This Is It vs History tour


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In the last couple of days i was given a copy of the History tour in Helsinki on Dvd. Watching it something strange struck me.I know it has been suggested in the past that Michael stopped this tour from been released officially on Dvd as he was unhappy with his own performances so out of a sense of curiousity I was looing forward to seeing it.Obviously on watching the show overall is excellent but I have to say in some of the dance routines he did look a little like he was going through the motions.
The reason I write this article is I think this is in total contrast to TII.In the film which I have now seen more then once he is energetic,focused and I believe dancing to a level not seen since the Dangerous or possibly the Bad era.Bearing in mind this was only rehearsal footage and not going full tilt we were really were in for something special. Anyway anyone else have opinion on this??
i believe in one of his history shows, i cant remember where he was but he was sick. like a cold or something. Im not sure, like i said, which country it was in but he was sick...

You cant really compare the 2 tours to each other because TII wasn't finished. All we are seeing is rehearsal footage. Granted the footage shows Michael in good form we cant compare the 2. One was full blown and put together the other was a work in progress. besides All the tours Michael DID do were History concerts haha. It wasn't until the very end that we saw what tour it was or the start.
i believe in one of his history shows, i cant remember where he was but he was sick. like a cold or something. Im not sure, like i said, which country it was in but he was sick...

I believe he had bronchitis during the History Tour.

As for the TII tour, we were really in for something special.
This is it was going to top everything MJ had ever done on a stage!

HIStory is not my favourite tour because of all the lipsynching (which was NOT MJ's fault, he had health problems so fans have to be glad he did that tour at all).
But I like the performances, the setlist and of course the dancing routines.

I like watching it, but I prefer watching the Bad or dangerous tour.

Vocally, this is it was badass!
The songs he sang live are amazing and this man was 50 years old!!!
I don't think he could've ever topped the quality of the performances of the 80's tours because of his age so he tried to compensate this by making it the biggest spectacle ever (with the 3d screens, pyrotechnics etc.) and this would've made TII epic.

I also think the TII dancers where the best he ever had on a tour (I really didn't like the HIStory dancers).
personally i think:

bad/this is it>dangerous>victory/history
I think it would have been better than HIStory because it was more live.

I was hoping that bits of it would be unplugged and stripped back though after Kenny Ortega said there were going to be intimate moments. I didn't see any intimate moments in the film.
Watch some of the '96 concerts and you'll see how good he was dance-wise.
This Is It was going to be on a whole new level. It breaks my heart that we will never be able to see it.
Even with the spliced footage and some of the studio/demo versions of tracks used in the editing, I still prefer the footage from This Is It over anything I've seen in the HIStory shows. Perhaps HIStory tour rehearsals were good too, but we've never seen them.

Here, on This Is It, the band is great, the backing vocals are great, there's enough live vocals to tell he could still do all his songs live if he wanted to... it's really solid and enjoyable.
I think TII would have been Michael's GREATEST tour of all time. There are so many fresh ideas in it.
I think TII would have been Michael's GREATEST tour of all time. There are so many fresh ideas in it.

I know, like the Bad Tour in terms of live singing and levels of dancing but with awesome, groundbreaking effects and costumes.

Like the scale of Dangerous and HIStory mixed with the performances during Bad.
This Is It would really have been IT !!!

It would have been better than anything anyone had ever seen before!

Just writing this down put tears in my eyes. I still can NOT accept the fact that he is no longer among us. He deserved more than anyone to get some happy years with his children and succes with his carreer! He was going to be on top of the world. Better than BAD tour, and better than ever before! WHy ohh God, WHY??

I had tickets to 4 shows, and I have never been so happy, I was going to the first concert. BUT, then the worst imaginable happend. The world ended!
vocally his two best concerts would have been BAD, and THIS IS IT.. Dance wise, we did not see him dance to his fullest capability, not even half his capability.. So I could not fully and fairly judge on it, where I could tell his natural movements have changed over the years, and could see aspects of his dance that changed to save energy. (from my dancers perspective), but quality, I cannot say he would have been any worse than before.. Now visually and creativally this by far was the greatest stage show Michael ever created.. The first time Michael went past, lighting, sound, and explosions to bring out a show. The set, staging, and all the aspects that went into it was like NEVER before. Definatly a revolutionary step in the concert eliment.

my personal outlook, some may hate what I'll say, some will agree.. I think Michael wanted to extend his creative outlook with this concert, now in someways it worked for him in the aspect that it help set up things where he would get more rest in areas that he would not need it in the past, and/or get captivated by the SHOW in itself, so we may not notice some less stamina by him. Non the less, a great show on all levels, vocally, visually, dance wise.. and all..
sony have cut scene MJ looking bad in rehearsal
and choose MJ look great to make movie
but human nature in This is it is amazing is voice man 50 years old

history 1st leg he have problem his heath 2nd his voice is better
Did you see TII?? I've never seen anything like it. It is incomparable!

The special affects and amazing ideas Michael topped everything he'd done before.

And he still sounded and danced great.
Did you see TII?? I've never seen anything like it. It is incomparable!

The special affects and amazing ideas Michael topped everything he'd done before.

And he still sounded and danced great.

Yea with the special effects all the 3D stuff this would of topped any tour overall but his dancing and energy in the 96 tours was amazing aswell tho
I think it would have been better than HIStory because it was more live.

I was hoping that bits of it would be unplugged and stripped back though after Kenny Ortega said there were going to be intimate moments. I didn't see any intimate moments in the film.

I think in Hollywood "intimate" means any unscripted dialogue.
HIStory Tour still, for me, has some of MJ's best dancing at the second leg. His robotics were at its best here. I don't really mind the lipsyncing as I look at the dancing. Costume design was awesome too.

He was sick around the time from about the time he was touring in Korea to Thailand. The moonwalk wasn't very good. Then during the second leg he got sick around the time of Vienna to Munich. This time he was much smoother with his moves but didn't do some dance moves like hopping or four-corner moonwalk in Billie Jean... In August he started to do the heel-swinging move less and focused more on robotics. By the end of the tour he was somewhat lazier (as seen in Cape Town and Durban) but really smooth. I don't blame him as during these days he was depressed over the passing of Princess Diana. :(

This Is It is great too, though I'd say you're comparing rehearsals to final tour... But it's final visuals and designs would have been amazing.
I think TII would have been Michael's GREATEST tour of all time. There are so many fresh ideas in it.

I actually agree. If it wasn't going to be his best, then it would been up there for sure though, but visually it was definitely going to blow everything he ever did away. "This Is It" would have been awesome.