"This is It" on Brazilian television

Other TV shows that will focus on Michael on VH1 Brasil (always local time):

09:00 PM O Legado de Michael Jackson (Michael Jackson's Legacy)
10:00 PM Famous Crime Scenes: Michael Jackson
11:00 PM Top 10 Michael Jackson Hits
11:30 PM Michael Jackson: O Lado Humano (Michael Jackson: The Human Side)
Thank you, Christiano, for the information. It is great for us to know what is going on around the world.

The last one sounds very interesting. It would be great if we could get some information on what was aired.
UGH!!! I hate that I dont have VH1 Brazil!! :(

The movie was a huge success!! The channel had a great audience while airing This Is It!!

Unfortunately I can't celebrate any tv shows about Michael since he passed away. I can watch them, but I dont get happy anymore! :-\
HBO ran TII 3 or 4x during the anniversary, which i think is great because this enabled "non-fans" and those who couldnt afford to watch or buy the dvd to watch. HBO is offered on basic cable in our country
Thanks for sharing.
Brazilians are so..... LUCKY!!!!!
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Look, the TV Globo is free chanel and allowed to pass the documentary network television before cable television. Here in Brazil, Cable TVs have priority to view documentaries and the Globe has won permission to display before any other.
Not to mention that the Globe hardly a film that was released a short time.