This Is It- Michaels Message


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To all mj fans who are thinking that Michael knew the future:
He did not. But God knew it. He sent this message to us trough Michael by all these words: "This Is It" and "the final curtain call". Do you remeber how Michael showed his love to fans by saying: "I love you so much. I really do. You have to know that. From the bottom of my heart" It seemed like a final goodbye. I think the movie will include tons of those messages.
What do you think? Is there something unhuman about it or we just make up it in our minds?
:( I hope we do get to hear Michael speak in the movie as we haven't really heard much from him! and the This Is It conferance is so eerie now :( I wish he didn't call this his Final Curtain Call. But we all have to remember that he did love us so much!!
I think we'll see a lot of Michael talking.

But I think we are reading way too into the whole "This Is It" message.
Do you remember this Text from Michael .







That scares me because all that happend .
I was thinking about that too this morning, just after waking up, for the very first time... I don't believe a minute in god's schedules or any other esoteric stuff but I just said to myself that the press conference sounded so much like an au revoir that it creates some kind of -unacceptable- coherence in this tragedy... I mean, he presented his gig as the last one, rather than trying to promote it positively. He's been badly criticized for this mess in communication, btw.
Take out the "see u in july" and it could be as well a conclusion than an intro. I remember the day when the PC was aired. MJ was so late, but the excitation was bigger and bigger, we expected explanations and enthusiasm at the height of the surprise he wanted to make to the world. But it crashed in a way. To me, the tone of it sounded more like an end than a beginning. I felt frustrated and I didn't understand at the time.
In a word, you don't need to have faith in god to organize history your own way. It's human to put sense on everything ! If Mike was still alive his shows would probably know an enormous success at this time, and the PC hiccups wouldn't be so dramatic, and the fact he expressed his love to the fans the way he did would be understood differently...
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I remember watching that live and actually crying and being angry...It felt like a goodbye to me. He said "Last performances in London" and I just focused the word "Last" and I flipped and started crying and actually said "What?!? You came all this way to give bad news?!?"

It was weird. I have no idea why I reacted like that, I'm a positive person. I still haven't watched that conference since he has died, I don't think I will ever be able to.
MJHistory22, thanks, it sounds really weird now... 'The time has come'... omg so dilogical...
I don't think the title and the subject of his last public announcement is a coincidence. I agree with the OP....also, this puts me at ease because even thought Michael did not know, he was unconsciously prepared.
Yes i believe in Universal syncronicities, it was Michaels time and the universe always has the perfect divine plan laid out. I believe alot of positive experiences will come out of this collective event upon humanity as it already has, by opening the heart centre and compassion upon the people, more creative juices are gone flow into dancers and singers.
Yes i believe in Universal syncronicities, it was Michaels time and the universe always has the perfect divine plan laid out. I believe alot of positive experiences will come out of this collective event upon humanity as it already has, by opening the heart centre and compassion upon the people, more creative juices are gone flow into dancers and singers.

Woow. I don't see anything but psychological accommodation. You can find the "sings" on everything.
It is purely coincidential.

you say it like you have the 100% correct answer when infact, no-one does..

I did NOT get a good feeling of that press conferance either. I was more upset then happy in a strange way because of all the "this is it" and "final curtain call". I was on msn talking with like..15 Mj fans and we all felt the was so sad! but of course SO exciting aswell as he was going to perform!!!

How I miss the days I was counting down to see him :( If I'm not too mistaken my last MSN nickname countdown was on 18 days.

Well, if he had the feeling he could die, I think he wouldn't have engaged himself in it. At the press conference, he was ill at ease, which isn't a surprise, knowing the context. First, it was the first time for years that he met his public, announcing a major artistic event. He probably asked himself questions about his popularity at this time. People around Michael said that he was astonished that a massive group of fans was waiting for him at the O2. Then, when he crashed the Tiketmaster's server, he cried of joy... At the beginning there were only 10 dates, then 20, 45, 50... They wouldn't expect that for presales, Michael did not neither. Plus, he was probably hit by the Hold My Hand fiasco. Aside of that, everything had to be created from nothing... When you have no idea of who you will work with, what the show will look like at the end, etc. and the whole world is looking at you, you have so much reasons to be stressful.
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When he was speaking during the PC he also said 'These will be my final SHOW perfomances in London'.He didn't say shows with an s,which I thought sounded a bit strange at the time.& all the available footage is going to make this one final show now I guess.
I was lucky enough to have been there at the O2..its a wierd story and havent shared it on the forum yet. I'd gone to a job interview that day and had called my mu around 5:30 to tell her how it went (still hadnt heard whether id got it)...just as I was saying goodbye to her she said 'oh Michael is at the O2 doing a press conference, they just said so on the TV' - now i'd heard the rumours but we all know what it was liek to be anMJ fan - there were ALWAYS rumours about movies and new albums etc. I said 'ok, ill head down there just in case i get a glimpse of him' - thinking i'd jst see a crowd and a black SUV as usual!

I made my way down to the O2 and the energy there brought back memories of waiting outside wembly on 15th July 1997 for HISTory concert; it was electric. There were people waitin to get in for the xfactor show mixed with people from all over who'd heard Michael was going to be there. The xfactor people had forgotten what they were there to do and got caught up in the fever.

I got security checked and got in..the whole place was done up in TII gear and there was this massive meadia presence. I had to weave my way half way to the front and stand on my laptop bag (WITH HEELS!) to see over people's heads.

He came out after ages - as usual and it was definately different...his energy was there but it was quite surreal. MJ seemed motorised..definately like he had been asked to come there and was not there as a free agent. Thats how i interpreted the dialogue about 'curtain call'..he really seemed like he had been persuaded!!! But at the same time you can never really tell as his 'brief' announcment was also typical MJ - shy etc.

In the end I went home not convinced it was even going to happen..and i dont say this in retrospect...i was suprised at myself at the time. but then again, we had learned to protect ourselves from disappointment (from endless rumours of projects) over the last 10 years - esp. after invincible...TII really was too good to be true in many ways.

Anyway..since MJ passed I thought alot about that day I went to the interview..its wierd...I didnt get the job I applied for but the company offered me a job doing something else. It was like I was meant to apply to that company, meant to get an interview and meant to be in London that day. I am lucky I got to say goodbye to Michael on what REALLY WAS his final curtain call..his last ever public appearance.