This Is It: Review with Disney Insights

White Shadow

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I saw this review and I thought it was interesting that there were Disney referrences in it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Michael Jackson " This is It " documentary pays tribute to the Haunted Mansion !

I saw tonight in Paris the Michael Jackson doumentary "This is it". And it's great, really. You should go see it for two reasons: First, the editing is perfectly done and it's almost like a concert. You don't see Michael's death, they stop the movie before. Michael is in good physical condition - he was almost 50 so he don't have the same energy he had at 35, but you definitely don't have the feeling that he was at "the doors of death".

But there is also one very good reason for you, Disneyland super-fans, to go see it and it's this one: They've filmed for this concert-that-never-was a new video for the "Thriller" sequence which was supposed to be projected on stage, and guess what? a big part of it is totally inspired by the Haunted Mansion! No doubt that it is due to Michael's love of Disneyland.

For instance, do you remember the key-keeper Audio-Animatronic that we see in the attraction shaking at the doors of the cemetary? Of course you do. Well, he is in this video as one of the ghosts. Just like the other ghosts which are sit on the chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the Haunted Mansion ball room! And guess what? They had envisioned to have people holding ghosts walking in the walkways during the concert, and the ghosts look just like the one flying in the cemetery of the HM!

For all these reasons, beginning by the fact that it is a great documentary and almost a concert, go see it while it is in theatres, i promise you'll enjoy it!

Publié par Alain Littaye à l'adresse 2:39 PM
Libellés : haunted mansion, michael jackson, this is it
On a separate but related topic, I remember seeing a book of photos of Disney attractions, and there was a picture of an Egyptian king, queen and attendant that looked very much like the video scene for 'Remember the time'...I've never been to any Disney sites, but the book was oldish so I think the photo was from one of the American attractions. Maybe this is a well-known conection...I'm not sure.