'This Is It' was a message about saving the Earth


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson Wanted This Is It Shows To Warn About Global Warming
The name 'This Is It' was a message about saving the Earth, music supervisor Michael Bearden explains.


Even when the chips were down for Michael Jackson, his fans came out in droves to stand by their man. So when Jackson was planning his This Is It concerts at London's O2 arena, those loyal supporters where at the forefront of his mind.

"All artists have egos, but MJ was just probably the kindest, sweetest artist I've ever worked with," Michael Bearden, the music supervisor for the concerts, told MTV News. "He wasn't onstage for him, he was onstage for his fans. He loved his fans. Loved, loved, loved his fans, and so everything he did was for them, he would say to me, 'We need ... production value. You can't cheat the audience. You can't cheat the fans.' So, he didn't have an ego as far as that, 'cause he would always give and give for the fans."

Jackson intended these concerts not only to serve as a thank-you note to those fans, but also to continue to spread his message of love, Bearden said. He wanted the world to know that this may be it when it came to seeing him tour, and also that if we don't start paying attention to the world around us now, then it will be it for the Earth too.

" 'This Is It' — obviously people equate that to the last tour," Bearden said of the tour name's dual meaning. "His passion was to save the world save the planet, to heal the world. ...

"He would say to me, 'If we don't stop doing what we're doing with global warming and the Earth and how we're treating each other ... it could be irreversible in four years or five years or something like that,' " Bearden explained. "So, 'This Is It' meant to him that this is it: We don't have much longer to save the planet, to heal the world."
I love you Michael
I wish your fans would take up your message
and continue your work .. to much hate in
this world and it will solve nothing _Michael
knew and taught us what was the right way
Its great that this movie can represent more to people then just an MJ memorial. he had real passions and wanted to help, because thats what kind souls do!
Wow. Last tour to make people aware of the end of our planet. Oh man Michael was good guy!

But it seems like people are not going to heal the world. :(
"He wasn't onstage for him, he was onstage for his fans. He loved his fans. Loved, loved, loved his fans, and so everything he did was for them, he would say to me, 'We need ... production value. You can't cheat the audience. You can't cheat the fans.' So, he didn't have an ego as far as that, 'cause he would always give and give for the fans."

Michael gave us LOVE - and we gave it back to him.

An outsider looking in sees a mob of people screaming and yelling for MJ, but we don't want a piece of him. We wanted to show him our THANKS for making our lives better & the world better through his music & and actions and L.O.V.E.

I'm never gonna say goodbye to MJ, EVER.
Wow. Last tour to make people aware of the end of our planet. Oh man Michael was good guy!

But it seems like people are not going to heal the world. :(

That's why we have to do what we can in our own little way around us.

Not just environmentally, but also by volunteering and doing charity work too.
Michael gave us LOVE - and we gave it back to him.

An outsider looking in sees a mob of people screaming and yelling for MJ, but we don't want a piece of him. We wanted to show him our THANKS for making our lives better & the world better through his music & and actions and L.O.V.E.

I'm never gonna say goodbye to MJ, EVER.

That's why we have to do what we can in our own little way around us.

Not just environmentally, but also by volunteering and doing charity work too.

Exactly, no matter how small every little thing we can do to make the world a better place, it will add up to a lot.

This is the best thing we can do for Michael's legacy
Exactly, no matter how small every little thing we can do to make the world a better place, it will add up to a lot.

This is the best thing we can do for Michael's legacy
Well said! I hope people will keep that in mind and try to practice doing nice things for one-another.
Jackson intended these concerts not only to serve as a thank-you note to those fans, but also to continue to spread his message of love, Bearden said. He wanted the world to know that this may be it when it came to seeing him tour, and also that if we don't start paying attention to the world around us now, then it will be it for the Earth too.

" 'This Is It' — obviously people equate that to the last tour," Bearden said of the tour name's dual meaning. "His passion was to save the world save the planet, to heal the world. ...

