"This is it" only rated 7.3/10 on IMDB !!

I think that the people who gave it 1 star are just haters who have never watched the movie
Imdb is a crock of shit..... Not because of the This Is It rating just in general
Well its not really a film. I think a 7-8 sounds about right.
I think it should be about a 8.5 honestly
but it shouldn't bother us really... a lower rating than we think it should have won't make the film anyless amazing than it already is :)
It's annoying how a lot of people judged the film before seeing it. I often argue that you don't have to be a fan of MJ to appreciate it. It's interesting just seeing how much work goes into putting a tour together and since watching it, everytime I go to a concert now I am aware of all the hard work that goes into it.
please vote evrybody !

give a 9 ! (not a 10 because it doesn't count)
Who cares. Ratings are completely irrelevant anyway, especially ratings based on "popularity". Since when have the plebeians had good taste, anyway? I pity anyone who takes these public ratings thing seriously and decides against watching a film solely on that. The least they can do is give it a try, or if they're that set on ratings, at least acquire them from professional film critics and not just common people with terrible taste in films.
Imdb is a crock of shit..... Not because of the This Is It rating just in general

Not true. Ratings on this site are pretty simmilar to ratings i would give to a movie, so the site helps me to avoid bad movies.

It's such a shame !

go here and vote !

give a 9 because a 10 sometimes doesn't count on IMDB !


Why is it a shame? Considering the fact that it was very badly mixed and that it is actually a mix of 1000 footages, rating is just fine. I rated TII with 8, but if i would not love MJ so much, i could easily rate with 7...