This Is It old song, further proof

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This Is It is definately recorded from Dangerous era latest, for me, probably long before. Firstly we know the Jacksons have had nothing to do with Michael's creative music for some time and most of them had hardly been to any rehearsals, so they definately won't have recorded vocals to put on the song before Michael's death.

Secondly, I found this demo of Workin Day anmd Night from off the wall/thriller era and the way he counts ONE TWO THREE FOUR is exactly the same and makes me think it was recorded around the same time, maybe even during the same demo recording process.

His voice is not recent, any proper MJ fan can hear that. Sony are having us all on. Although I thank them for releasing Mike's music, they are a disgrace and have missed a huge opportunity here. I hope they release a new album in time but don't think they ever will be in drip fed to us to cash in.
After listening to it many times today, I think it clearly sounds like a 1980-84 Michael, could be wrong though - I thought people were aware it was recored around then
I have read somewhere it was written in 1980. But I need confirmation from somebody who knows better, because in articles they write it was an outtake from Dangerous. So which is true?
Vocally, I think it definitely sounds like 1980-84 Michael.

Musically, to me it almost sounds like a track off of Destiny.....sort of like Bless His Soul.

Anyway, I love it. It does sound unfinished, but I love it.
the song was registared around 1980. and can we stop having 20 threads on the same topic. theres to many threads on the song. why everything cant be kept in one place instead of the board being spammed i dont know.ppl dont need to start a new thread just to state their opinion
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