'This Is It' poised to be a hit


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson docu bows in 3,500 theaters Tuesday night

By Carl DiOrio
Oct 26, 2009, 06:48 PM ET

ORLANDO -- The gloved one looks likely to have a posthumous hit at the boxoffice this weekend.

Sony bows the Michael Jackson documentary "This Is It" as the session's sole wide release. But despite the relatively competition-free frame, Sony will get the jump on the weekend by moonwalking "This Is It" into about 3,500 theaters starting at 9 p.m. PDT on Tuesday.

Execs said they expect roughly the same number of engagements over the weekend.

"Advance sales have been very good," Sony distribution topper Rory Bruer said. "This is something unique. It's an event, and we're very excited about the potential but really can't quantify it yet."

"This Is It" opens amid reams of free media hype and broad expectations of a big opening. Advance ticketing has been strong for the pic, which Sony says will play in theaters for two weeks only.

Regal Entertainment will christen its new 14-plex in downtown Los Angeles' L.A. Live complex by programming "This Is It" on every screen for its first few days.

Online ticket sales began about a month ago, with hundreds of performances quickly selling out, including all the 9 p.m. shows Tuesday at the L.A. Live venue. Prerelease tracking surveys suggest the music-filled docu could ring up $40 million or more through Sunday

Jackson died June 25, and Sony subsequently acquired distribution rights for a reported $60 million. The film -- which bows simultaneously with its domestic opening in most international territories -- offers footage from the pop singer's rehearsal sessions for a planned month of concerts in London.

Though Sony says the pic will play for two weeks only, execs likely will reassess that strategy if it plays well.

In a related gambit, a new Jackson song called "This Is It" was released a couple of weeks ago and has received wide radio airplay.

Faced with the onslaught of "This Is It" and competition on Saturday from Halloween, other distributors won't be debuting any other new wide releases.


Is it me or is 40M$ over 5 days is very low?
very low 250 million in 5 days im guessing and that is no joke look around in other countries!!! so many people have got tickets !!!!!
40 million or more film will earn in only 3 weekend days and 5 days it's gonna be around 80 million - it depends what is going happend on weensday!

See predictions for only 3 days:

Halloween weekend is the worst for Box Office...I guess we will see.

I was on a non MJ board, and many people are saying they wish they could see the movie, but IT IS SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE.

Who came up with the idea of putting so much emphasis on the 1600 shows that sold out? Bad bad idea...The movie is so FAR from selling out.

Bad Bad Strategy.
40 million is low, I guarantee This Is It does over 80 million by Sunday... minimum. Watch and see.

don't jinx it...please.

I read a report where it says based on industry survey, mostly fans will go see the movie. But in order to be a success, the movie needs to attract non fans as well.
Hopefully non fans will also wanna see it.

I really really hope that it will be a huge succes.
Doesn't Miley Cyrus hold the box-office record for a concert/doccumentary film, at about $65 million (during it's whole cinema showing lifetime)?

It would be amazing if MJ could beat that record!
Hits Daily Double Is predicting This Is It soundtrack will sell over 300,000 copies and debut at #1 in the US (same debut numbers as Invincible), and damn good for an album most fans thought nobody would buy and for an album that is essentially re-releases. (US numbers)
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Hits Daily Double Is predicting This Is It soundtrack will sell over 300,000 copies (same debut numbers as Invincible), and damn good for an album most fans thought nobody would buy and for an album that is essentially re-releases.

Is that 300,000 figure prediction just for the US or is it worldwide?
That's pretty amazing then so that means the This Is It soundtrack could potentially sell over 500,000 copies worldwide in its full first week of sales.
That's pretty amazing then so that means the This Is It soundtrack could potentially sell over 500,000 copies worldwide in its full first week of sales.

If HDD's predictions become a reality, then first week global sales would be over 600,000.
There are a large amount of non fans that want to watch it, almost all of my family have purchased tickets as well as some of my non fan friends. I have a good feeling about it :)
That red carpet event was spectacular. Sony and AEG really know how to put on an event. That was amazing how many stars turned out. Half of Hollywood is there haha.
to be honest, I don't think this movie ganna be the big success like AEG predict. 40millions is reasonable. This movie is for mj fans, and from my acknowledge the non mj fans seems not so interested.
I have had quite a few non-fans indicate an intention to go. There alot of people who are fascinated with Michael the artist/performer and would be interested in seeing this, as much as there will be people who could not care less. So let us just wait and see. I expect to be very pleased with the results!
So far, around me mostly MJ fans have gone / going to the movie. I spoke to a couple of non fans and highly recommended that they go see it.
I really hope the movie is successful...for Michael.

I find it sad that MJ's own fans have brought on so much bad publicity to his last effort. How ironic, they weren't able to separate the sad events surrounding his death from his art! Their lost.