This Is It mosaic


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Shanghai, China
first....what is it to be exact? we cannot see it in the movie. what is it for?
and i just checked on the website...i find it a little dissapointing.

some people submit more than one pictures and i think its choose randomly so there are many names repeated. 1 person could have more than 10 picts in the about other fans that submit pictures but didnt get a chance to be there because these people get more than 1 space?

ok maybe its because i didnt get my pictures included but i think its really not fair. they should carefully choose it instead of doing it randomly which probably computerize
I did submit a pic for this and a few days later my friend did aswell. Yesterday I was checking where my pic was and guess what I'm not even on it while my friend is. And some people are on there a few times and I also spotted way stupid pics which where most likely only submitted for fun. I find it a bit unfair too. Why have some people like 3+ pics? Why are the crazy pics left in? While some fans who submitted on time are not even in it.
where did you see it??
I wanna see it too, I uploaded my picturtee
Well as far as I know it doesn't really have a purpose. It was more something for fans to show thier support. The idea was cool but how it worked out..:no: Don't get me wrong I'm happy for the fans who made it in there but so many have been left out while submitting thier pic on time. To me it became something different then it was ment for at some points.
Whe I submitted my picture a new page loaded telling me where my photo was gonna be. It took me a while to find cos they didn't have the option to chose Ireland at the start (They added it later) so I had to choose England. Plus I couldn't remember what I chose as my favourite song (it changes a lot) but I eventually found it by going through everyone that shares my first name :smilerolleyes: Anyone have any problems like that? I was sure that everyone that submitted would be included.
Yay! I found my 2 pics on it. :D
Also just an FYI if some of you think you didn't get in may have. I tried using the search thing when I first got to the link and it brought up no results. So I zoomed in and started looking at other people's pics, then used the search again and that time it brought up my results.