This Is It! (the album) already on sale!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just went into a music store in The Netherlands (called "Sounds"), and they already have the This Is It! album for sale...

Are they the first to sell it?
I just went into a music store in The Netherlands (called "Sounds"), and they already have the This Is It! album for sale...

Are they the first to sell it?

So how are the Demos??? What about the booklet and what about the poem??
The album looked great! It's a cardboard cd, with a booklet of photo's (from the movie) seald in....

Don't know how the tracks sound.... I didn't brought my wallet with me, so I couldn't buy thr album...
sounds like a smart idea... go shopping without any money lol
You don't believe me?

just call them, they will let you know the sell the album:

Sounds Delft
Brabantse Turfmarkt 83
2611 CM Delft
015 - 2131053
I believe you, just like the tickets for the movie, in some countries they went on sale before the official date (27th sept.)
what are you doing online?! go back to the shop and buy it!!!!!!!!! then post photos and give us a review lol
Yeppp stop talking and move your ass to the shop damn......
Why would he want to have another Greatest Hits package? I don't blame him if he doesn't want to buy it, it's just another greatest hits package with 1 unreleased song and 3 demos. Maybe I'll buy it when it's on discount some day, but I am not going to spend 20 euros on it now. Nevertheless, I am curious about the demos and the booklet, so I hope to see a review soon here.
I got an email from Amazon saying my CD had just been shipped? Maybe they are available elsewhere already?
I was at The Musicstore today and asked about my pre order and they told me that maybe they receive the albums on saturday and they might be selling it then too.
But I'm not getting my hopes up...
hmv uk sent a email on 20/10/09 saying . Your order’s in the post, and should be with you soon
hmv uk sent a email on 20/10/09 saying . Your order’s in the post, and should be with you soon
Yeah, I got the same one. I think they sent them early because of the postal strikes.