This Is It The Grand Finale


Proud Member
Aug 7, 2011
The Grand Finale
Jackson’s concerts in London were intended to end with a full-scale stereoscopic Boeing 707 taxiing out onto the stage in profile, with its wing appearing to hang out over the audience. Then a real gangway would lift from the stage up to the door of the CG aircraft. A real door was built into the screen. Jackson would then exit the stage through the door into the CG plane. As the music played, the aircraft would taxi into the distance, turn around and take off over the audience's heads.
“The technical challenge in that shot was that it had to line up perfectly and interact with the stage and the performance,” says Kaminar. “During the rehearsals, first at the Forum and then at the Staples Center, they set up the screen on the stage so we were able to do tests with the actual door in the screen and see the stereoscopic footage of the plane behind the stage.”
“We’re constantly refining our stereoscopic pipeline, and this project, with all its unexpected twists and turns, really tested us,” notes Kaminar.
“Michael Jackson was a pop icon who redefined music,” says Kenneth. “It was an honor to be working with him, not knowing it would be his last performance. Our entire crew felt a significant emotional loss when we heard the news of Michael’s passing, but getting to finish meant we could do our part to realize his vision for his final project.”

I guess I'm late but I just found out that this was how he was to end the show. I can't fathom how cool it would be to see that happen.:wild: Would it have been a prop type or radio controlled plane to fly over the audience? I hope this is an extra on the DVD.:eek:
Oh my God, like the rocket offstage during Dangerous Tour, but more final. =( The more we find out about this show, the eerier it gets... (and well, yeah, sad.) If there was any footage of that, they should have used it to close the movie with (DVD maybe?) That's how I want to remember/think of "There goes MJ, getting on a plane to jet off somewhere far away and exciting to make more magic..."
Thank you for sharing this information and article. I haven't seen any discussion of this before. It would have been amazing.

This paragraph in the article made me sad:

"“When the whole thing started, it wasn’t anyone’s intention to create a feature film,” explains Kaminar, “but that changed after Michael Jackson’s death. We felt it was our mission to honor his vision and finish the work, according to the instructions in his notes to us. Those notes, from the days before he passed away, were our final directions.”"
Wow that would of been really cool. hopefully there is something on the dvd about it since they said they'd been testing bits of it with the screen and tweaking it
The more things I hear about what was going to be the more my heart gets even heavier. All of this would have been so amazing and it didn't get to happen :cry:
sounds great... but makes me think why we don't see so many of those ideas in TII film? :mellow:

Probably because they weren't filmed or there wasn't enough footage to make a full scene.

Don't forget they filmed the rehearsal so MJ could critique the performance and make adjustments. So, I wouldn't be surprised if filming was limited to when MJ & the dancers & singers were on stage.
Imagine we saw the concert full with Michael performing in front of audience... God... life is bitch!
This is it would have been so fantastic...