This Is It & investigation & tickets


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK.
Can anyone please tell me if This is It is DEFINITELY coming out on DVD. I have decided that i am not going to go to the cinema to see it, as i think i will get too upset, but want to make sure that i will definitely be able to get it on DVD. Also, does anyone have any updates on the investigation?? I am getting increasingly stressed about the fact that nobody has been charged with anything yet. Plus - I think i got my ticket today - a special delivery package arrived at my house but i was not there - am away on business but should be able to collect it on Sat - will let you all know!! Thanks x
yes its coming out on dvd. no news about investigation
I have decided that i am not going to go to the cinema to see it, as i think i will get too upset

You will get upset by watching DVD too, but by refusing to watch TII on cinema you loose the only possibility to see Michael in huge screen and to listen to his songs full blast. Cinema is closest thing to seing Michael in concert now :( You don't want to kick yourself after it's too late, really! If you are afraid of people's reaction to your tears, buy 3 tickets for yourself in early hours :) And enjoy Michael :wub:
Olved made a good point there! That's how I see it as well. I'm going on October 28th and November 1st and I know I will be a bloody mess, crying like a baby, and I don't care what anyone thinks of me. Just hope there isn't any funeral footage or footage right after he died with people all upset, but even so.

I'm with you on the getting stressed out about the investigation. Why is it taking so long ? don't know, haven't got a clue, they sure are taking their sweet time to arrest Murray's A$$
yeah thats the only reason im going to the cinema. i dont want to regret not seeing on the big screen in the years to come
Ok - so i thought about what you all said and have now booked tickets to see TII at the cinema on Thurs night. I hope i don't get too upset!!!!! Hope it is wonderful.

I also got my concert souvenir ticket at last today!!! Am so glad i have got it safe and sound. it is really beautiful - a shocking pink colour with a hologram of MJ on the front - when you move it it changes from him standing there to a robot type thingy in the same pose. There is light coming from his hands. It also came with a lovely memorial booklet - cried my eyes out!!!!! It is really lovely.

I miss him :-(
Loopy, I very much doubt you'll be the only person crying. I know I'm going to be in a right mess when I watch it. I have to swallow the tears whenever I hear him on the radio these days. :(
It is defiantly going to be out on DVD and Blu-ray on my This Is It album there's a little promotion for the DVD and the Blu-ray release.
I am not going to watch it either. First, because still investigations are going on and do not want to see him happy knowing that in a few hours he will be killed. It is too much for me. Second. I want to wait till somebody will go to jail then I will rent it and watch. It is too soon for me to watch it. I am not sure that guys from AEG are not involeved in his death.
No speculation, raving lunatic fans, or anyone would stop me from going to watch Michael on the cinematic screen for the last time in history. No way! This is your last chance don't waste it.