This has always been Michael Jackson's
message. After tonight even more people will hear it. Thank God. :angel:
Michael was very concerned about the environment and the planet and planned to do what he's always so lovingly done - use his music and performances to get messages to people about issues like child abuse, poverty, social injustice, prejudice - and the latest - climate change. Im so sad that Michael won't be able now to deliver his most important message to us in the way that ONLY HE could do. Now more the ever, I will be working to heal the world and make it a better place :(

Imo, Payne, Bearden and Kennybear (he reminds me of a teddy bear lol) really ARE doing a great job with everything and getting Michael's message out...altho I'd much rather he be here to spread that message himself.

Thanks for posting.
Michael gave us LOVE - and we gave it back to him.

An outsider looking in sees a mob of people screaming and yelling for MJ, but we don't want a piece of him. We wanted to show him our THANKS for making our lives better & the world better through his music & and actions and L.O.V.E.

I'm never gonna say goodbye to MJ, EVER.[/QUOTE]


Nicely said man.:cheeky:
Just saw the film... and yes, the urgency to save the planet was the main message, as I'd hoped... Beautifully, powerfully done... I'm so happy that his message will be heard around the world...

Michael was... radiant.
Michael gave us LOVE - and we gave it back to him.

An outsider looking in sees a mob of people screaming and yelling for MJ, but we don't want a piece of him. We wanted to show him our THANKS for making our lives better & the world better through his music & and actions and L.O.V.E.

I'm never gonna say goodbye to MJ, EVER.

your reason for why fans scream around Michael..i always wanted to refute people who thought it was because we were maniacal. thanks..you came up with the right words.
Michael was very concerned about the environment and the planet and planned to do what he's always so lovingly done - use his music and performances to get messages to people about issues like child abuse, poverty, social injustice, prejudice - and the latest - climate change. Im so sad that Michael won't be able now to deliver his most important message to us in the way that ONLY HE could do. Now more the ever, I will be working to heal the world and make it a better place :(

Beautifully said. Thank you
I haven't seen 'TII' film yet (I'm going tonight) but I suspect that it won't include much of Michael's message to the world. Perhaps a new movie is need to put that message across?
Im so sad that Michael won't be able now to deliver his most important message to us in the way that ONLY HE could do.
He was in a unique position, that's for sure, with his heart wide open, but I don't agree that only HE can carry forward his message. We, as his fans, can carry on his message, as you indicate below.

Now more the ever, I will be working to heal the world and make it a better place :(
But I hope there is something fans understand, and I don't mean you personally, just all the fans generally. You cannot HEAL a darn thing with hatred. Never gonna happen. It doesn't matter if the hatred is rational. It doesn't matter if it's justified. It doesn't matter if it's deserved. (Doesn't everyone feel their hatred towards another is all of those?) But...the world will never be healed by hatred.

I wish Michael Jackson fans would concentrate more on his message of LOVE rather than on all the hatred. *sigh* :(


So if you wanna reflect Michael's message, (again..."you" general,) ya gotta give up the hatred. I think it's ok to hate the evil behind people's actions, but not the people themselves.

*stepping off soapbox*
This message is very powerfully conveyed in the film, without saying too much I was just about tearing up.
I haven't seen 'TII' film yet (I'm going tonight) but I suspect that it won't include much of Michael's message to the world. Perhaps a new movie is need to put that message across?

Maybe you should SEE the movie before making such comment.
"All artists have egos, but MJ was just probably the kindest, sweetest artist I've ever worked with," Michael Bearden, the music supervisor for the concerts, told MTV News. "He wasn't onstage for him, he was onstage for his fans. He loved his fans. Loved, loved, loved his fans, and so everything he did was for them, he would say to me, 'We need ... production value. You can't cheat the audience. You can't cheat the fans.' So, he didn't have an ego as far as that, 'cause he would always give and give for the fans."

He died for us
because of this show
If I could, I would give my life
time to go back and know that he wanted to live without the show, but he was alive
I love you Michael
miss you
But his killers will pay
I love him.

I really hope the rest of the media talks about his message, and doesn't just focus on his looks or the complexity of the sets/costumes/whatever.
His tour wasn't about "MJ the star!" "MJ's comeback!" - it was for a good cause...like most everything else he did while he was alive.

I just hope the message doesn't get lost.
It's definitely up to us to make sure it doesn't.
The press have been very cynical and dismissive, I'm afraid, about the environmental message in the movie. Makes me ill.