to see MIchael at #1 either way.

Those were the numbers for Friday's box office takings. They only got released today. The Saturday box office takings don't get released until tomorrow. I just think the title of their article is deceiving and makes people think that those box office takings are for today.
So the movie will make about 30 million in the US for the first weekend? I thought it was going to do better but its still very good and it should reach number one.
I think that article has got the date mixed up those aren't the Saturday box office results, that was the results from yesterday. The box office results for today aren't released until tomorrow.
u are right its only 836p on sat here in the East Coast...

also... this was posted in another LA critic excellent review of TII

watch it

I am on my way to add to the box office total right NOW
Those were the numbers for Friday's box office takings. They only got released today. The Saturday box office takings don't get released until tomorrow. I just think the title of their article is deceiving and makes people think that those box office takings are for today.

which is par for the course when it comes to the media, concerning Michael.
Those were the numbers for Friday's box office takings. They only got released today. The Saturday box office takings don't get released until tomorrow. I just think the title of their article is deceiving and makes people think that those box office takings are for today.

yes,I agree. I wish the headlining titles were clear i mean the general public don't really 'read between' the lines,i guess you could say..
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How much has the film made in complete total since Wed?

In the US it has grossed over $19 million so far. While the total figure worldwide should be about $50 million. By the end of Sunday the film should gross between $80-100 million worldwide.
In the US it has grossed over $19 million so far. While the total figure worldwide should be about $50 million. By the end of Sunday the film should gross between $80-100 million worldwide.

That's good. We need to beat Miley Cyrus's record of 65 mil lol :giggle:
In the US it has grossed over $19 million so far. While the total figure worldwide should be about $50 million. By the end of Sunday the film should gross between $80-100 million worldwide.

If 19 mill has been gross in us already that is fantastic.
I just went to see the movie... and kept humming the chorus of Human Nature on my way home...

what a bitter/sweet feeling...

I L.O.V.E.D it...what a beautiful, talented man....I've been coming to the forum for over 8yrs (since 2001) in trying to get to know about Michael ..and hopefully understand him...

but all the many clicks to a MJfan site could not deliver what this movie truly brought to me Michael Jackson the human being...

thank you Kenny for putting this beautiful piece of cinema together..
thanks for not having someone narrate over it..
thanks for the tight security on the film so haters couldnot spoil it...

what a show this was going to be...

I can understand how Katherine would heart goes out to her...I can't even imagine how deeply its going to cut if she watches this movie.......her child....
not the superstar that he was to us............but her baby boy that she will Never see again...


ps: Michael was all over those girls (singer, dancer, guitarist)...LOL
To me the best part of the movie apart the perfectionist Michael, was how EXTREMELY HUMBLE Michael was, unbelievably humble, may thats what some took advantage of (meanining the "frendly" doctors)
That's good. We need to beat Miley Cyrus's record of 65 mil lol :giggle:

Right! We will go as often as we need to, at least I will. i went wednesdat, saturday and today, sunday, i will go see This Is It again, and then again on thursday and I might see it one or two more times. I do it also for me, so have the film in my head and can replay my favorite scenes until it's January 25th when I can finally buy the DVD.
I just went to see the movie... and kept humming the chorus of Human Nature on my way home...

what a bitter/sweet feeling...

I L.O.V.E.D it...what a beautiful, talented man....I've been coming to the forum for over 8yrs (since 2001) in trying to get to know about Michael ..and hopefully understand him...

but all the many clicks to a MJfan site could not deliver what this movie truly brought to me Michael Jackson the human being...

thank you Kenny for putting this beautiful piece of cinema together..
thanks for not having someone narrate over it..
thanks for the tight security on the film so haters couldnot spoil it...

what a show this was going to be...

I can understand how Katherine would heart goes out to her...I can't even imagine how deeply its going to cut if she watches this movie.......her child....
not the superstar that he was to us............but her baby boy that she will Never see again...


ps: Michael was all over those girls (singer, dancer, guitarist)...LOL

I feel the same way! The part about Katherine is very saddening to think about. I feel for the family and his children. I hope that somehow it will also be a healing experience once the Jackson members who haven't seen the movie yet decide to see it.
Our man's at number one, where he belongs :)

I really feel for Katherine :( I wonder what the kids thought when they saw it... have they seen Michael perform live before?
Michael deserves the #1 spot.

Our man's at number one, where he belongs :)

I really feel for Katherine :( I wonder what the kids thought when they saw it... have they seen Michael perform live before?
Yeah, it must've been so hard for them :cry: I don't think the kids have seen him perform live before, this was going to be the first time..
So how much money should the movie make this week? I hope its over 35 million in america. Things are going to be hard next week for MJ because Jim Carreys blockbuster movie will be released and Jim Carrey will most likely take that number one spot.

:( Although I like Jim Carrey, but I LOVE Michael Jackson :) Always have!
So how much money should the movie make this week? I hope its over 35 million in america. Things are going to be hard next week for MJ because Jim Carreys blockbuster movie will be released and Jim Carrey will most likely take that number one spot.

:( Although I like Jim Carrey, but I LOVE Michael Jackson :) Always have!

It should make between 30-35 million, it all depends on how well it performed on Saturday and how it performs today.
Our man's at number one, where he belongs :)

I really feel for Katherine :( I wonder what the kids thought when they saw it... have they seen Michael perform live before?

Sadly, that't one of the main reasons WHY Michael was doing the tour, BECAUSE his children had never seen him perform and he wanted to show them what their daddy can still do.
have they seen Michael perform live before?
yeah they did in october 2001 but they were only young so whether they have much of a memory?
Think about it guys. This was film clips put together with no storyline and look how well it is doing. This is great. What other artist could have had bits and pieces of film put together and made that much money. Wow
I just went to see the movie... and kept humming the chorus of Human Nature on my way home...

what a bitter/sweet feeling...

I L.O.V.E.D it...what a beautiful, talented man....I've been coming to the forum for over 8yrs (since 2001) in trying to get to know about Michael ..and hopefully understand him...

but all the many clicks to a MJfan site could not deliver what this movie truly brought to me Michael Jackson the human being...

thank you Kenny for putting this beautiful piece of cinema together..
thanks for not having someone narrate over it..
thanks for the tight security on the film so haters couldnot spoil it...

what a show this was going to be...

I can understand how Katherine would heart goes out to her...I can't even imagine how deeply its going to cut if she watches this movie.......her child....
not the superstar that he was to us............but her baby boy that she will Never see again...


ps: Michael was all over those girls (singer, dancer, guitarist)...LOL

Rasta, I feel the exact same way....I LOVED IT....what a brilliant, exciting, & extraodianary film THIS IS showcased mj at his pinnacle.....and yes mj was all over the girls....:D....I will definately buy the DVD...when it comes out.